[Cyprinodontiformes] Projecto Internacional de Goodeiídeos (8)
viviparos viviparos.com
Domingo, 8 de Março de 2009 - 23:30:48 WET
Prezados colegas,
No seguimento da mensagem anterior, apresento-vos a continuação do diálogo
em causa.
Nunca é demais alertar-vos para o facto de que, dentro das disponibilidades
de tempo livre será sempre possível fazer-se a tradução necessária.
De: Ivan Dibble
Enviada: terça-feira, 30 de Dezembro de 2008 21:57
Para: Michael Koeck; Ivan Dibble; Martin Ravn Tversted; Joel Healy; Miguel
Andrade; Colin Grist; Omar Dominguez; Brian Zimmerman; Miguel Zapater; Matt
Naumann; Alain Grioche; Gasper Gomboc; Guenther Schleussner; Gunter
Teichmann; Guenter-Ellenberg; Horváth Balázs; Kleine Horst; Harro
Hieronimus; Anton Weissenbacher; Dietmar Kunath; Erwin Radax; Patrick C.
Schmitz; Roman Slaboch; Kees de Jong; Stefan Hertwig; Jen Nightingale, Jonny
Assunto: Re: Michael Koeck's idea
Thank you Harro,
As you see I do try to keep up with what is
going on even though at times I say nothing. Indeed it was I who Michael was
referring too when he said,"One (GB) wrote he thinks the ideas are partly
good, but didn´t wrote me which part(s)." Well to elaborate just a little on
that, I did not say any more for fear that what I said might be taken the
wrong way. But I will say this, "If such an organisation was ever formed
then there would have to be very high standards of providence established
for any stocks held in the name of the group, and all participants would
need to be made aware of these requirements as a prequel to their
admittance. "If this could be done" then I would think that it was a great
idea and indeed I would go so far as to say that if those how formed
it wished then I would be happy if it was recognised as a formal part of the
"Fish Ark Mexico". Indeed of late I have had to be more aware of my own
mortality and realising that I am not going to be around for ever I have
been asking one or two people if they would be prepared to keep things going
after I was gone but enough about that but I do want to take this further.
Thanks for telling me Colin about the
Philippineo Fish Ark as I have always said that it was my hope that others
would follow our example in other spots around the world. I am also
extremely please to hear from Colin that at last the Killie people may be
coming on board as I have been trying to contact them with regards to this
especially now that Monterrey is well and truly part of our project.
Incidentally for those who may not know this was accomplished in 2007 using
mainly monies that I had raised by giving talks around the USA and a little
of the Livebearer funding. You see they are currently holding a number of
back up Goodied species for Morelia there as well as over 35 species of
endangered Killies they have also acquired permission to hold endangered
small Xiphophorus, Gambusia's and other Livebearers there too. But remember
the Fish Ark Mexico is about protecting all Mexican species and that is why
it is music to my ears to hear that my old friend Topiltzin is seeking
to help to do just that.
And at this moment in time I am currently
negotiating to set up yet another sanctuary for these fish in the area of
Guadalajara if all had gone well this would have been done by now as I have
a sponsor who is showing interest in putting up the cash that it will take.
Unfortunately though all this has been going on at the same time as the
credit crunch has come upon us and although our sponsors have not as yet
pulled out it has so much devalued what it would have cost that we now have
to find an additional £3000 if we are to go ahead with it. So while the
University of Guadalajara are only to have to man and maintain this site
they are unable to put in anything towards it's establishment. The project
when fully finished would have entailed the establishment of a permanent
conservation site for one endanger species and if all went well then it was
intended to get a land grant from the Mexican Government enough for both
this and a permanent breeding station to be established on the land around
1/ to breed up and return two wild extinct species and then 2/ to be use to
help with the conservation of the remainder of the Ameca Basin and
surrounding territory where many goodieds are in peril. How ever unless we
can raise this extra £3000 to get the first reserve established then nothing
may happen.
I am also pleased to be able to inform you
all that as it's first effort in conservation Monterrey Uni has been taking
an active part in the restoration of a famous habitat in that area and that
in spring next year the original indigenous species will be being returned
there with a lot of pomp and ceremony as this will be a double first for
Mexico's freshwater species.
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