[Cyprinodontiformes] Projecto Internacional de Goodeiídeos (13)
viviparos viviparos.com
Sábado, 30 de Maio de 2009 - 22:59:58 WEST
Prezados colegas,
O projecto já tem nome e formato.
Chama-se Goodeid Working Group (GWG) e já está activo.
Mais do que nunca impõe-se avançar rapidamente na actualização desta
mensagens aqui para a lista.
Após a mensagem de Colin Grist à minha mensagem, surgiram nos dias
consecutivos várias reacções das quais se destacam as que hoje aqui se
Nunca é demais alertar-vos para o facto de que, dentro das disponibilidades
de tempo livre, será sempre possível fazer-se alguma tradução se necessário.
-----Mensagem original-----
De: Poecilia Scandinavia
Enviada: terça-feira, 6 de Janeiro de 2009 18:43
Para: Michael Koeck; Ivan Dibble; Martin Ravn Tversted; Joel Healy; Miguel
Andrade; Colin Grist; Omar Dominguez; Brian Zimmerman; Miguel Zapater; Matt
Naumann; Alain Grioche; Gasper Gomboc; Guenther Schleussner; Gunter
Teichmann; Guenter-Ellenberg; Horváth Balázs; Kleine Horst; Harro
Hieronimus; Anton Weissenbacher; Dietmar Kunath; Erwin Radax; Patrick
Schmitz; Roman Slaboch; Kees de Jong; Stefan Hertwig; Jen Nightingale, Jonny
Rudd, Alessio Arbuiatti
Assunto: Re: Michael Koeck's idea - more developments
Hi all of you
Just to confirm the information from Colin about the roundtable
discusion in Morelia. I was one of the guys from Poecilia Scandinavia
who was present there.
I think it would be very good to establish an international group -
but it is right that there were some opposition from some acedemics at
the meeting/symposoium in Morelia. Fortunately not from all acedemics
- we also have some supporters.
It´s also right, that we in Poecilia Scandinavia support the idea.
And I think we can start with the people who wants to participate -
whether they are acedemics, from Zoo`s or from the hobby. If you want
Poecilia Scandinavia to participate, we are ready.
Of course we have to discuss how to do it. The aim of maintaning
species is very good, but the important thing is how we can do it and
get there. Of course it`s important to support Fish Ark and Aqua Lab
in Morelia as we actually do - and the information about Ivans
"second" Fish Ark project in Mexico is very nice too. But at the samer
time we have to debate how to maintan in captivity - in the hjobby
there are dedicated breeders. Some only with a few species, some with
more. But they/we are only hobbyist - sometimes peoples looses
interests or are infected by family-problems or other problems in
their lives - and for them it is a hobby. Of this reason There can be
problems sometimes with continuity - and that is a problem when we
speak about conservation. Maybee cooperation between science, ZOOs and
hobbyist can solve part of this problem. I dont know.
Your discussons are very good and I will now read your points more
carefully. This is mostly to tell, that we in Poecilia Scandinavia
support the proposol and the intensions of cooperation about
conservation of Goodeids - and that we want to participate in this work.
OI wish all of you a happy 2009.
Thue Grum-Schwensen
President of Poecilia Scandinavia
-----Mensagem original-----
De: Michael Koeck
Enviada: quarta-feira, 7 de Janeiro de 2009 15:50
Para: Michael Koeck; Ivan Dibble; Martin Ravn Tversted; Joel Healy; Miguel
Andrade; Colin Grist; Omar Dominguez; Brian Zimmerman; Miguel Zapater; Matt
Naumann; Alain Grioche; Gasper Gomboc; Guenther Schleussner; Gunter
Teichmann; Guenter-Ellenberg; Horváth Balázs; Kleine Horst; Harro
Hieronimus; Anton Weissenbacher; Dietmar Kunath; Erwin Radax; Patrick
Schmitz; Roman Slaboch; Kees de Jong; Stefan Hertwig; Jen Nightingale, Jonny
Rudd, Alessio Arbuiatti
Assunto: AW: Michael Koeck's idea - more developments
Hi all of you...
I am really impressed by all the good ideas and enthusiasm, I never thought
of before. I would also really thank all of you for your kind support and
the help you offered me. Thank you all a lot! I see, I have more friends
than I espected. It was and is an enormous help for me!
Something new about me: I talked to my boss from the Haus des Meeres, and we
both decided to join the group by breeding several forms and desplaying one
form of Characodon, probably an audax-form, so I am back...in a way... not
private, not in a leading role, but as a Curator for freshwater fishes, and
as a member of a zoo.
I am very busy at the moment, but I will show you details of our ideas in a
few days,
Till then: have a very good time and keep on going, it´s worth it
-----Mensagem original-----
De: Kees de Jong
Enviada: quarta-feira, 7 de Janeiro de 2009 20:04
Para: Michael Koeck; Ivan Dibble; Martin Ravn Tversted; Joel Healy; Miguel
Andrade; Colin Grist; Omar Dominguez; Brian Zimmerman; Miguel Zapater; Matt
Naumann; Alain Grioche; Gasper Gomboc; Guenther Schleussner; Gunter
Teichmann; Guenter-Ellenberg; Horváth Balázs; Kleine Horst; Harro
Hieronimus; Anton Weissenbacher; Dietmar Kunath; Erwin Radax; Patrick
Schmitz; Roman Slaboch; Kees de Jong; Stefan Hertwig; Jen Nightingale, Jonny
Rudd, Alessio Arbuiatti
Assunto: RE: Michael Koeck's idea - more developments
We have discussed the matter in the Netherlands and members of our society
(Poecilia Nederland) who are breeding goodeids support the idea and will
participate in the project.
So I think there are enough people and ideas to achieve something. I think
it will be important if we can meet each other every now and then. I am
planning to go to the meeting in Denmark in May and maybe other people are
coming there. That would be a good place to work out some ideas and maybe
write to the other people and organisations that are interested.
Met vriendelijke groet
Kees de Jong
Poecilia Nederland.
-----Mensagem original-----
De: Joel Healy
Enviada: quinta-feira, 8 de Janeiro de 2009 03:10
Para: Michael Koeck; Ivan Dibble; Martin Ravn Tversted; Joel Healy; Miguel
Andrade; Colin Grist; Omar Dominguez; Brian Zimmerman; Miguel Zapater; Matt
Naumann; Alain Grioche; Gasper Gomboc; Guenther Schleussner; Gunter
Teichmann; Guenter-Ellenberg; Horváth Balázs; Kleine Horst; Harro
Hieronimus; Anton Weissenbacher; Dietmar Kunath; Erwin Radax; Patrick
Schmitz; Roman Slaboch; Kees de Jong; Stefan Hertwig; Jen Nightingale, Jonny
Rudd, Alessio Arbuiatti
Assunto: RE: Michael Koeck's idea - more developments
My name is Joel Healy. I am 47 years old and live in the middle of the
United States. I have less than 7 years experience with keeping fish, but
have developed an intense interest in Goodeidae. I would very much
appreciate the opportunity to participate in this project in any way in
which you all would allow me. I will not be able to attend the meeting in
Denmark in May. Would it be possible for someone to report back to the
group on what is discussed there?
Although I do not have even 10% of the knowledge or experience of anyone
else in this group, I do have very strong opinions on ways in which we could
cooperate and further each others interests. However, I think I will save
those strong opinions for a different forum, and use this opportunity to
instead express my great appreciation for the work you all have accomplished
already. Many of you on this distribution list have enabled me to pursue a
passion and fostered a curiosity in me about goodeids that has excited me
for several years. I would like to thank all of you for your research, for
writing articles, for publishing papers, for documenting biotopes,
collecting fish, organizing societies, meetings and projects, sending me
fish and answering all my questions. You all (and countless others) have
given me the opportunity to learn things about goodieds that I never could
have discovered without you. I am in your debt and would very much like to
be able to repay you in some portion if possible.
Thank you.
-----Mensagem original-----
De: Poecilia Scandinavia
Enviada: quinta-feira, 8 de Janeiro de 2009 04:44
Para: Kees de Jong
Cc: Michael Koeck; Ivan Dibble; Martin Ravn Tversted; Joel Healy; Miguel
Andrade; Colin Grist; Omar Dominguez; Brian Zimmerman; Miguel Zapater; Matt
Naumann; Alain Grioche; Gasper Gomboc; Guenther Schleussner; Gunter
Teichmann; Guenter-Ellenberg; Horváth Balázs; Kleine Horst; Harro
Hieronimus; Anton Weissenbacher; Dietmar Kunath; Erwin Radax; Patrick
Schmitz; Roman Slaboch; Kees de Jong; Stefan Hertwig; Jen Nightingale, Jonny
Rudd, Alessio Arbuiatti, Joel Healy
Assunto: Re: Michael Koeck's idea - more developments
Hi all
Yes - we can meet some of us at the meeting 1.-3. may in Denmark. I
look forward to see Kees, Colin and others there. Maybe I will be a
little bit busy there as we in Poecilia Scandinavia are organising
this meeting, but I`ll do what I can to attend a discussion about this
idea and the work of maintaining.
I think it is important to use mails like this in the work too, while
we are coming from most of the world and the possibilities to meet
each other often is very small in fact.. And then sometimes we can
meet now and then at least some of us. The meetings are very good to
get some drive (the scandinavian meetings and the meeting in Morelia,
Mexico, are good examples of that).
Poecilia Scandinavia
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