[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter November 6th, 2009
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
Segunda-Feira, 9 de Novembro de 2009 - 00:20:57 WET
Caros colegas,
Aqui vai mais um número da interessante " newsletter " da firma Glaser.
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Cyprinodontiformes vivíparos e ovovivíparos nesta edição... há, sem dúvida,
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Um abraço
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: sábado, 7 de Novembro de 2009 01:01
Para: Miguel Andrade
Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter November 6th, 2009
Corydoras eques, C. sp. aff. armatus and Corydoras duplicareus
>From the Brazilian state of Amazonas we received a species of Corydoras,
which is long known to science but almost unknown in the hobby: Corydoras
eques. This unique and extremely colourful species was collected near Anori.
For the first time ever we were able to import another species of Corydoras.
This species is for sure scientifically undescribed. It reminds one a bit on
C. armatus due to the extremely long dorsal spine, but C. armatus never has
the golden spot on the back which is present in our new species. The new
species also originates from Amazonas state and was collected near Jutai.
Finally we received a well known species in beautiful specimens: Corydoras
duplicareus. The only problem with this Corydoras gem is to distinguish it
from its close relative C. adolfoi. Otherwise the fish is undemanding and
will quickly find a new happy owner.
For ou customers: Corydoras eques has code 227814, C. sp. aff. armatus code
222134 and C. duplicareus code 227603 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale market.
Corydoras: from ancient greek, means "with helmet and spear". This refers to
the strong armor and fin spines. eques: Latin for rider or knight; it is
unknown why the species was named so. armatus: Latin for armoured; refers
probably to the extremely long dorsal fin spine. duplicareus: Latin for
doubled; refers to the extreme similarity to C. adolfoi. adolfoi: in honour
for Adolfo Schwartz.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Macrobrachium eriocheirum
We received the interesting shrimp species Macrobrachium eriocheirum from
Thailand. It gets a body length of about 5 cm and thus it represents one of
the smaller species of the genus. Males can be recognized by their unequal
scissor arms, which are very hairy.
M. eriocheirum belongs to the species with a higher developed breeding
behaviour. This means that their whole live circle appears in pure fresh
water. In contrast to other Macrobrachium the larvae do not have to grow in
the sea. So it is relatively easy to breed under aquarium conditions.
Regarding water chemistry the species is completely undemanding. The shrimps
are omnivorous, but prefer meat when possible. They can be quite quarrelsome
against fish so one has to think twice before placing them in a community
Like chameleons the shrimps alter their colours depending on the
environment, so coloration can vary a lot.
For our customers: the animals have code 484393 on our stocklist. Please
note that we exclusively supply to the wholesale trade.
Macrobrachium: from ancient Greek, means "with a large arm". eriocheirum:
from ancient Greek, means "with a hairy hand".
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Fundulopanchax sjostedti USA blue
Killis represent the most colourful fish in the World. One of the most
beautiful among them is Fundulopanchax sjostedti (formerly Aphyosemion s.).
Initially this fish originates from Eastern Cameroon and Western Nigeria.
This species belongs to the largest species of killifish. Males can reach a
total length around 12 cm! The adult male depicted here is only 6 months
old. The reason why F. sjostedti is such a rariety in aquaria: males are
extremely quarrelsome against each other. The strain "USA blue" is an
exception from that rule: even males are - compared with other strains of F.
sjostedti - really lamblike.
Our breeder revealed us a trick: the fish should be kept and bred at
temperatures as low as 21°C. Higher temperatures, as recommended for other
strains of the species, do not well for "USA blue".
The species ´ name has to be written sjostedti (with o), not sjoestedti
(with oe). Initially the species was described as sjöstedti. However, the
rules for zoological names say that only latin letters without any special
signs must be used. The "ö" in sjöstedti is not identical with the German
umlaut and thus it must not be emended to sjoestedti.
For our customers: The animals have code 314103 on our stocklist. Please
note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Aphyosemion from ancient greece, means "small fish with flag-like
fins". Fundulopanchax: referring to two other genera in killis, Fundulus and
Panchax. sjostedti: in honour for the collector of the species, Sjöstedt.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
The latest Aqualog calendar yearbook is now available! More than 750
brilliant coloured photos of import-highlights & new breedings of
aquaristics and terraristics.
LOG-Kalenderjahrbuch-2010.html> >Click Here<
...and please do not forget to visit our homepage
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