[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter August 13th, 2010
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Quinta-Feira, 16 de Setembro de 2010 - 21:36:16 WEST
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Um abraço
Miguel Andrade
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: Nenhum
Para: Miguel Andrade
Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter August 13th, 2010
Potamotyphlos kaupii
Most people interested in natural history know two orders within the class Amphibia,
namely the Anura (frogs, toads etc.) and the Caudata (news, salamanders etc.). Much
less people know that there is a third order, the Gymnophiona (caecilians), although
this order has more than 180 species. However, most of them are nocturnal and live
burrowed in the ground, so one hardly ever comes in touch with them. If it happens,
the caecilians are often taken wrongly as gigantic earthworms.
Some genera of the Gymnophiona live exlusively in freshwater. One of them,
Typhlonectes natans from Colombia, has even managed to become a quite popular
aquarium inhabitant, usually sold as "blind eel".
>From a biologist´s point of view the caecilians are very interesting creatures. The
land living, egglaying species take brood care, and the water living, livebearing
species develope a kind of umbilical cord, by which the unborn are fed by the mother.
There are males and females in caecilians, the males have a kind of penis which is
used for the internal fertalization.
In contrast to Typhlonectes natans, which is uniform black, Potamotyphlos kaupii has
a quite attractive colour pattern. Our specimens originate from Peru. So far we were
able to import only a few specimens. They proofed to be much more sensitive than
their black cousin from Colombia. Especially they were quite sensitive for fungus
infection of the skin. However, once they are settled they are as easy to keep as T.
natans. The eyeless animals orientate by the scent and so they find their prey (in
the aquarium mainly frozen food like bloodworm). It is very important to cover the
tank absolutely tight.
For our customers: the animals have code 281724 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Potamotyphlus: from ancient Greek, "potamon" meaning "river" and "typhlos"
meaning "blind", eg "blind river dweller". kaupii: dedication name. Typhlnectes:
ancient Greek, "typhlos" meaning "blind", "nectes" meaning "swimmer", eg "blind
swimmer". natans: Latin, meaning "swimming, drifting".
Suggestion of a common name: Kaup´s caecilian, zebra caecilian
Text & photo: Frank Schäfer
Barbus candens
Three very similar species of dwarfish barbs occur in the central Congo basin. All of
them become only 3-4 cm long. Additional forms are already known, but not researched
scientifically yet. The three described species are B. candens, B. hulstaerti, and B.
papilio. They live in shadowy brooks that have a acidic (pH 5.0 - 5.7) and cool
(21-23°C) water.
Barbus candens, the one we were able to import recently, is the largest of the three,
it becomes about 4 cm long. It is a very beautiful and peaceful species that fits
perfectly for nano tanks. As in all members of the group, males may be recognized by
the coloured dorsal fin, which is hyaline in females.
For our customers: the species has code 100694 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Barbus: Latin, means "the bearded one", referring to the barbels. candens:
Latin, means "shining, glittering, white gleaming"; hulstaerti: dedication name;
papilio: Latin, means "Butterfly".
Suggestion of a common name: Blacknose Butterfly Barb
Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer
Issue No 91 of TERRALOGnews, English version, is now available as free download via
http://aqualog.de/news/news_pdfen/News91e.pdf. Enjoy!
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