[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter April 9th, 2009 - Um Tetra com fecundação interna ?
viviparos viviparos.com
Sábado, 25 de Abril de 2009 - 01:26:44 WEST
Prezados colegas,
Não é vivíparo mas é uma completa novidade para mim… Pterobrycon myrnae, um
Tetra com fecundação interna ?
Qualquer dia até os Ciprinídeos terão espécies ovovivíparas ?
Quem sabe ?
Um abraço
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: sexta-feira, 10 de Abril de 2009 01:01
Para: cyprinodon clix.pt
Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter April 9th, 2009
For the first time ever in Europe: Pterobrycon myrnae, the Semaphore tetra
It was only twice, 1998 and 2008, that we received the Semaphore Tetra by
Thomas Schulz. This fish is restricted to fast running brooks in Costa Rica.
It is a spectacular tetra and luckily absolute unproblematic and peaceful.
It has an internal fertalization and the female is able to store the sperms
over a long period. The fish has an extreme sexual dimorphism. Females are
plain blue-grey, whereas the males are particulary colorful. Only the males
develope the semaphore-like long scales which are responsible for the common
name. Moreover the males have longer anal and ventral fins. The females
become slightly bigger (up to 55 mm total length) than the males, which stay
10-15 mm smaller. The mating rituals are very interesting to observe. During
this the male presents the „semaphore scales“ widely spread. We were able to
produce a little offspring from the wild collected fish which will be
offered by Aquarium Glaser in very near future. The eggs are attached on
substrates by the female. The sexes are distinguishable as late as when the
fish are six months old. We hope that this interesting tetra will become
established in the aquarium hobby now. We currently work on the F1
Text: Peter and Martin Hoffmann
Photos: Peter Hoffmann
Garra rufa – a perfect algae eater!
The doctor fish (Garra rufa) is famous due to the fact that the population
of this fish that lives in the Kangal thermes in Turkey can be used to help
people with bad skin sicknesses, like psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and so
on. This fish shows no shyness against humans at all, comes at once and
behaves on the skin as it would do with its natural food: aufwuchs (algae
and the small animals that live between them). It does remove dead skin and,
thus, cleans up inflamed areas, permitting new tissues to grow. Especially
juveniles are really mad for cleaning human skin and to eat algae.
The self test made by me to get the photos shown here showed clearly that
the fish prefer to clean skin instead of wood, but nevertheless Garra rufa
can be recommended as a wonderful algae eater. Which other species of algae
eater can be presented to friends and visitors as a trained animal that
swims to the hand as soon as one puts it in the water?
Garra rufa can be easily kept in the aquarium in a temperature range between
16 and 30°C. It should be kept in a group. Maximum length is approx. 10 cm
TL. For our customers: the fish has code 416451 on our stocklist.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Pygocentrus piraya
The „real“ piranha, Pygocentrus piraya, is restricted to the river system of
the Sao Francisco in southern Brazil. It is a up to 30 cm long species,
which is characterized by its deep red breast and the mighty jaws when it is
fully grown.
Most piranha species belong to the genus Serrasalmus. Externally Pygocentrus
and Serrasalmus are very similar, but the behaviour of the members of the
two genera is completely different. All Serrasalmus are fin eaters and
solitary fish whereas all three Pygocentrus species (P. caribe, P. nattereri
and P. piraya) are schooling fish.
This means that P. piraya should be kept in real big aquaria, as it becomes
a large fish and must be kept in groups. When they reach maturity, pairs
build up small territories (places around large plants are most wanted).
They dig out spawning pits by hitting away the gravel with the caudal fin
and defend this against other fish. Only the male defends eggs (many
thousands) and fry. The brood care ends when the young become free swimming.
Usually no piranha will attack a human being. Nevertheless you should keep
respect as the fish have razorsharp teeth and can give really heavy bites.
There is only real danger when the aquarium is too small for the fish and
they cannot get out of the way or during feeding times, as by chance the
piranha can take the keeper’s finger for food by mistake.
All in all P.piraya is a gorgeous fish for show tanks where it can also show
its faszinating and highly developed behaviour.
Text & Photo: Frank Schäfer
Trichogaster trichopterus „Golden Red Eye“
The Spotted Gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus, is one of most widespread
species of fish in Southeast Asia. Its range starts in the west at the
burmes/thai border, it contents the Sunda islands and reaches in the East to
China. Additionally the species has been introduced almost worldwide as a
food fish in tropical climates.
Crossing of different natural populations leads very fast to cultivated
forms. This effect is well known from other ornamental fish also, like Guppy
or Angelfish. In these species the initially plan free crossing of specimens
led to many cultivated forms, too.
The golden cultivated form of the Spotted Gourami is known for a long time
already. It is part of the daily stock in any pet shop worldwide. But
currently the breeders have tried to produce a better quality in this fish
and this resulted in what we call „Golden Red Eye“, a sport that has
brillant colours and a ruby-red eye.
For our customers: the animals have code 470022 on our stocklist. Please
note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
For more news please check the AQUALOGnews and TERRALOGnews six times a
year. For a free download of the latest issue please click here
<http://www.aqualog.de/news/news_pdfen/news85e.pdf> .
We wish you a happy, happy easter time with lots of colorful eggs!
...and please do not forget to visit our homepage
<http://www.aquariumglaser.com/en/> to get weekly updates !
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