[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter August 7th, 2009
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
Terça-Feira, 1 de Setembro de 2009 - 22:58:06 WEST
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Um abraço
Miguel Andrade
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: sábado, 8 de Agosto de 2009 01:01
Para: cyprinodon clix.pt
Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter August 7th, 2009
Danio kyathit
The zebrafish, Danio rerio, is one of the best known lifeforms of this
planet and an important subject of scientific research. The beautiful fish
is also one of the most popular aquarium fishes of the world. It is native
in the river systems of the Ganges and the Brahmaputra in India.
Ten years ago Fang Fang, a scientist specialized in Danio, described a new
species of Danio from Burma under the name D. kyathit. The species, however,
is known much longer, but had been misidentified formerly as Danio rerio.
Although live fish of both species hardly can be confused one must keep in
mind that scientists usually work with preserved material. In preserved
material details of coloration are usually hardly or even not recognizable.
It is an interesting fact that in the wild both spotted and striped
specimens of Danio kyathit appear, although the fish are usually assorted
when exported. In the aquarium it is easy to produce pure strains of both
varieties, as Danio kyathit can be bred as easily as the zebrafish. Until
today the biological sense of this polychromatism is not understood.
Since the early 1960ies a Danio species is kept and bred in our tanks which
has never been found in nature: the leopard danio, D. frankei. Sadly
nowadays pure strains of D. frankei probably don´t exist anymore, as the
species has been and is continously crossed with Danio rerio. But the
findings in Danio kyathit make it likely that there is somewhere a place in
India where both striped and spotted Danio rerio exist.... Probably this
place is somewhere in the extreme east of India. This region is still a
white spot on the map of science, as scientific research is impossible there
due to political reasons. So we have to leave the solution of this problem
to upcoming generations.
For our customers: Danio kyathit „spotted“ has code 413613, „wild“ code
413603 and bred ones code 413593 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply to the wholesale market.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Lexicon: Danio: basing on a Bengali term for these fishes. rerio: basing on
a Bengali term for these fishes. frankei: in honour of H.-J. Franke, an
extraordinary keeper and breeder of ornamental fishes. kyathit: after a
burmese word for „leopard“, refering to the coloration of the spotted
Blue Angel Showsize
In January 2009 we presented to you the new blue dwarf angel
arf_en_1071.html). In the meantime the breeders were pretty active and
crossed the blue dwarfs on other strains of angels. So now we are able to
supply also blue angels in show size, which are almost as big as angels of
other colour varieties.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Colisa cf. fasciata „Manipur“
The northern states of India are hardly researched in respect of the fishes.
>From the state of Manipur we currently received exceptionally colorful
gouramis of the genus Colisa, which represent a species new to science. They
are without doubt close relatives of the species Colisa fasciata, C. bejeus,
and C. labiosa, but differ from all of them by the enlarged soft-rayed parts
of the dorsal and the anal fin. Especially in males these fins are almost as
big as in paradise fish (Macropodus).
The new Colisa are extraordinary beautiful due to the high amount of red in
coloration. Again, the most brilliant red is found in the soft-rayed parts
of dorsal andanal fin. The caudal fin also has a beautiful red coloration.
This new species of Colisa is more expensive than their well known
relatives, but worth every coin of it. One must take care not to cross this
species with other Colisa, as all Colisa can produce fertile hybrids.
However, the hybrids never have the beauty of the pure species.
Like all species of striped gourami the new one displays a great variabilty
in respect of the stripes on the flanks. The number and the form of these
stripes is not species-specific in Colisa.
The new gouramis seem to be very hardy when kept in aquaria and are much
easier to maintain than Colisa fasciata and C. bejeus. Keeping can be best
compared with the species from Inle Lake in Burma, which is known in the
hobby as Colisa labiosa. The real C. labiosa is not present in the hobby and
the Colisa from Inle Lake also represent a scientifically undescribed
Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer
Lexikon: Colisa – from a Bengali term for these fishes. fasciata – Latin
for „striped“. bejeus - from a Bengali term for these fishes. labiosa: Latin
for „with lips“.
...and please do not forget to visit our
<http://www.aquariumglaser.com/en/> homepage to get weekly updates !
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