[Cyprinodontiformes] FW: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter
April 24th 2009
viviparos viviparos.com
Terça-Feira, 28 de Abril de 2009 - 23:29:25 WEST
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De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: sábado, 25 de Abril de 2009 01:01
Para: cyprinodon clix.pt
Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter April 24th 2009
Scabies crispata
We have imported this pretty small freshwater mussel from Thailand again
now. The species has a wide distribution in Asia. It is recorded from
Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, India and China. Nevertheless very little is
known about the species. Scabies crispata is a member of the Unionidae
family. The central european large freshwater mussels of the genera
Anodonta, Margeritifera, Pseudanodonta and Unio are also members of that
family. Like these Scabies crispata (which is by far more attractive and
with a maximum length of 5cm much smaller) has an unpleasant property: they
can cause a fish disease! The larvae of the Uninidae are called Glochidia
and they are fish parasites. Depending on the species the glochidia live
parasitically on the fins, the body or the gills.
When the glochidia have attached on the skin they encapsulate themselves.
Medical treatment is impossible as any substance that is able to kill the
glochidia in the skin will for sure also kill the fish. A few glochidia,
which look a bit like Ichthyophthirius-spots for the bare eye, do not harm
any fish. But mass-infection may become fatal. Our native mussel species are
host specific and even more than that: they are population specific. This
means that the very same fish species can serve as a perfect host in one
population whereas specimens of other populations of the same species may be
completely immune. Very little is known on Scabies crispata in this respect,
except that it has unhooked glochidia which are typically found in gill
parasiting species.
Most often Unionidae have different sexes, eg males and females. The males
release the sperm in the open water from where it becomes breathed in by the
female. The eggs are produced in sacks in the gills and become fertalized
here. But it is also known the the uppermost (nearest to the spring)
specimens in a flowing water can be hermaphrodites that are able to produce
both sperm and eggs. It is not known wether this is genetically determined
or an ontogenetic phenomenon.
May it be as it is: Scabies crispata are highly interesting animals and
allow a lot of fascinating observations. You must have an eye on them to
hinder the glochidia to do harm on the fish. Glochidia are released over a
period of several days or weeks. So if you spot some on your fish you should
separate the mussels for some time from the fish and keep them in an extra
aquarium. As already mentioned, an otherwise healthy fish will not become
harmed by some glochidia. Scabies crispata is a filterer, so it must be fed
with a solution of yeast and water that has to be placed near the mussels by
a pipette.
Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer
Hypancistrus L236xx
The Brazilian species of the genus Hypancistrus are currently not allowed to
be exported from the country. Thus L-numbers of this genus, like L236 from
the Rio Iriri, are available as bred specimens only. Among the last brood we
received was one extraordinary specimen, which is depicted here.
Text & Photo: Frank Schäfer
Geophagus cf. dicrozoster
The beautiful eartheaters of the Geophagus-surnamensis relationship are
among the most colorful cichlids, shining in all colours of the rainbow.
There are numerous species and some of them even have colour varieties in
different river systems. As these are currently not recognized by
scientists, we help ourselves in adding the river´s name behind the
scientific name in these cases.
Six species of that group (in the wiedst sense) occur in Venzuela. Two of
them, Geophagus dicrozoster and G. abalios, are regularly imported by us.
Their natural range is the Orinoco river, the Casquiare river (this is the
river that connects the Orinoco and the Rio Negro) and – at least G.
dicrozoster – also the upper reaches of the Rio Negro. Both species are
really lookalikes, at least as juveniles, and often occur together in the
The only feature observable in live fish that enables one to distinguish
young specimens of these two species is the prsence or absence of a black
stripe on the pre-operculum. In G. abalios this stripe is always missing, in
G. dicrozoster always present. Sadly fish under some stress (for example
when they are caught with a net) often don´t show the stripe at all. So it
is often impossible to sort young fish in the wholesale trade.
We are thatfore not able to give a 100% guarantee that all our fish belong
to G. dicrostoster. The one or the other G. abalios may hide among them. So
we decided to give the name G. cf. dicrozoster on them on our stocklist.
G. dicrozoster can become around 20 cm long, as well as G. abalios. In rare
occasions they even might grow a bit larger. The species should be kept in
clean, soft and acidic water. In the wild they are stricly limited to
blackwater streams. Only when kept under those water conditions they
develope the full colours. G. dicrozoster like it warm, around 28°C are
perfect. It is essential to enable the fish to „eat“ fine sand. This is an
important part of the natural behaviour of the fish. Moreover it keeps the
fish healthy for this „sandeating“ cleans their gills in a way that is
comparable with our teethbrushing.
Text: Frank Schäfer
Photos: Thomas Weidner
Markiana nigripinnis
We were able to import one of the most unusual tetras again: Markiana
nigripinnis. Our specimens originate from Argentina. The species inhabits
the river basins of the Paraná, Paraguay and the Marmoré (Argentina,
Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay). Due to the southern subtropical region where the
fish occurs it is not necessary to install a heater in the tank. During
summertime the fish can be kept even in garden ponds. Specimens brought in
in autumn again show extraordinary brillant colours.
The body colour is blue-green-metalic-silvery, on the base of the caudal fin
is a black spot, a humeral spot is present, but not always visible. Along
the horizontal scale rows are black zickzack lines. The most obvious feature
is the very long anal fin which has a brillant orange colour. This colour
can be hardly found in other species of ornamental fish. There are specimens
with deep orange, black bordered anal fins (males?) and specimens with light
orange analfins without a black border (females?).
M. nigripinnis is easy to keep. Water conditions are of no great importance.
It is an omnivorous species that needs to be fed with plant material, too.
It grows to a common size of 12 cm, rarely 15 cm total length. As it is a
relatively large and lively fish that must be kept in schools, one should
have a large tank to keep them. Given the fact that M. nigripinnis is a
hardy and not shy species it is an ideal companion for large cichlids like
Geophagus brasiliensis for example.
Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer
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