[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter June 12th 2009
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
Domingo, 14 de Junho de 2009 - 22:09:09 WEST
Prezados colegas,
Nesta edição está divulgada outra excelente sugestão para o lago de jardim
capaz de tolerar o nosso Inverno em boa parte do país - Corydoras
Gostaria ainda de chamar a vossa atenção para um outro pormenor
Reparem no colorido da espécie Tucanoichthys tucano. Não vos faz lembrar
nada ?
A mim chamou-me a atenção pelo facto de ser muito semelhante a outra espécie
sensivelmente do mesmo tamanho… Hetereandria formosa.
Não é caso único.
Em ecossistemas muito distintos, por vezes espécies também elas
completamente diferentes que ocupam o mesmo nicho ecológico e nível trófico,
adoptam o mesmo colorido.
Há, como sempre nesta “ newsletter “, muitos outros motivos para qualquer
aquariofilista ficar interessado.
Um abraço a todos
Miguel Andrade
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: sábado, 13 de Junho de 2009 01:01
Para: cyprinodon clix.pt
Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter June 12th 2009
Tucanoichthys tucano
Once more we were able to import a real jewel among the tetras for the first
time ever: Tucanoichthys tucano. This tiny little species attains a maximum
length of around 2 cm and is thatfore an ideal fish for nano aquaria.
Tucanoichthys lives endemic in the upper Rio Negro basin, to be more precise
in the Rio Uaupes. Fishes from that region should be kept in very soft,
strongly acidic water (pH 5). The water should be coloured brownish with
humidic acids. Males have red in the caudal and anal fin, which is missing
in females.
In dark aquaria the pastel, but shining colours of the fish are presented
Text and photos: Frank Schäfer
Aphyosemion celiae celiae
Killifishes of the genus Aphyosemion are among the most colorful fishes of
the World. They become only a few centimetres long (in the case of
Aphyosemion celiae: about 5 cm). Many killifishes are thought to be short
living, delicate fish, aggessive towords other fish and difficult to
maintain. A. celiae belongs to the species that show that killifishes are
different. They originate from western Cameroon, but we offer currently only
captive bred specimens. A. celiae belongs to the same subgenus
(Mesoapghyosemion) as the well known Cap Lopez (A. australe) does. Like the
latter they can be problem free kept in somewhat harder water of about
8-14°dGH. The eggs become attached to submersed plant material, roots etc.
A. celiae con reach an age of three years and becomes even more beautiful
with growing age. The fish should be kept at temperatures of 20-25°C. The
feed readily on any usual fish food, but prefer frozen or live food. There
should not be too much light over the tank; the fish look best when there is
peat or some dead leaves on the ground and swimming plants cover the
For our customers: The fish have code 305802 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale market.
Lexicon: Aphyosemion from ancient greece, means „small fish with flag-like
fins“.Celiae: named in honour for the discoverer, Celia Epie from Menja,
western Cameroon; Australe: from latin, means „southern“ in respect to the
distribution of the species. Mesoaphyosemion: the prefix "meso" means "in
between" and was chosen to make clear that the systematical status of the
members of this subgenus remains unresolved.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
You look for a book with all species? Please click here
Corydoras longipinnis
We were able to import a new Corydoras species from Argentina, namely
Corydoras longipinnis. This species has been scientifically described as
recently as 2007 by Joachim Knaack. The new species is a close relative to
the well known Corydoars paleatus and reminds one somewhat of the longfinned
sport of that species. In Corydoras longipinnis only males develope long
extended pectoral fins, whereas in the longfinned sport of C. paleatus also
the females show that feature.
Corydoras longipinnis is a subtropical species and should therefore be kept
at room temperature. For those who have the opportunity: it can be kept in
garden ponds during summertime. Breeding C. longipinnis is easy and is the
same as in C. paleatus. That means the fish must be fed heavily until the
females show a swollen belly and then you have to change repeatingly a great
amount of water and fill up with cool water (3-5°C cooler than the old
water). This triggers mating and spawning.
Corydoras longipinnis should be kept in groups of at least 7 specimens. It
is completely peaceful against congeneers and all other tankmates. The fish
take readily any usual fishfood. Plants become not destroyed. The water
parameters are of no great relevance. The pH should not be lower than 6 and
not higher than 8.5.
For our customers: Corydoras longipinnis has code 233552, C. paleatus 239502
and C. paleatus „Longfin“ 239702 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale market.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Lexikon: Corydoras: from ancient greek, means „with helmet and spear“. This
refers to the strong armor and fin spines. Longipinnis: from latin, means
„with long fins“. Paleatus: from the latin word palea: chaff, eg „chaff-like
Literature: Knaack, J. (2007): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Callichthyidae
(Teleostei: Siluruformes). III. Corydoras longipinnis sp. n. – ein neuer
Panzerwels aus dem río Dulce in Argentinien (Teleostei: Siluriformes:
Callichthyidae). Vertebrate Zoology 57 (1): 35-55
You look for a book with all species? Please click here
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<http://aqualog.de/news/news_pdfen/news86gb.pdf> under www.aqualog.de
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