[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter May 29th, 2009
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Sábado, 30 de Maio de 2009 - 22:40:15 WEST
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Trachelyopterus galeatus é outro caso interessante de uma espécie com
fertilização interna e na qual os machos possuem um órgão especial para o
No entanto há neste número mais uma vez motivos de sobra para qualquer
aquariofilista ficar interessado.
Um abraço a todos
Miguel Andrade
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: sábado, 30 de Maio de 2009 01:01
Para: cyprinodon clix.pt
Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter May 29th, 2009
Opsodoras stuebelii
The Doradidae family contains around 90 species in about 35 genera. Thus
they represent only a minority among the huge number of catfishes existing
in South America. But all dordadid catfishes are really bizzarre and
desirable creatures for catfish enthusiasts.
There are dordaid catfishes that reach around one metre in length, but for
Opsodoras stuebelii only 10-15 cm total length are reported. Our specimens
originate from Paraguay and were determined using the standard aquarium
literature; however, there is some indication that our fish in truth
represent a species completely new to science (the „real“ Opsodoras
stuebelii has a much longer snout). Among the insiders of the „catfish
scene“ our fish is thatfore also known as „Doradidae sp. 2“.
Many doradid catfish are nocturnal and hide during daytimes. This is not
true for O. stuebelii, which is pretty active during daytimes. Against
congeneers O. stuebelii are totally peaceful, and although they cannot be
termed schooling fish they like to stand together in groups.
Regarding food and water parameters O. stuebelii are totally unpretending
and represent a hardy beginner´s species. One should only keep in mind that
they originate from subtropical areas and should not be kept year-in
year-out too warm.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi „Electric Blue“
The Ram is one of the most beautiful aquarium fishes. The wild Ram
originates from the llanos of the Orinoco. The newest sport of this dwarf
cichlids is blue all over the body. It is virtually impossible to illustrate
this very special colour in a high resolution picture. Only reducing the
resolution brings the effect to see the „Electric Blue“ coloration in a way
as one sees the fish with bare eyes.
Text: Frank Schäfer, photos: Frank Schäfer and Roman Neunkirchen
Yasuhikotakia splendida
The genus Yasuhikotaktia has been established in 2002 by Teodor Nalbant for
some species formerly placed in Botia. Currently the genus comprises 10
species, some of them are important ornamental fishes, like Y. morleti (an
elder well known synonym is Botia horae), Y. modesta, and Y. sidthimunki.
Others are so-to-say „on start“, like Y. nigrolineata.
The latest species that occured on the ornamental fish market is Y.
splendia, a species described in 1995 as Botia splendida. It differs from
its very close relative Y morleti only in coloration, which is, however,
striking different.
Until now the species is known only from the Xe Pian in Loas, but this does
not necessarily mean that it has not a much wider distribution. Together
with Y. splendida species like Y. modesta and Y. sidthimunki were found. The
latter, described from northern Thailand, also was thought to have a very
limited distribution and was even thought to be extinct for a while. In
their natural habitat, these species live in clear, running water with stony
Not much is known about the behaviour of Y. splendida, but it is very
unlikely that it differs much from the closely related Y. morleti (skunk
loach). The collecting sites for Y. splendida are far from the normal
routes, so there are only few and pretty expensive specimens available.
However, both Y. sidthimunki and Y. morleti are bred commercially for
decades now and so it is very likely that this posible with Y. splendida,
too, if the market is ready for the fish.
For our customers: the species has code 405203 on our stocklist. We have
only a very limited number in stock. Please note that we exclusively supply
the wholesale market.
Yasuhikotakia in honour to the Japanese scientist Yasuhiko Taki
Splendida: latin: shining
Morleti: named in honour for Morlet, the collector of the species
Sidthimunki: named in honour for Sidthimunk, the collector of the species
Horae: in honour for Sunder Lal Hora, an important Indian ichthyologist
Nigrolineata: latin „with black line“
Modesta: latin: undemanding, modest (due to the modest coloration of
preserved specimens)
Trachelyopterus galeatus
Already in 1766 this species was described under the name Silurus galeatus
by the founder of the zoological nomenclature, Carl von Linné. It is
extremely widespread in South America. Today this fish is classified in the
family Auchenipteridae, and within this family in the subfamily
Auchenipterinae. The species in Auchenipterinae share a very special
feature: the males have the first rays of the anal fin modified as a sexual
Currently, we have wonderful and large (12-15 cm) specimens from Guyana in
stock. The sexual differences can easily be spotted and so there is a good
opportunity for breeders to try themselves on this extraordinary species.
Details of the breeding behaviour are still unknown. It is believed that
they have an internal fertilization. The only thing known for sure is that
they spawn at night times exclusively.
A common name for this species is „Wooddrift Catfish“. Is is a nocturnal
species. The fish should be kept in large tanks with lots of hiding places.
Tnakmates should not be too small (minimum half length of the catfish),
otherwise they could be mistaken for food. The water parameters are
neglegtable in this species, temperature should be between 22°C and 28°C.
They can be fed with any usual fishfood, but one should keep in mind that it
necessary to feed them in the afternoon.
For our customers: the fish have code 297555 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply to the wholesale trade.
Trachelyopterus from greece trachelia = extreme and pteron = fin, eg „the
one with an extreme fin“
Galeatus: latin word for helmet, eg „the one that wears a helmet“
Auchenipteridae from the greece auchen: neck and pteron: fin, because of the
postion of the dorsal fin.
Rasbora kalochroma
We can offer currently one of the most beautiful rasboras, Rasbora
kalochroma, in perfect condition. The species originates from the islands
Borneo, Sumatra, Banka, and Biliton and the Malay Peninsula. Here they
inhabit waterbodies with very soft, acidic and deep dark brown water
(so-called blackwater). Like many other fishes from these waters (a
prominent example is the chocolate gourami) R. kalochroma is somewhat
difficult to transport. In nature, they live in virtually bacteria free
water. In the small amount of water that must be used for transport bacteria
grow very fast. The stress caused by these masses of bacteria suppresses the
immune system of the fish. This has in consequence that the fish are very
sensitve against any diseases although under regular conditions these
diseases would not harm the fish at all.
That is the reason why in former days species like Rasbora kalochroma were
thought to be impossible to keep. The very sophisticated way ornamental fish
are transported today solved the problem. Fast transport and UV-burners that
effectively low down the bacterial pressure during the inital settlement of
the fishes swept the stigma of unkeepability of R. kalochroma away. However,
R, kalochroma are still demanding fishes, but any hobbyist is able to
fullfil their needs.
And so we can hope that in the near future also the riddle of breeding the
species will be solved. Until today virtually nothing is known about
For our customers: the animals have code 453202 on our stocklist. Please
note that we exclusively supply the wholesale market.
Rasbora – the native bengali name for Rasbora rasbora
Kalochroma - from greek „with beautiful colours“
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