Re: [Cyprinodontiformes] Convenção na Dinamarca
Liliana Rio Cardoso
Segunda-Feira, 28 de Outubro de 2013 - 07:47:18 WET
I'm in :) ... tem que ser.... em camarata mas com certeza q se vê isso mais
perto. Miguel, nós somos considerados uma "sister-organisation"?
bjs e obg, Liliana
2013/10/27 <viviparos>
> Caros colegas,
> Uma última mensagem por hoje para mais um desafio.
> Pelas minhas contas o programa fica em cerca de 150,00 € (inclui cálculo
> para a refeição de Domingo, a qual não está prevista nos custos
> descriminados no programa, para além de transporte aeroporto de
> Copenhaga/Holbæk e Holbæk/aeroporto de Copenhaga).
> As passagens de avião estão neste momento entre 193,00 € e os 200,00 €
> (depende das horas de partida/chegada e das companhias aéreas).
> Isto daria um total entre 350,00 € e os 400,00 €, para estadia entre
> sexta-feira e Domingo, com todas as despesas que me ocorrem agora menos,
> obviamente, peixes licitados em leilão e gastos pessoais (a Dinamarca é um
> país bonito e civilizado... mas caro).
> Alguém alinha?
> VI International Livebearer Weekend -
> Internationally known speakers
> Scandinavias biggest auction of livebearing fishes
> May 2nd to 4th 2014, Holbæk, Denmark
> Every two years Poecilia Scandinavia hosts an international livebearer
> weekend on livebearing fish. However Poecilias 40th anniversary means, that
> they will also host a livebearer weekend in 2014. This will be the 6th
> livebearer weekend. The 7th will be in 2016.
> The event takes place from May the 2nd to May the 4th 2014 in Holbæk,
> Denmark, approximately 40 minutes by train from Copenhagens international
> airport, Kastrup.
> Lectures etc. will take place at “Kuben” which is an auditorium connected
> to “Holbæk Seminarium” – a teacher academy.
> Participants can sleep at the hostel “Holbæk Vandrerhjem, Sidesporet”,
> which is located nearby.
> The event committee consists of Malin Lindqvist, Jørn Klinge, Kim Walther
> and Thue Grum-Schwensen.
> Lectures:
> Gil Rosenthal, professor and scholar, Swordtails, University of Texas,
> Austin, USA. He also runs a research station in Mexico and is a specialist
> concerning Swordtails in Northern Mexico as well as hybrids which take
> place in nature.
> Michael Kempkes, Germany, author and co-author of several books including
> Aqualogs "All livebearers and halfbeaks", several books on guppies and most
> recently a book on goodeids. He will talk about livebearing fish in
> Florida, USA – based among other things upon his travels.
> Kees de Jong. Former president of Poecilia Netherland. He have worked with
> international cooperation in the hobby as well as outside the hobby, but
> always with livebearing fishes. He have travelled a lot in Mexico and other
> places.
> Anniversary speech Saturday evening: Poecilia Scandinavia will turn 40
> years in 2014. At the dinner Saturday Evening there will be an anniversary
> speech about Poecilia Scandinavia’s 40 years.
> Honorary member Erik Lind Larsen, who helped found Poecilia Scandinavia in
> 1974, will give the anniversary speech.
> Program
> The final program is not yet ready.
> Prices
> Basic Package, only saturday: 25 DKK (app. 3,5 Euro) for members
> (including members of all sisterorganisations in Europe and USA) , 50 DKK
> (app. 7 Euro) for non-members, including coffe, tea, but no meals at all.
> Additions:
> • Lunch saturday (3 half sandwiches): 60 DKK (app. 8 Euro) for all
> • Celebration dinner saturday – with celebration of Poecilia Scandinavias
> 40 years anniversary: 300 DKK (app. 41 Euro) for members, 350 DKK (app. 47
> Euro) for non-members. Starters, buffet and coffee/tea with cake afterwoods.
> • Accommodation in four bed rooms with breakfast, friday-saturday: 250 DKK
> (app. 34 Eur) for members, 300 DKK (app. 41 Euro) for non-members
> • Accommodation in four bed rooms with breakfast, saturday-sunday: 275 DKK
> (app.37 Euro) for members, 325 DKK (app. 44 Euro) for non-members
> • Double-room, friday-saturday, addition pr. person: 100 DKK (app. 14 Euro)
> • Double-room, saturday-sunday, addition pr. person: 125 DKK (app. 17 Euro)
> • Single-room, friday-saturday, addition pr. person: 355 DKK (app. 48 Euro)
> • Single-room. saturday-sunday, addition pr. person: 430 DKK (app. 58 Euro)
> For the whole weekend in a four-bed room it will be:
> • Members of Poecilia Scandinavia or a sister-organisation: 910 DKK (App.
> 123 Euro)
> • Non-members: 1085 DKK (App. 146 Euro)
> Otherwise, you can yourself count on through to the other prices. As you
> can see, Saturday only can be very cheap.
> Registration
> Registration opens 3 January 2014.
> If you wish to stay one or both nights is the registration deadline 23
> march 2014.
> If you only attend Saturday you can register up to 20 April 2014.
> Um abraço
> Miguel Andrade
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> Cyprinodontiformes mailing list
> Cyprinodontiformes
Liliana Rio Cardoso
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