[Cyprinodontiformes] 3.º Encontro Internacional do GWG.
viviparos viviparos.com
Terça-Feira, 15 de Maio de 2012 - 22:34:53 WEST
Caros Colegas,
Aí está o programa para a reunião do GWG este ano.
Tentarei enviar uma versão traduzida (mas não posso prometer).
De momento a reter fica o essencial - 28 a 30/09/2012 Haus des Meeres, Viena, Áustria.
Os interessados em participarem podem contactar-me, a fim de organizarmos a viagem em grupo, reduzindo significativamente alguns custos.
O programa é o mais impressionante de sempre:
3rd International Meeting of the GWG
Here is the preliminary schedule for the 3rd International Meeting of the Goodeid Working Group from 28 to 30/09/2012 in the Haus des Meeres, Vienna, Austria:
Friday, 28/09/2012 Frame program
During the whole day: Participants arrival
18:00 Rendezvous point: front stairs of the university; easily reachable with underground U2, station Schottentor and several tramways, station Schottentor as well.
18:30 Start of the Icebreaker program with tourist stuff: We slender down the famous Ringstrasse with a plenty of historical buildings. Thereafter, taking underground and bus, we will move further to a famous Austrian tavern, the Mayer am Pfarrplatz. It is a so called "Heuriger", situated in Grinzing, a very old part of the 19th district. This Heuriger is located in the historical "Beethovenhaus", where Ludwig van Beethoven lived during summer 1817.
The vineyard Mayer is pressing one of the best Austrian wines and is serving it in its tavern.
20:00 Dinner at the Mayer am Pfarrplatz with open end.
Saturday, 29/09/2012 GWG Meeting
09:30 Meeting point: Entrance of the Haus des Meeres, venue of the meeting.
10:00 Welcoming of the participants and speakers.
10:30 1st speech: Juan Miguel Artigas Azas.
The famous appreciator of Mexican habitats will talk about the easternmost habitats of Goodeids, e.g. the Laguna Media Luna, the Río Panuco and desert habitats of the Relict Splitfin, Xenoophorus captivus. Reports from the few species inhabitating river systems on the Atlantic Slope are rare due to most Goodeid species are known from the Pacific Slope of the Mesa Central. This speech will give us impressions of a very beautiful and varying landscape.
11:30 2nd speech: Shawn Goodchild.
Shawn Goodchild from the North Dakota State University is studying the genera Crenichthys and Empetrichthys for more than one decade now. As a specialist on the only known egglaying
Goodeids, he will give us a profound overview, share with us his latest scientific results and answer our questions concerning these - for Europeans - quite unknown but desired genera.
12:45 Departure for dinner.
13:00 Dinner at the nearby very famous Schnitzelwirt, a restaurant, even known in Far East countries like China and Japan for serving the best Wiener Schnitzels in Vienna, and - I have to confess - the biggest ones.
14:30 Way back to the Haus des Meeres.
14:45 Tour through the Haus des Meeres, backstage and through the zoo, with a special focus on the Goodeid breeding station below ground.
16:30 3rd speech: Diushi K'eri Corona Santiago.
Studying at the university of Morelia, the young scientist is a specialist on the genus Allotoca. As the genera Allotoca and Neoophorus are often neglected in breeding programs and maintained very rarely, Diushi will bring light into their lifehistory, systematics, threats and maintanancy of these quite unknown, but extremly endangered taxonomical unit within the Goodeid family.
17:30 4th speech: John Lyons
John Lyons is a very popular specialist on conservation of Goodeids. His Goodeid status and
trend-table is legendary, and a very important instrument in recognition of threats in Goodeids.
His talking point will be: "Will Mexican Goodeids survive the 21st century? The alarming decline
and precarious future of wild goodeid populations in Mexico.
18:30 Departure to our dinner place, the small brewery Stiegl Ambulanz on the campus of the old AKH, the area of the former Vienna hospital.
19:00 Dinner at the (exclusively rented by the GWG) Stiegl Ambulance - lounge with a barrel of beer, fish exchanges and talks. Diushi K'eri Corona Santiago, and probably his girlfriend Daniela Galván, who is playing the saxophone at the Conservatorio de las Rosas, will escort us both with their instruments through a night full of talks about Goodeids, good food and smalltalk. We have also got the allowance to savour our bottles of wine, as discussed last year in Pont L'Eveque to bring with each of us to the next event. The lounge will close at 02:00 and will bring us the official end of the event.
Attention: As we have to rent the lounge, please bear with me, that I have to claim an amount of 35,00 € - from each participant - including dinner, drinks and room rental.
Sunday, 30/09/2012 Frame program
09:30 Rendezvous point: U4 Station Hietzing, upstairs.
10:00 Start our Sunday-frame program with a walk past the Palmenhaus to the oldest zoo in the world, the Vienna Zoo.
10:30 Start of a Backstage–tour through the Aquarium, focusing on its large Aphanius breeding station, thereafter a visit to the zoo.
13:30 Dinner at the Tirolergarten tavern near the Haidachhof, an original and very old (1722) traditional Tyrolean farmhouse, carefully decomposed in the 1980s and erected again on the area of the Vienna Zoo.
15:00 Departure from the Zoo, roaming around the historical park of the Schoenbrunn Palace with a final coffee-break at the Gloriette and a phantasique view over the whole Schoenbrunn Palace and Zoo area.
Monday, 01/10/2012 Additional frame program
09:30 Meeting point: Haus des Meeres, entrance.
10:00 Departure by car to the Nationalpark Neusiedlersee-Seewinkel, a very famous birdwatching area in Middle Europe. There are chances to see wild geese and different kinds of ducks, waders, egrets and even the rare great bustard.
18:00 Dinner at the St. Martins spa, thereafter drive home to Vienna.
The Austrian regional group of the GWG is hoping to welcome a lot of Goodeid interested people to this great event with exciting talks, tremendous speakers, a compliant choice of frame programs, good meal, wine and beer and a lot of time for having a chat. We are trying to continue the family environment, that originated in Barcelona two years ago, and has been strengthened in Pont L'Eveque last year, and the traditionally very good speeches of the last two years.
We are looking forward to a great Meeting in Vienna,
Michael Koeck
Um abraço
Miguel Andrade
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