[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter September 4th, 2009
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
Domingo, 6 de Setembro de 2009 - 00:52:11 WEST
Caros colegas,
Mais uma informação da firma Glaser sem Cyprinodontiformes vivíparos ou
ovovivíparos a destacar… mas há muitas outras razões de interesse a
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Um abraço
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: sábado, 5 de Setembro de 2009 01:01
Para: cyprinodon clix.pt
Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter September 4th, 2009
Bujurquina oenolaemus
This very pretty species of Bujurquina originates from Bolivia and was
described scientifically as early as 1987 by Kullander. It took almost 20
years before the first living specimens were brought to Austria, Switzerland
and Germany by travelling aquarists. Soon after breeding was successful and
so the species was spread in the hobby. The fish are biparental,
larvophilous mouthbrooders.
Keeping of this small jewel that reaches only 10-12 cm is possible in
relatively small tanks of 100 l. If the fish are kept in larger tanks even a
number of couples can be kept together. It is very interesting to observe
the interactions of such a group.
Lexicon: Bujurquina: after the Peruvian term Bujurqui for cichlids.
oenolaemus: from ancient Greek, meaning "with vine-red throat".
larvophilous: mouthbrooders that take only the larvae, but not the eggs in
the mouth for broodcare.
Takifugu ocellatus
We were able to import one of the most beautiful freshwater puffers from
China again: Takifugu ocellatus. This fish shows us that the terms
"freshwater fish" and "marine fish" can be applied on the very same species.
Like salmon these puffers live in pure freshwater during their youth and
then go to the sea where they grow up and become mature. Sadly nothing is
known about the breeding behaviour of that species. This puffer becomes
about 15 cm long and thus it belongs to the smallest members of the genus
Takifugu. The species is very aggressive against conspecifics when it is
settled in the tank. Against other tankmates they usually are peaceful as
long as they are too big to be eaten.
Puffers are carnivorous fishes and need frozen or live food. Most of all
they like mussels and snails, but they also accept shrimps, small fish,
earthworms etc.
The tank should have fine sand on the bottom for this species of puffer
likes to bury itself. All trials to acclimate young specimens of 6-8 cm
length to full strength seawater failed so no experiments in that direction
are recommended.
Lexicon: Takifugu: composed from two Japanese words: Taki meaning
"waterfall" and Fugu, which is the name of the puffer which causes deadly
poisoning when prepared for food in a wrong way; the term has multiple
meanings, one can read it in a way that the fish should be cooked in liquid
for example. ocellatus: Latin for "with an eyespot".
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Geophagus sp. „Rio Sao Francisco“
This pearl cichlid from the Rio São Francisco can reach a total length of
about 25 cm and thus should be kept in relatively large aquaria of 400
litres and more. Although pearl cichlids are known to be relatively
aggressive this particular species is quite peaceful if the tank is large
enough. Even when taking broodcare other tankmates are not bitten and can
swim freely through the tank. However, only one pair can be kept if the
tank is not giantic.
Like all Geophagus of the pearl cichlid group this species is easy to keep
and breeds even in a little bit harder water.
Text & photo: Thomas Weidner
Phenacogrammus interruptus "Albino"
Currently we receive beautiful cultivated albino Congo Tetras from
Indonesia. Like in all true albinos the eyes of the fish are red due to the
genetically caused lack of black body pigment (melanin). In many other
species of fish albinos have a uniform whitish, yellowish or flesh-coloured
body. Not so in the Congo Tetra. The iridescent colours of the body of that
species are also extant in the albino variety. This makes the fish look so
extraordinary nice.
Lexicon: Phenacogrammus: from ancient Greek, meaning "with tricky line";
this refers to the fact that the shape of the lateral line cannot be used to
distinguish this genus from other genera. interruptus: Latin for
"interrupted". Refers to the shape of the lateral line.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
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