[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter November 13th, 2009
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
Sábado, 14 de Novembro de 2009 - 12:10:00 WET
Caros colegas,
Hoje temos mais um ponto de interesse na " newsletter " da Glaser.
Não concordo de todo com os híbridos, mas também não sou assim tão radical
que não reconheça a beleza deste resultado do cruzamento entre o Guppy e o
Confesso que quando vi a foto, ainda sem ler as legendas, reconheci no porte
do animal um híbrido. Basta ver no gonopódio a característica ponta do Guppy
e na dorsal também o arredondado desta espécie.
Sei que estas afirmações são polémicas para alguns, como o Paulo, mas para
outros que contactam mais com ambas as espécies, farão sem dúvida algum
Vamos ver o que o Natal nos traz através da Glaser.
Não se prevêem grandes surpresas, mas como aparentemente estão a ser
fornecidos por produtores de Singapura, Malásia, Tailândia e Formosa ( "
Taiwan " )... pode sempre acontecer algo inesperado. Lembrem-se que
Singapura se encontra muito próximo da linha do equador.
Um abraço
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: sábado, 14 de Novembro de 2009 01:01
Para: Miguel Andrade
Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter November 13th, 2009
Akysis vespa
Among the catfishes are several species that are able to take revenge for
being caught by giving a poisonous sting. Although the venom has only mild
effects on most people (burning, local swelling, pain) it might be even
fatal for allergy sufferers. You should always keep in mind that our beloved
honey bee is the animal that is responsible for most deaths caused by
animals in humans!
And this is the real problem with venomous fishes: you cannot say what will
happen before you become stung the first time. So it is better to be
cautious with Akysis vespa.
The scientific name "vespa" already says a lot. It refers not only on the
yellow-black coloration, but also on the very painful sting this species can
inflict. The good news is: Akysis vespa is a perfect aquarium fish and can
even become bred in the home aquarium. Sexes can be distinguished best by
the shape of the body. Females are more plump. When in spawning condition
you can see the greenish eggs through the belly of the female. The eggs have
a diameter of around 1.5 mm.
Akysis vespa originates from Burma. It is known so far only from the upper
reaches of the Ataran river in the northern part of Burma. The Ataran rises
in Thailand and empties in the Andaman sea. Akysis inhabits clear, fast
moving streamlets with pebbly ground. In the aquarium it is much more active
when good current is provided.
Like in many other fishes the spawning season for A. vespa is induced by the
rainy season. Similar as in breeding corys strong waterchanges (of about
80%) with cool and soft water should be made. The water temperature should
be lowered by doing this from about 30°C to about 23°C. The males are
strongly chasing the females. It has proofed to be useful to use a group of
males for breeding. The successful male will wrap its body around the female
during spawning. The eggs need about 4 days to hatch.
For our customers: the fish has code 362363 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale market.
Akysis: from ancient Greek, mens "without bladder", which refers to the lack
of the swimming bladder. vespa: Latin for wasp.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Pseudomugil signifer
The species of the genus Pseudomgil are relatives of the rainbowfishes. But
they stay much smaller and usually they reach only 4-5 cm in length. This is
also true for P. signifer, which looks a bit like a miniature edition of the
Celebes rainbowfish (Marosatherina ladigesi). The males are displaying the
whole day through what makes a fascinating picture. We offer this charming
schooling fish as bred specimens, for they originate from Australia (eastern
coastal area of Queensland and New South Wales) and no wild collected fish
are exported from there.
The fish like to spawn in fine plant material (Java moss etc.). The eggs
need 2-3 weeks to hatch. The offspring is already 5-6 mm long and can
readily accept freshly hatched brine shrimp nauplii as food.
Males can be quite aggressive against each other, so it is recommend to keep
only one male in smaller tanks or in breeding tanks. They should be combined
with a number of females.
Regarding water parameters the species is quite tolerant, but hard water (a
bit salt can also be added) is preferred.
For our customers: the species has code 446302 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale marked.
Lexicon: Pseudomugil: from ancient Greek "false mullet". signifer: from
Latin "wearing a sign"; this refers to the markings in the fins.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Guppy Endler Spotted-Tail
The latest fancy guppy developed in southeast Asia reached us currently. The
fish is a cross of Endler´s livebearer and the King Cobra guppy. The
beautiful animals have the graceful figure and the great shoulder spot of
Endler´s livebearer and the filigran pattern of the King Cobra.
For our customers: the fish have code 419059 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale market.
Text & photo: Frank Schäfer
Neolamprologus meeli "Zambia"
Among the snail-dwelling cichlids of Lake Tanganyika are some species that
look very much alike and in some cases it remains still unclear whether the
scientific name applied on them is correct or not.
Neolamprologus meeli has been described in 1948 by Max Poll from a place
near Katibili which belongs to the Congolese part of the lake. The species
is very similar to N. boulengeri and N. hecqui. The three species have in
common the black borders of the fins.
There is a lot of discussion, if the species kept and bred in the hobby
under the name of Neolamprologus or Lepidolamprologus meeli "Zambia" really
belongs to that species or represents a colour variety of hecqui. However,
it is of much more interest for aquarists that the fish is beautiful and a
perfect tankmate for any Tanganyika aquarium.
Males become around 7 cm in length, females stay about 2 cm smaller. In this
species mainly the females use the empty snail shell as a hiding place.
Lexicon: Neolamprologus: this means "new Lamprologus", referring to the fact
that the species classified here formerly were members of the genus
Lamprologus. Lepidolamprologus: this means "scaled Lamprologus", referring
to the relative high number of scales on the flanks. boulengeri: in honour
of G. A. Boulenger. hecqui: in honour of Captain Hecq. meeli: in honour of
L. van Meel.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
The latest Aqualog calendar yearbook is now available! More than 750
brilliant coloured photos of import-highlights & new breedings of
aquaristics and terraristics.
LOG-Kalenderjahrbuch-2010.html> >Click Here<
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