[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter February 5th, 2010
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Segunda-Feira, 8 de Fevereiro de 2010 - 21:59:22 WET
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De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: Nenhum
Para: Miguel Andrade
Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter February 5th, 2010
Parauchenoglanis punctatus
Among the imports from central Africa this beautiful catfish is a real
rarity. It is known so far only from the central Congo basin. From that
region only few fish are imported regulary.
The species attains a length of approximately 40 cm. Thus it is a perfect
tankmate for show aquaria with larger species of cichlid, barb or tetra.
Interestingly the gut of specimens in the field contained only parts of
plant material, insect larvae and shrimp, but no fish. Nevertheless it seems
not wise to keep too small fish along with them. It is very interesting that
our imported specimens (they have a length of 6-8 cm) already show a sexual
dimorphism (body proportions, larger fins in males).
For our customers: the fish have code 100351 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholsale trade.
Lexicon: Parauchenoglanis: Latin, "par" means "same as, corresponding",
Auchenoglanis is another genus of catfish. punctatus: Latin, means
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Discus Royal Blue Novo Ariguana
This week (2.2.) we received breathtaking beautiful large wild collected
discus called Discus Royal Blue Novo Ariguana. All insiders will understand
that the fish do not show all of their beauty today, but even what they show
is amazing!
Text & photo: Frank Schäfer
A new species of Archerfish!
Recently we received a shipment containing archerfishes (Toxotes) from
Thailand. Most of the shipment were T. jaculatrix (see
http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/toxotes-jaculatrix_en_1076.html) and some T.
chatareus (see
http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/toxotes-chatareus_en_1044.html). But a
closer look showed also four specimens of an unique colored archerfish,
which we have never seen so far and which fits to none of the seven species
of archerfish accepted so far. A black band on the belly, right between
ventral and anal fin, is characterising the fish. As there are four
specimens and not only a single one it is much more likely that we have a
new species instead of a mere colour variety.
Lexicon: Toxotes: ancient Greek, means "archer". jaculatrix: Latin word for
a female hurler. chatareus: from a popular name for the fish in Bengal,
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Schismatogobius ampluvinculus
We received for the first time now this cute goby from Taiwan. Especially
the juveniles look extreme pretty due to their contrasting black-and-white
coloration. One of the generic characteristics of Schismatogobius is the
fact that they have an individual coloration: there are not even two
specimens with the exact same coloration. Adults of Schismatogobius are
restricted to fresh water. Here they live usually in larger groups in
shallow parts of running water bodies. When disturbed they bury themselves
very fast by wriggling moves. The species S. ampluvinculus is known to
inhabit pebbly ground.
Sadly so far no successful breeding report appeared on one of the about 10
Schismatogobius species, although they spawn quite readily. The extreme tiny
larvae develop probably only in marine environment. When keeping S.
ampluvinculus it is very important to keep in mind that it is a subtropical
species and should therefore be kept under temperate conditions. Feeding is
unproblematic: they readily take frozen and live food.
For our customers: the fish has code 454812 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale market.
Lexicon: Schismatogobius: refers to the splittet, bilobed tongue.
ampluvinculus: Latin, means something like "with considerable bands",
referring to the black-and-white-pattern of juveniles.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
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<http://www.aquariumglaser.com/en/> to get weekly updates !
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Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer
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