From viviparos Tue Sep 6 22:51:44 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Tue Sep 6 22:51:47 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] =?iso-8859-1?q?Regras_sobre_a_utiliza=E7=E3?= =?iso-8859-1?q?o_da_lista_Cyprinodontiformes?= Message-ID: Caro utilizador, O compilado de regras que se segue, vai sendo actualizado sempre que necessário. Por essa razão, esta mensagem está a ser enviada todos os meses, como um aviso, a fim de proporcionar uma utilização mais eficiente da lista. Por favor tenha o cuidado de ler, pelo menos de vez em quando, esta regulamentação e as 5 respostas às perguntas mais frequentes que a antecedem, pois há uma certa possibilidade de ocorrerem ligeiras mudanças todos os meses. 1 - O que é a lista PGA magazine ou [Cyprinodontiformes] ? A lista Cyprinodontiformes foi criada em Janeiro de 2009 no âmbito do sítio Cyprinodontiformes Vivíparos e Ovovivíparos ( ), a fim de proporcionar um meio de difundir notícias e novidades relativas às espécies e conteúdos do sítio, de servir como um meio de comunicação entre os inscritos, nomeadamente para intercâmbio de peixes e de conhecimentos e de permitir às entidades comerciais interessadas lançar alertas dirigidos aos subscritores desta lista sobre a chegada de novos peixes das espécies abordadas às respectivas lojas. Do seu arquivo fazem ainda parte as mensagens registadas entre Junho de 2007 e Novembro de 2008 na lista de discussão antecessora " VIP - Vivíparos Portugal ", cujo endereço é Existe neste momento no sítio uma página dedicada a esta lista em 2 - O que é que eu posso fazer para proporcionar este serviço a mais alguém ? Apenas e tão-somente enviar uma mensagem para o endereço vivíparos(at)viví, indicando o nome e o respectivo endereço electrónico, ( vulgo e-mail ) do futuro aderente. Em alternativa pode proceder à inscrição individual por sua iniciativa através dos meios ao seu alcance, acedendo à lista via Internet em ATENÇÃO : Todos os comandos da lista são automáticos. Por essa razão, para se tornar assinante ou se desistir de o ser, deve simplesmente seguir as instruções divulgadas no endereço acima referido, sem necessidade de intervenção dos respectivos moderadores. 3 - Já estou inscrito e a receber mensagens... mas como é que faço chegar as minhas próprias mensagens aos restantes inscritos na lista ? Basta enviar as suas mensagens para o endereço cyprinodontiformes(at), mas SEMPRE ATRAVÉS DO ENDEREÇO EM QUE ESTÁ INSCRITO, ( caso contrário essas mensagens ficam a aguardar a intervenção dos moderadores ). Como se poderá ler mais abaixo há umas quantas regras básicas a respeitarem-se sobre o tipo de mensagens que se podem dirigir à lista. Em termos técnicos, enviar a mesma mensagem para lista Cyprinodontiformes e para outros destinatários em simultâneo, não é muito boa ideia, pois se o seu número for superior a 30, é considerado correio do tipo " spam " ( publicidade não solicitada e vírus ), e a mensagem em causa ficará retida à espera de autorização. Algumas respostas directas ( às mensagens recebidas da lista ) também não estão a dar resultado, pelo que é bom costume habituarmo-nos a enviar quaisquer mensagens destinadas à lista apenas para o respectivo endereço - cyprinodontiformes(at), ( mesmo quanto se trate de uma resposta ou da participação num tópico ). 4 - E se pretender enviar informação com anexos, posso ? Para já sim. Devem no entanto serem tidas em consideração três questões em particular. a) Os anexos estão por enquanto a ser arquivados no servidor, mas de futuro essa situação pode vir a terminar, devido à ( sensata ) política de gestão de espaço, pelo que no arquivo acessível via Internet nessa altura não ficarão guardados. b) Os ficheiros do tipo executável e alguns outros que possam ser considerados um risco de transmissão de vírus informáticos são rejeitados ( eliminados ) automaticamente pelo sistema. c) Certos ficheiros anexos não são permitidos devido às suas dimensões. Em caso de dúvida sobre o envio de um ficheiro deve contactar-se a moderação via vivíparos(at), para esclarecimento da mesma. Documentos anexos, de qualquer natureza ( incluindo documentos produzidos pelas ferramentas " Microsoft Office " ou ilustrações e imagens de qualquer tipo ), são terminantemente proibidos em muitas listas de discussão na Internet. O envio de anexos encerra perigos de real difusão de vírus, " spywares ", " adwares ", entre outros. É através, principalmente dos documentos anexos, que os vírus e outros programas indesejáveis se propagam pela rede e uma forma de eliminar a sua transmissão é abstermo-nos de enviarmos documentos anexos. Além disso, alguns assinantes ainda não utilizam ligações ADSL ou formas de banda larga para terem acesso à Internet, pelo que os documentos anexos levam mais tempo para serem descarregados no computador do destinatário. 5 - Para além dos anexos, devo ter algum cuidado técnico especial com as minhas mensagens para a lista ? Uma garantia de sucesso é o envio das mensagens em formato em texto simples ( " simple text " ), e não nos formatos " html " ou texto rico ( " rich text " ou " rtf " ) - veja-se a alínea f) do regulamento. Um dos inconvenientes das mensagens nesses formatos é que devido à ( sensata ) política de gestão de espaço no servidor, todas as mensagens estarem a ser actualmente arquivadas em formato de texto simples, o que significa dizer que, no arquivo disponível via Internet, para além da previsível desformatação que daí resulta, poder vir a dar-se a perda de imagens incorporadas ou todos os tipos de acessórios que o formato " html " perde quando é convertido em texto. Regulamento de Utilização Todas as listas de discussão e fóruns na Internet possuem regras que assegurem seu bom funcionamento. Para além das habituais, existem algumas específicas, como neste caso em particular : a) O teor das mensagens não pode ser ofensivo à moral e bons costumes nem à legislação nacional e internacional. b) As três línguas oficiais de comunicação serão o Português, o Inglês e o Espanhol ( Castelhano ), pela respectiva ordem de importância. Os membros inscritos não serão no entanto obrigados a escreverem as suas mensagens em todos estes idiomas, ( ou sequer a terem conhecimentos em mais do que um deles ). Alguns tópicos poderão ser traduzidos a pedido de alguém que o necessite. Caso exista disponibilidade, essa tradução será assegurada por outros membros inscritos que se queiram voluntariar para o efeito. Em último caso, as traduções serão asseguradas por parte da moderação, mas apenas e somente de acordo com o tempo livre de algum dos moderadores. c) O tema dos assuntos tem que ter relação com o âmbito e objectivos da lista, ou seja, proporcionarem um meio de difundir notícias e novidades relativas às espécies e conteúdos abordados no sítio Cyprinodontiformes Vivíparos e Ovovivíparos ( ), servirem como um meio de comunicação entre os membros inscritos, nomeadamente para intercâmbio de peixes e de conhecimentos e permitirem às entidades comerciais interessadas lançarem alertas dirigidos aos subscritores desta lista sobre a chegada de novos peixes das espécies abordadas às respectivas lojas. d) A divulgação de notícias ou de qualquer conteúdo em geral, quer sejam de sua própria autoria ou de outrem, são da inteira responsabilidade de quem fez o envio da referida matéria, uma vez que o sistema é aberto, ou seja, não se faz uma triagem, escrutínio ou selecção de conteúdos previamente. Actualmente ( e desejamos manter assim ), a retransmissão de mensagens para a lista é automática para os inscritos, não havendo intervenção manual nem aprovação prévia por parte dos moderadores, por essa razão é impossível haver censura nesta lista. e) Não é permitida qualquer forma de publicidade não autorizada nesta lista. As entidades comerciais, nomeadamente lojas e estabelecimentos com negócio de peixes de aquário, empresas dedicadas à importação de peixes de aquário com vendas ao público e outras entidades afins, são convidadas a divulgarem as suas existências ( " stocks " ) e a anunciarem a chegada de novos contingentes de peixes PERTENCENTES ESPÉCIES DE CYPRINODONTIFORMES VIVÍPAROS E OVOVIVÍPAROS. Não são para já permitidas as divulgações de preços directamente nesta lista, pelo que as entidades comerciais devem incluir sempre uma forma de contacto nos seus anúncios, permitindo aos potenciais clientes o acesso aos preços praticados através de outra forma directa a estabelecer entre ambos, sempre fora da lista PGA magazine ou [Cyprinodontiformes]. f) Todas as mensagens deveriam ser enviadas preferencialmente em texto simples. As mensagens em formato " html " ou " rtf " ocupam muito espaço em servidor ou no provedor de serviço de correio electrónico dos destinatários, para além de levarem mais tempo para serem descarregadas. Aconselham-se todos os utilizadores a utilizarem, sempre que possível, o formato texto simples. g) Devem ser seguidas todas as regras elementares de etiqueta aplicáveis a todas as listas e fóruns temáticos e à troca de correspondência electrónica. h) podem ser " importadas " ( reproduzidas ) mensagens de outras listas ou fóruns, desde que fique bem clara a identificação da origem dessa informação. Pela Moderação Miguel Andrade From viviparos Tue Sep 6 22:54:19 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Tue Sep 6 22:54:21 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] =?iso-8859-1?q?Regresso_de_F=E9rias?= Message-ID: <563CDEAB370449149FCF27CE2E089452@Namaacha> Caros colegas, Afinal não foram 4 semanas de ausência... mas pouco mais de 5. De toda a forma nos próximos dias vão notar a diferença, pois há muitas mensagens em atraso para enviar. Relembro que em Outubro vou estar presente no 2.º congresso do GWG, por isso aproveitem ;) Um abraço Miguel Andrade From viviparos Tue Sep 6 22:59:02 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Tue Sep 6 22:59:05 2011 Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?RE:_=5BCyprinodontiformes=5D_F=E9rias?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Obrigado Liliana !!! Vá-se lá saber porquê a tua mensagem ficou retida pelo sistema de segurança ( está afinadinho, rsrsrsrs ). Provavelmente respondeste através do endereço que não está registado na lista. Se assim for depois confirma-me se queres mudar. Beijinhos Miguel Andrade ________________________________________ De: [] Em nome de liliana Cardoso Enviada: segunda-feira, 25 de Julho de 2011 10:14 Para: undisclosed-recipients: Assunto: Re: [Cyprinodontiformes] Férias Boas férias, Miguel   Bom descanso e aproveita bem   bjs Liliana Em 23 de julho de 2011 23:15, escreveu: Caros colegas, Durante as próximas 4 semanas estarei ausente. Naturalmente isso provocará o habitual " período de recuperação " nas mensagens por enviar, após o meu regresso. No entanto esta lista de correio electrónico também pode funcionar como fórum... e está aberta às vossas contribuições. Um abraço e até ao meu regresso ;) Miguel Andrade _______________________________________________ Cyprinodontiformes mailing list -- Liliana Rio Cardoso 916081142 From lcnunes Tue Sep 6 23:15:39 2011 From: lcnunes (lcnunes) Date: Tue Sep 6 23:26:26 2011 Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?RE=3A_=5BCyprinodontiformes=5D_Regresso_de_F=E9rias?= References: <563CDEAB370449149FCF27CE2E089452@Namaacha> Message-ID: Olá Miguel, Eu quero, eu quero... Já sabes alguma coisa? Abraço, João ________________________________ De: em nome de Enviada: ter 06-09-2011 22:54 Para: Assunto: [Cyprinodontiformes] Regresso de Férias Caros colegas, Afinal não foram 4 semanas de ausência... mas pouco mais de 5. De toda a forma nos próximos dias vão notar a diferença, pois há muitas mensagens em atraso para enviar. Relembro que em Outubro vou estar presente no 2.º congresso do GWG, por isso aproveitem ;) Um abraço Miguel Andrade _______________________________________________ Cyprinodontiformes mailing list -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo que não estava em formato texto não está incluído... Nome : não disponível Tipo : application/ms-tnef Tam : 3968 bytes Descr: não disponível Url : From lcnunes Tue Sep 6 23:14:27 2011 From: lcnunes (lcnunes) Date: Tue Sep 6 23:44:16 2011 Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?RE=3A_=5BCyprinodontiformes=5D_F=E9rias?= References: Message-ID: Tá esquisito!! ________________________________ De: em nome de liliana Cardoso Enviada: seg 25-07-2011 10:14 Para: undisclosed-recipients Assunto: Re: [Cyprinodontiformes] Férias Boas férias, Miguel Bom descanso e aproveita bem bjs Liliana Em 23 de julho de 2011 23:15, escreveu: Caros colegas, Durante as próximas 4 semanas estarei ausente. Naturalmente isso provocará o habitual " período de recuperação " nas mensagens por enviar, após o meu regresso. No entanto esta lista de correio electrónico também pode funcionar como fórum... e está aberta às vossas contribuições. Um abraço e até ao meu regresso ;) Miguel Andrade _______________________________________________ Cyprinodontiformes mailing list -- Liliana Rio Cardoso 916081142 -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo que não estava em formato texto não está incluído... Nome : não disponível Tipo : application/ms-tnef Tam : 4496 bytes Descr: não disponível Url : From lcnunes Tue Sep 6 23:13:03 2011 From: lcnunes (lcnunes) Date: Tue Sep 6 23:44:25 2011 Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?RE=3A_=5BCyprinodontiformes=5D_F=E9rias?= References: Message-ID: ??? rsrsrs ________________________________ De: em nome de Enviada: ter 06-09-2011 22:59 Para: 'vivíparos e ovovivíparos ( Livebearer fish )' Assunto: RE: [Cyprinodontiformes] Férias Obrigado Liliana !!! Vá-se lá saber porquê a tua mensagem ficou retida pelo sistema de segurança ( está afinadinho, rsrsrsrs ). Provavelmente respondeste através do endereço que não está registado na lista. Se assim for depois confirma-me se queres mudar. Beijinhos Miguel Andrade ________________________________________ De: [] Em nome de liliana Cardoso Enviada: segunda-feira, 25 de Julho de 2011 10:14 Para: undisclosed-recipients: Assunto: Re: [Cyprinodontiformes] Férias Boas férias, Miguel Bom descanso e aproveita bem bjs Liliana Em 23 de julho de 2011 23:15, escreveu: Caros colegas, Durante as próximas 4 semanas estarei ausente. Naturalmente isso provocará o habitual " período de recuperação " nas mensagens por enviar, após o meu regresso. No entanto esta lista de correio electrónico também pode funcionar como fórum... e está aberta às vossas contribuições. Um abraço e até ao meu regresso ;) Miguel Andrade _______________________________________________ Cyprinodontiformes mailing list -- Liliana Rio Cardoso 916081142 _______________________________________________ Cyprinodontiformes mailing list -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo que não estava em formato texto não está incluído... Nome : não disponível Tipo : application/ms-tnef Tam : 4640 bytes Descr: não disponível Url : From smurramartins Tue Sep 13 21:52:24 2011 From: smurramartins (Sergio Martins) Date: Tue Sep 13 21:52:27 2011 Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Re=3A_=5BCyprinodontiformes=5D_Regresso_de_F=E9rias?= In-Reply-To: <563CDEAB370449149FCF27CE2E089452@Namaacha> References: <563CDEAB370449149FCF27CE2E089452@Namaacha> Message-ID: Olá, Eu talvez também estou interessado. Mas como vai funcionar isso? Vai haver alguma lista prévia? Cumprimentos, Sérgio 2011/9/6 > Caros colegas, > > Afinal não foram 4 semanas de ausência... mas pouco mais de 5. > De toda a forma nos próximos dias vão notar a diferença, pois há muitas > mensagens em > atraso para enviar. > Relembro que em Outubro vou estar presente no 2.º congresso do GWG, por > isso > aproveitem ;) > > > Um abraço > > Miguel Andrade > > > > _______________________________________________ > Cyprinodontiformes mailing list > > > -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Tue Sep 13 22:31:20 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Tue Sep 13 22:31:14 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Practical Fishkeeping 29-07-2011 Message-ID: Caros colegas, Sem tempo para mais comentários e com muitas mensagens para vos enviar nos próximos dias, assim começo a actualização que se impõe. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Practical Fishkeeping [] Enviada: sexta-feira, 29 de Julho de 2011 14:47 Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Latest news and features from Practical Fishkeeping View this newsletter in your browser Turn on images to see this Home News Blog Features Directory Subscribe Images are turned off Free goodies worth £37.50 when you subscribe to PFK This month's free gift is a great bundle of Superfish products from Aquadistri, which every fishkeeper... Images are turned off Aquatics Live tickets - on sale now! Tickets for the new Aquatics Live show have just gone on sale. Judging by all the excitement we've... Images are turned off How to set up an aquarium with plastic plants This amazing aquascape has been set up using only plastic plants. Impressed? Jeremy Gay sings the... Images are turned off 10 planted tank myths Do you believe all that advice that everyone wants to throw at you regarding planted aquariums?... 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Images are turned off Great white shark leaps onto boat A research team studying Great white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) off the coast of South Africa... Images are turned off Howard the hermit shells out for glass house A hermit crab called Howard on display at the National Sea Life Centre in Birmingham has taken up... Magazine news Images are turned off The August issue of PFK is on sale now! Don't miss the August issue of PFK, which goes on sale today. Images are turned off Free Fishkeeping Directory with the latest issue of PFK The August 2011 issue of Practical Fishkeeping comes with a free 64-page Fishkeeping Directory. Images are turned off Going on holiday soon? It's that holiday time of year again and, if you're thinking of going away, the August issue of... Featured sites Images are turned off Plants Alive Plants Alive specialise in aquarium plants and pond plants for the aquarist. We have over 30... Images are turned off Halls Garden Centre With water; it is a piece of paradise - an island of rejuvenation and an oasis for the entire... Images are turned off Paddock Farm Water Gardens Paddock Farm Water Gardens is one of the Norths leading aquatic and water garden retailers. Our... Images are turned off City Aquatics City Aquatics is a specialist shop based in Cardiff. Specialising in supplying Marine, Corals... Images are turned off Warehouse Aquatics UK's fastest growing online aquatics superstore, cheapest prices online and price match, with... Images are turned off Aquacare The place for biOrb and Juwel aquariums from Aquacare. Whether you choose an aquarium from the ... Images are turned off 123 Aquatics 123 Aquatics, the experts in aquatic, pond and reptile supplies. Take a look at our website to... Images are turned off New Atlantic Country Superstore We pride ourselves on offering an unbeatable range of products across the whole countryside... Images are turned off Woodford Aquatics Woodford Aquatics the only shop you will ever need for all of your aquatic needs and answers to... Images are turned off Planted Tanks Spend over £50 get free delivery and spend £60 get free delivery and 10% off. From plants to ... Images are turned off Living Reef Ltd One of the best UK shops for sourcing your aquatic and reptile needs. The three thousand sq feet sh... Images are turned off My Fish for Sale A Brand new UK Aquatic Auction Site, Free to list, no fees and no commission, Buy and sell your... Subscribe Twitter Mobile Unsubscribe Practical Fishkeeping, Bauer Media, Media House, Lynchwood Business Park, Peterborough, PE2 5EA -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Tue Sep 13 22:32:36 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Tue Sep 13 22:32:30 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter July 29th, 2011 Message-ID: <431D09CCAF614896A1AB9A84448608C2@Namaacha> Caros colegas, Faço minhas as palavras da mensagem anterior :-) Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter July 29th, 2011 Astroblepus from Peru imported! The L-numbers or Loricariidae belong to the most popular species of catfish from South America. But even very experienced aquarists will hardly ever had the opportunity to see alive a specimen of the genus Astroblepus, although the family Astroblepidae, which includes the single genus Astroblepus, is the closest relative of the loricariids. Astroblepids are distinguished from loricariids by the naked body, which is covered by bony plates in loricariids. So we are very proud that we have been able to import two species of Astroblepus now for the first time ever, although in very small numbers. There are more than 50 species in Astroblepus and no scientific revision has been done for over 100 years. So a determination of our species would have been virtually impossible without the knowledge of the origin of the fish (thanks Carlos!). But we were informed that our fish had been collected in the upper Rio Ucayali region, which reduced the number of possible species to 6. Although such a determination cannot be done without leaving some doubts our fish are at least very similar to the described species Astroblepus mancoi and A. taczanowskii. The most attractive species is Astroblepus mancoi with a variable tiger pattern, whereas A. taczanowskii is more or less uniformly orange-brown with a fine marble pattern. Both species become around 8 cm long. All species of Astroblepus feed on Aufwuchs. The structure of their mouth and teeth reminds one strongly in loricariids. Astroblepus are adopted perfectly to strong current. They do not have only a suckermouth, but also a moveable adhesive apparatus on the belly. Both specializations allow the fish to climb even over the strongest rapids existing. On the upper edge of the opercula is a small aperture that allows the fish to breath althout the mouth is sucked to the ground. These fascinating catfish should be kept under cool conditions (18-22°C) and a pump for a strong current should be installed in the tank. Despite this keeping Astroblepus can be compared with keeping Ancistrus species. Our specimens have proofed so far to be very peaceful against each other. For our customers: Astroblepus mancoi has code 208783, A. taczanowskii 208792 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Astroblepus: from ancient Greek, means "stargazer". Mancoi: dedication name "for the Inca Ayar Manco, colonizer of Cuzco, the "Moses of the Peruvian Indians", who, about 1100 A.D. led the exodus from Tampu-tocco." (Eigenmann & Allen, 1942). taczanowskii: dedication name for the former curator of the Warsaw museum. Suggestion of common names: A. mancoi: Tiger stargazer catfish; A. taczanowskii: Orange stargazer catfish. Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Pterobunocephalus depressus This is by far the most attractive species of all banjo cats - and the rarest. We recently received the fish for the first time from Peru. It is also one of the most variably coloured species of banjo cat. Most specimens have a sharp black-and-white contrasting pattern, being white anterior and black posterior. But there are also variations, some specimens are almost completely black, others brownish. Maximum length of Pterobunocephlaus depressus is around 9 cm. Like all banjo cats the species is absolutely peaceful against any tankmate. Fine sand that allows the fish to borrow themselves is recommended, but not absolutely necessary. Banjo cats are strictly night active fish, so one must feed - at least during acclimatisation - the fish after the light has been switched off. The fish feed readily on any usual type of live, frozen or dried food. For our customers: the fish have code 212922 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Pterobunocephalus: from ancient Greek, means "Bunocephalus with a fin", referring to the comparatively long anal fin; Bunocephalus is another genus of banjo cat. depressus: Latin, means "flattened". Suggestion of a common name: Domino banjo cat Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Fantastic tetras: German bred! We received this week German bred Moenkhausia cosmops and Hyphessobrycon haraldschultzi. These fish are very strong, healthy and have brilliant colours. Of course we have only limited quantities of these rare fish available... Read more about the species under (Moenkhausia cosmops) and tml (H. haraldschultzi). For our customers: M. cosmops has code 268644, H. haraldschultzi 260404 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Issue 97 of the NEWS can be downloaded for free here: Enjoy! _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Wed Sep 14 22:08:02 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Wed Sep 14 22:08:06 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Practical Fishkeeping 05-08-2011 Message-ID: <022EAFF445D647A9AEFD0EA2CF127455@Namaacha> Caros colegas, Apenas umas escassas palavras para vos dizer que aqui vão alguns excelentes temas sobre aquariofilia para lerem. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Practical Fishkeeping [] Enviada: sexta-feira, 5 de Agosto de 2011 14:02 Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: The perils of working at a public aquarium! Latest news and features View this newsletter in your browser Turn on images to see this Home News Blog Features Directory Subscribe Images are turned off Get an Aqua Cube 14 l. aquarium when you subscribe to PFK! We think it's our best ever subscription offer! Get your Aqua Cube 14 l. aquarium in this... Images are turned off The perils of working at a public aquarium! A brawl between staff and spectators at an oceanarium in Russia was caught on video. Images are turned off What's the most aggressive catfish species? Some catfish aren't such cute kitties, as Daphne Layley explains... Images are turned off Two new cichlid foods from Tetra Tetra has developed two completely new foods for cichlids. Images are turned off Weird fish of the week: Blob sculpin This week's choice for water-dwelling weirdo status is the Blob sculpin, a visually unfortunate... Images are turned off How to solve a problem like new tank syndrome Nathan Hill answers your most frequent questions about one of the most lethal killers of aquarium... Images are turned off New Nano T5 light unit from iQuatics UK lighting manufacturer iQuatics has released a new range of Nano T5 lighting units for the smal... Images are turned off Why do fish always die in the most awkward places? Ever wondered why fish seem to die in the most inaccessible spots of your aquarium – like under... Images are turned off Giant gourami was addicted to chocolate Staff at the Sea Life London Aquarium have helped a chocoholic Giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy)... Images are turned off New research into how fish use fins for swimming A new laser imaging device has given scientists a more accurate picture of the role the dorsal and... Images are turned off New H2Air air pumps from TMC A new range of efficient, high performance air pumps has just been launched by TMC. Images are turned off How do I keep a Fire eel in the aquarium? What's the best tank set up for keeping a Fire eel (Mastacembelus erythrotaenia)? Dr Heok Hee Ng ... Magazine news Images are turned off September 2011 issue on sale now! The September 2011 issue of Practical Fishkeeping is on sale now – check out some of the fabulous... Images are turned off Setting up the Aqua Cube 14 l. tank – watch the video! Jeremy Gay sets up a cool new nano aquarium obtained from Pets at Home - and you can get one as a... Images are turned off Last chance to vote in PFK Readers' Poll 2011 The postal votes are coming in for our Readers' Poll on a daily basis, and from the votes counted... Featured sites Images are turned off Plants Alive Plants Alive specialise in aquarium plants and pond plants for the aquarist. We have over 30 years... Images are turned off My Fish for Sale A Brand new UK Aquatic Auction Site, Free to list, no fees and no commission, Buy and sell your... Images are turned off Planted Tanks Spend over £50 get free delivery and spend £60 get free delivery and 10% off. From plants to ... Images are turned off Swallow Aquatics Welcome to Swallow Aquatics - Britains Number One aquatic experts - located across the South East... Images are turned off Charterhouse Aquatics Specialists in coldwater, tropical, marine and reef aquariums. With our low prices, large stock, ... Images are turned off The Trop Shop Here at the Trop Shop we have a refreshing attitude towards fishkeeping. We offer help and advice... Images are turned off Aquacare The place for biOrb and Juwel aquariums from Aquacare. Whether you choose an aquarium from the ... Images are turned off Aqua Bitz We are a small company with over 35 years in the aquatic trade, retail, wholesale, import and aquatic... Images are turned off Woodford Aquatics Woodford Aquatics the only shop you will ever need for all of your aquatic needs and answers to a... Images are turned off New Atlantic Country Superstore We pride ourselves on offering an unbeatable range of products across the whole countryside market... Images are turned off City Aquatics City Aquatics is a specialist shop based in Cardiff. Specialising in supplying Marine, Corals... Images are turned off CD Aquatics Established in the Aquatics trade since 1991, CD Aquatics cater for all that is needed for the... Subscribe Twitter Mobile Unsubscribe Practical Fishkeeping, Bauer Media, Media House, Lynchwood Business Park, Peterborough, PE2 5EA -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Wed Sep 14 22:09:16 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Wed Sep 14 22:09:19 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter august 5th, 2011 Message-ID: Para quem gosta de peixes fora do comum… Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter august 5th, 2011 Dianema cf. urostriata RED ITUXI The genus Dianema comprises currently only two valid species (D. longibarbis and D. urostriata), which are pretty easy to distinguish due to the very different coloration of the caudal fin. >From Brazil we now received a third species under the name of "RED ITUXI". Obviously the collectors in the field observed that the basic colour of the fish is by far more reddish-orange than in its congeneers. The fish has a pattern in the caudal fin, which is quite variable and reminds one in D. urostriata (in D. longibarbis the caudal fin is completely hyaline). Despite this the new Dianema differs clearly from the other two species by the always clearly visible fontanelle (see photos). Keeping the new Dianema is as easy as keeping the other Dianema species. Dianema are day active, schooling fish that prefer to swim free in the water column in contrast to most other plated catfish. The fish are extremely peaceful and feed readily on any type of usual fishfood. Breeding Dianema, on the other hand, is not that easy, as it is quite difficult to stimulate the fish. In case stimulation was successful, the male Dianema builds a kind of bubble nest under a broad leaf or so. Here the male spawns with one or several females. At least under aquarium conditions the guarding instinct is not very strong. The closely relative Hoplosternum, for example, jumps without any hesitating in the face of the curious aquarist that dares to put his nose too close to the nest ... The sexes of Dianema are not easy to distinguish. Males can be recognized best by the broader and stronger pectoral fin spines. Maximum size reported so far is around 8 cm (in D. longibarbis) and 15 cm (D. urostriata). Our new "RED ITUXI" are currently between 4 and 6 cm long. For our customers: the new Dianema has code 251712 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Dianema: from ancient Greek, means about "with two threads", referring to the two barbels on the upper and the lower jaw. longibarbis: Latin, means "with a long beard". urostriata: Latin, means "with a striped tail". Suggestion of a common name: Red Ituxi Dianema Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Caecomastacembelus brichardi - the Blind Spiny Eel One expects blind species of fish from cave systems or the deep sea. But in the rapids of the lower Congo river not less than 5 different species of blind fish exist (among them the only blind species of cichlid of the World, Lamprologus lethops) - and nobody can explain why these fish are blind. One of them is Caecomastacembelus brichardi, which we were able to import once more after many years. The scientific paper, in which the Blind Spiny Eel is described, is accompanied by a biotope photo. Here one can see large rocks, sometimes protruding from the water, and it is in crevices among these that the Blind Spiny Eel prefers to live. The species grows to about 15 cm in length (the largest specimen in the type series was 11 cm long); its colour varies from snow-white to a whitish grey, and it prefers a diet of worms and frozen foods. It is important that the food has a strong aroma. Against conspecifics the fish is completely peaceful. In general, spiny eels are peaceful fish that ignore other species as long as they don´t serve as food. For our customers: the fish have code 109003 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Caecomastacembelus: Latin, means "blind Mastacembelus"; Mastacembelus is another genus of spiny eel. brichardi: dedication name for Pierre Brichard (1921 - 1990). Common name: Blind Spiny Eel Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Issue 97 of the NEWS can be downloaded for free here: Enjoy! _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Wed Sep 14 22:11:00 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Wed Sep 14 22:11:02 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 32 Message-ID: E aqui vai a primeira mensagem com o novo formato… Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 32 This Extra-Newsletter will inform you in irregular appearance on most current changes on our stocklist. Enjoy! Chaetostoma from Peru arrived again! Once more we have small numbers of three so far undescribed species of Chaetostoma in stock, which have been recently given L-numbers. For more information, please click the peculiar picture. L 455, Chaetostoma sp. Tiger, Code 214844 _____ L 457, Chaetostoma sp. Tingo Red, Code 214824 _____ L 456, Chaetostoma sp. Pisqui River, Code 214874 Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Wed Sep 14 23:28:16 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Wed Sep 14 23:28:20 2011 Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?RE:_=5BCyprinodontiformes=5D_Regresso_de_F=E9rias?= In-Reply-To: References: <563CDEAB370449149FCF27CE2E089452@Namaacha> Message-ID: Olá Maria João, Afinal as tuas mensagens estão a ser recebidas na lista :) Manda vir nomes científicos. Já estou carregado de encomendas mas há sempre lugar para os teus pedidos. Ainda não há nenhuma listagem de espécies disponível. Apenas se sabe que em princípio não falhará nenhuma espécie de Goodeiídeo. Um abraço Miguel Andrade ________________________________________ De: lcnunes [] Enviada: terça-feira, 6 de Setembro de 2011 23:16 Para:; vivíparos e ovovivíparos ( Livebearer fish ) Assunto: RE: [Cyprinodontiformes] Regresso de Férias Olá Miguel,   Eu quero, eu quero... Já sabes alguma coisa?   Abraço, João ________________________________________ De: em nome de Enviada: ter 06-09-2011 22:54 Para: Assunto: [Cyprinodontiformes] Regresso de Férias Caros colegas, Afinal não foram 4 semanas de ausência... mas pouco mais de 5. De toda a forma nos próximos dias vão notar a diferença, pois há muitas mensagens em atraso para enviar. Relembro que em Outubro vou estar presente no 2.º congresso do GWG, por isso aproveitem ;) Um abraço Miguel Andrade _______________________________________________ Cyprinodontiformes mailing list From viviparos Wed Sep 14 23:45:54 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Wed Sep 14 23:45:57 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Encomendas In-Reply-To: References: <563CDEAB370449149FCF27CE2E089452@Namaacha> Message-ID: <079F90890BC542EA83B51AFE9396E44A@Namaacha> Olá Sérgio, Não há propriamente uma lista. Vocês dizem-me o que gostariam que eu vos trouxesse e, dentro das minhas possibilidades de transporte, logo se verá o que é possível arranjar por lá. Relembro que há espécies que serão oferecidas e outras que são leiloadas pela melhor oferta em leilão, como em qualquer convenção associativa do género. Também era importante referir que está prevista uma generosa presença de Poeciliídeos ( " selvagens " e não só ). Agora tenham em consideração as 3 regras importantes. 1. Só vos trago peixes na condição de irem ter comigo ao aeroporto na chegada ( ou eventualmente combinarem com alguém que tenha peixes a receber ir buscar também os vossos peixes ). 2. Vou atender os vossos pedidos por ordem de chegada, ou seja, quem me contactou primeiro tem prioridade sobre quem me contactou a seguir. 3. Os vosso pedidos ficam limitados a : a) espaço livre na minha bagagem. b) limite máximo de licitação por espécie (digam no máximo até onde posso ir no montante a reclamar, isto é, caso não sejam peixes oferecidos). c) se a espécie pretendida tem que possuir população de origem identificada ou não ( e qual a população específica no primeiro caso ). Posto isto, os dados estão lançados. Já agora informo que o Miguel Figueiredo foi o primeiro a formular um pedido ( falta apenas definires os limites de b e de c ), o Boucinha a seguir ( através das indicações do Paulo Alves ), depois a Maria João... e assim sucessivamente. Para me fornecerem os dados em falta podem fazer o favor de me contactarem via mensagem privada. A partida é a 7 de Outubro e a chegada a 9 de Outubro. Um abraço Miguel Andrade ________________________________________ De: Sergio Martins [] Enviada: terça-feira, 13 de Setembro de 2011 21:52 Para:; vivíparos e ovovivíparos ( Livebearer fish ) Assunto: Re: [Cyprinodontiformes] Regresso de Férias Olá, Eu talvez também estou interessado. Mas como vai funcionar isso? Vai haver alguma lista prévia? Cumprimentos, Sérgio 2011/9/6 Caros colegas, Afinal não foram 4 semanas de ausência... mas pouco mais de 5. De toda a forma nos próximos dias vão notar a diferença, pois há muitas mensagens em atraso para enviar. Relembro que em Outubro vou estar presente no 2.º congresso do GWG, por isso aproveitem ;) Um abraço Miguel Andrade _______________________________________________ Cyprinodontiformes mailing list From smurramartins Thu Sep 15 18:31:51 2011 From: smurramartins (Sergio Martins) Date: Thu Sep 15 18:31:54 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Re: Encomendas In-Reply-To: <079F90890BC542EA83B51AFE9396E44A@Namaacha> References: <563CDEAB370449149FCF27CE2E089452@Namaacha> <079F90890BC542EA83B51AFE9396E44A@Namaacha> Message-ID: Olá Miguel, Pois o que eu pretendia era uma espécie de poeciliídeo pequeno e que suportasse água pouco dura. Para isso estava a pensar em algum poecilia sp. (excepto o reticulata) e a heterandria formosa. Tinha também um especial interesse em P. wingei selvagens. De notar que apenas tenho um aquario de 80*30*40 de modo que queria apenas uma dessas espécies... Em relação a esperar no aeroporto não tem problema. Em relação ao valor máximo do leilão, eu por mim não passa mais de 15?. Talvez seja um valor muito baixo. Não faço ideia. Se for avisa-me. E desde já obrigado. Se não trouxeres nada não tem problema. O que conta é a intenção. E eu ando à imenso tempo para te falar do que a minha Prof. me disse sobre Aphanius ibericus/baeticus em Portugal. Segundo ela, não sei bem com que base mas provavelmente em alguma coisa que leu, supostamente poderão existir em zonas salinas e de aguas duras na zona da foz do guadiana... Eu disse que já tinham procurado por lá e que não tinham encontrado nada. Ela depois disse algo sobre as propecções poderem ter escapado algo mas que a espécie poderia de facto não existir lá... Cumprimentos, Sérgio 2011/9/14 > Olá Sérgio, > > Não há propriamente uma lista. > Vocês dizem-me o que gostariam que eu vos trouxesse e, dentro das minhas > possibilidades de transporte, logo se verá o que é possível arranjar por > lá. > Relembro que há espécies que serão oferecidas e outras que são leiloadas > pela melhor > oferta em leilão, como em qualquer convenção associativa do género. > Também era importante referir que está prevista uma generosa presença de > Poeciliídeos > ( " selvagens " e não só ). > Agora tenham em consideração as 3 regras importantes. > > 1. Só vos trago peixes na condição de irem ter comigo ao aeroporto na > chegada ( ou > eventualmente combinarem com alguém que tenha peixes a receber ir buscar > também os > vossos peixes ). > > 2. Vou atender os vossos pedidos por ordem de chegada, ou seja, quem me > contactou > primeiro tem prioridade sobre quem me contactou a seguir. > > 3. Os vosso pedidos ficam limitados a : > > a) espaço livre na minha bagagem. > b) limite máximo de licitação por espécie (digam no máximo até onde posso > ir no > montante a reclamar, isto é, caso não sejam peixes oferecidos). > c) se a espécie pretendida tem que possuir população de origem > identificada ou não ( > e qual a população específica no primeiro caso ). > > Posto isto, os dados estão lançados. > Já agora informo que o Miguel Figueiredo foi o primeiro a formular um > pedido ( falta > apenas definires os limites de b e de c ), o Boucinha a seguir ( através > das > indicações do Paulo Alves ), depois a Maria João... e assim sucessivamente. > Para me fornecerem os dados em falta podem fazer o favor de me contactarem > via > mensagem privada. > A partida é a 7 de Outubro e a chegada a 9 de Outubro. > > Um abraço > > Miguel Andrade > > ________________________________________ > De: Sergio Martins [] > Enviada: terça-feira, 13 de Setembro de 2011 21:52 > Para:; vivíparos e ovovivíparos ( Livebearer fish > ) > Assunto: Re: [Cyprinodontiformes] Regresso de Férias > > Olá, > > Eu talvez também estou interessado. Mas como vai funcionar isso? Vai haver > alguma > lista prévia? > > Cumprimentos, > > Sérgio > > > 2011/9/6 > Caros colegas, > > Afinal não foram 4 semanas de ausência... mas pouco mais de 5. > De toda a forma nos próximos dias vão notar a diferença, pois há muitas > mensagens em > atraso para enviar. > Relembro que em Outubro vou estar presente no 2.º congresso do GWG, por > isso > aproveitem ;) > > > Um abraço > > Miguel Andrade > > > > _______________________________________________ > Cyprinodontiformes mailing list > > > > > -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Thu Sep 15 21:46:06 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Thu Sep 15 21:46:09 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Practical Fishkeeping 12-08-2011 Message-ID: Caros colegas, Aqui vai mais uma actualização. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Practical Fishkeeping [] Enviada: sexta-feira, 12 de Agosto de 2011 15:47 Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Who do you blame when your fish die? Latest news and features View this newsletter in your browser Turn on images to see this Home News Blog Features Directory Subscribe Images are turned off Get an Aqua Cube 14 l. aquarium when you subscribe to PFK! We think it's our best ever subscription offer! Get your Aqua Cube 14 l. aquarium in this... Images are turned off Who do you blame when your fish die? Have you lost fish lately and are pinning the blame on someone or something else? Here are a few... Images are turned off Your tanks: Mark Evans, part three This gorgeous aquarium was the highest-ranked UK entrant in this year's ADA aquascaping competition... Images are turned off Strange fish tale 1: Pet shop receives dead man in a box Our new series looks at some of the stranger events from the aquatic news archives. This week... Images are turned off Man pleads guilty in pufferfish poison plot An Illinois man could face life in prison for purchasing huge quantities of the neurotoxin found... Images are turned off First documented attack by a Cookie cutter shark on a human Cookie cutter sharks (Isistius brasiliensis) may be small (reaching under two feet in length)... Images are turned off Mystery of the shark found 45 miles from the sea A shark has been found in woods in New Hampshire - an hour's drive from the ocean. Images are turned off Koi go 'on the bottle' There's more than one way to hand feed your Koi! Check out the video... Images are turned off Pacu is fed on mushy peas from his own pint glass! A giant Pacu is being hand fed mushy peas, delivered in his personal pint glass, by staff at the... Images are turned off Want to win a Dymax protein skimmer? If so, why not enter our great competition? Images are turned off Beware of the UK's most venomous fish! Over 1000 holiday makers around the British coast have had their holidays spoiled after being stung... Images are turned off Orange 'goo' is eggs, say scientists Scientists have identified the neon orange 'goo' that washed up in a village in northwest Alaska. Magazine news Images are turned off September 2011 issue on sale now! The September 2011 issue of Practical Fishkeeping is on sale now - check out some of the fabulous... Images are turned off Last chance to vote in PFK Readers' Poll 2011 The postal votes are coming in for our Readers' Poll on a daily basis, and from the votes counted... Images are turned off Setting up the Aqua Cube 14 l. tank - watch the video! Jeremy Gay sets up a cool new nano aquarium obtained from Pets at Home - and you can get one as a... Featured sites Images are turned off Plants Alive Plants Alive specialise in aquarium plants and pond plants for the aquarist. We have over 30 year... Images are turned off Warehouse Aquatics UK's fastest growing online aquatics superstore, cheapest prices online and price match, with... Images are turned off Strictly Aquatics Welcome to Strictly Aquatics.We are your One Stop Shop in Fife for all your Aquatic Needs.Come an... Images are turned off Halls Garden Centre With water; it is a piece of paradise - an island of rejuvenation and an oasis for the entire... Images are turned off Swallow Aquatics Welcome to Swallow Aquatics - Britains Number One aquatic experts - located across the South East... Images are turned off New Atlantic Country Superstore We pride ourselves on offering an unbeatable range of products across the whole countryside... Images are turned off My Fish for Sale A Brand new UK Aquatic Auction Site, Free to list, no fees and no commission, Buy and sell your... Images are turned off The Trop Shop Here at the Trop Shop we have a refreshing attitude towards fishkeeping. We offer help and advice... Images are turned off Blue Diamond Aqautics We are a family run business and have over 20 years' experience in the aquatic hobby keeping al... Images are turned off The Aquatic Centre The Aquatic Centre Located in Edinburgh, The Aquatic Centre is the largest store our type in... Images are turned off The Aquatic Design Centre You will see our work in landmark buildings, stores, restaraunts, offices museums, exhibitions... Images are turned off The Coral Cave We hold a comprehensive range of tropical freshwater fish as well as the everyday community fish.... Subscribe Twitter Mobile Unsubscribe Practical Fishkeeping, Bauer Media, Media House, Lynchwood Business Park, Peterborough, PE2 5EA -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo que não estava em formato texto não está incluído... Nome : winmail.dat Tipo : application/ms-tnef Tam : 36170 bytes Descr: não disponível Url : From viviparos Thu Sep 15 21:47:45 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Thu Sep 15 21:47:47 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter August 12th, 2011 Message-ID: <3BC018F2F13B45D8A305764955592295@Namaacha> Caros colegas, Sem mais comentários... mais uma actualização. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter August 12th, 2011 Lamprologus werneri Most hobbyists think about the cichlids of Lake Tanganyika when they hear the generic name Lamprologus. But there do exist also some species of river-dwelling (= riverine) Lamprologus. The most attractive species among them is without any doubt Lamprologus werneri, which we were able to import now once more. The slender fish is spread all over with silver spots. Keeping these fish in aquaria is comparable to the well known humphead cichlids (Steatocranus). Like those L. werneri are current-loving, bottom-orientated cave brooders. A strong current in the tank is very important, as in quiet water the fish behave very aggressive against each other what is not the case in water with a strong current. The sexes can be best distinguished by the shape of the dorsal fin, which is more elongate in males. L. werneri can change its coloration dramatically and one often may believe to observe different species instead of only one. This is probably the reason why there is quite a lot of confusion in the hobby-literature regarding the determination. Our shipment of L. werneri contained also some specimens of L. tumbanus (a stout fish with a very large head and a slight pattern in the caudal fin, no light spots), L. teugelsi (very similar to L. tumbanus, but more slender, no pattern in the caudal fin), and L. congoensis (coloration like L. werneri, but much deeper-bodied). For our customers: L. werneri has code 550403 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Lamprologus: means "the one that wears gloss"; refers to the shining spots on each scale of L. congoensis, the type species. Steatocranus: composed of an ancient Greek and a Latin word, means "fat skull". werneri: dedication name for A. Werner, Munich. tumbanus: after Lake Tumba, the type locality. teugelsi: dedication name for Guy Teugels (1954 - 2003). congoensis: after the collecting site, the Congo river. Common name: Werner´s ground cichlid Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer Literature: Schelly, R. C. & M. L. J. Stiassny (2004): Revision of the Congo River Lamprologus Schilthuis, 1891 (Teleostei: Cichlidae), with descriptions of two new species. American Museum Novitates No. 3451: 1-40. _____ Apistogramma iniridae Sadly this beautiful dwarf cichlid is only occasionally available, but currently we were able to import once more beautiful, fully grown specimens. The fish are very stable and display all the behaviour that makes the keeping of these fish so desirable. Like its close relative A. uaupesi, which differs from A. iniridae mainly due to the lyra-shaped caudal fin in the former species, the males are displaying their sailfin-like dorsal fins in harmless hierarchy fights - a wonderful look. As in most Apistogramma species, the coloration is quite variable. There are specimens with much orange (mainly in the caudal fin), others look rather blueish. This seems not to represent different populations, but obviously the different colour varieties live side by side. This up to 7-8 cm long species (females always stay 2-3 cm smaller than the males) should be kept in soft, acidic and warm water (26-30°C). They feed readily on any type of frozen and live food. The females can become very aggressive against the males during broodcare, so it is best to keep the fish in well planted tanks that have a lot of hiding places. For our customers: the fish has code 622554 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Apistogramma: ancient Greek, means "with unreliable line". It is not known whether the lateral line organ or the pattern is meant. iniridae: after the type locality, the Rio Inirida. uaupesi: after the type locality, the Rio Uaupes. Common name: Inirida dwarf cichlid Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Characidae gen. sp. "Yellow Glass" - a new dwarf tetra For the first time ever we were able to import this charming dwarf tetra from Peru, which cannot be placed in any known genus or species so far. Our largest specimens are about 1.5 cm long. Of course it is possible that our fish represent only juveniles of a larger species, but this thesis seems to be unlikely, as there can already some mating behaviour be observed. During displaying the specimens thought to be males change the colour of the lower lobe of the caudal fin, which becomes black. So the fish reminds one at times somewhat in the Penguin tetra (Thayeria boehlkei). Keeping the new dwarf tetra proofed so far not very problematic. The charming fish dont like too much current. All in all the new species is a wonderful addition for the nano tank aquarium hobby. For our customers: the fish has code 215513 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Thayeria: dedication name for N. Thayer, who sponsored an important ichtyological expedition through South America from 1865-1866. bohlkei: dedication name for James E. Böhlke, an american ichthyologist. Suggestion of a common name: Yellow cristal dwarf tetra Text & photo: Frank Schäfer _____ Issue 97 of the NEWS can be downloaded for free here: Enjoy! _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo que não estava em formato texto não está incluído... Nome : winmail.dat Tipo : application/ms-tnef Tam : 15278 bytes Descr: não disponível Url : From fig.miguel Fri Sep 16 01:33:49 2011 From: fig.miguel (Miguel Figueiredo) Date: Fri Sep 16 01:33:55 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Re: Encomendas In-Reply-To: References: <563CDEAB370449149FCF27CE2E089452@Namaacha> <079F90890BC542EA83B51AFE9396E44A@Namaacha> Message-ID: Sergio, Eu mantenho Heterandria formosa, posso arranjar-te alguns peixinhos, embora sem população. Atenção que são peixes realmente pequenos, mal se veêm em aquario. Miguel 2011/9/15 Sergio Martins > Olá Miguel, > > Pois o que eu pretendia era uma espécie de poeciliídeo pequeno e que > suportasse água pouco dura. Para isso estava a pensar em algum poecilia sp. > (excepto o reticulata) e a heterandria formosa. Tinha também um especial > interesse em P. wingei selvagens. De notar que apenas tenho um aquario de > 80*30*40 de modo que queria apenas uma dessas espécies... > > Em relação a esperar no aeroporto não tem problema. Em relação ao valor > máximo do leilão, eu por mim não passa mais de 15?. Talvez seja um valor > muito baixo. Não faço ideia. Se for avisa-me. E desde já obrigado. Se não > trouxeres nada não tem problema. O que conta é a intenção. > > E eu ando à imenso tempo para te falar do que a minha Prof. me disse sobre > Aphanius ibericus/baeticus em Portugal. Segundo ela, não sei bem com que > base mas provavelmente em alguma coisa que leu, supostamente poderão existir > em zonas salinas e de aguas duras na zona da foz do guadiana... Eu disse que > já tinham procurado por lá e que não tinham encontrado nada. Ela depois > disse algo sobre as propecções poderem ter escapado algo mas que a espécie > poderia de facto não existir lá... > > Cumprimentos, > > Sérgio > > > > 2011/9/14 > > Olá Sérgio, >> >> Não há propriamente uma lista. >> Vocês dizem-me o que gostariam que eu vos trouxesse e, dentro das minhas >> possibilidades de transporte, logo se verá o que é possível arranjar por >> lá. >> Relembro que há espécies que serão oferecidas e outras que são leiloadas >> pela melhor >> oferta em leilão, como em qualquer convenção associativa do género. >> Também era importante referir que está prevista uma generosa presença de >> Poeciliídeos >> ( " selvagens " e não só ). >> Agora tenham em consideração as 3 regras importantes. >> >> 1. Só vos trago peixes na condição de irem ter comigo ao aeroporto na >> chegada ( ou >> eventualmente combinarem com alguém que tenha peixes a receber ir buscar >> também os >> vossos peixes ). >> >> 2. Vou atender os vossos pedidos por ordem de chegada, ou seja, quem me >> contactou >> primeiro tem prioridade sobre quem me contactou a seguir. >> >> 3. Os vosso pedidos ficam limitados a : >> >> a) espaço livre na minha bagagem. >> b) limite máximo de licitação por espécie (digam no máximo até onde posso >> ir no >> montante a reclamar, isto é, caso não sejam peixes oferecidos). >> c) se a espécie pretendida tem que possuir população de origem >> identificada ou não ( >> e qual a população específica no primeiro caso ). >> >> Posto isto, os dados estão lançados. >> Já agora informo que o Miguel Figueiredo foi o primeiro a formular um >> pedido ( falta >> apenas definires os limites de b e de c ), o Boucinha a seguir ( através >> das >> indicações do Paulo Alves ), depois a Maria João... e assim >> sucessivamente. >> Para me fornecerem os dados em falta podem fazer o favor de me contactarem >> via >> mensagem privada. >> A partida é a 7 de Outubro e a chegada a 9 de Outubro. >> >> Um abraço >> >> Miguel Andrade >> >> ________________________________________ >> De: Sergio Martins [] >> Enviada: terça-feira, 13 de Setembro de 2011 21:52 >> Para:; vivíparos e ovovivíparos ( Livebearer fish >> ) >> Assunto: Re: [Cyprinodontiformes] Regresso de Férias >> >> Olá, >> >> Eu talvez também estou interessado. Mas como vai funcionar isso? Vai haver >> alguma >> lista prévia? >> >> Cumprimentos, >> >> Sérgio >> >> >> 2011/9/6 >> Caros colegas, >> >> Afinal não foram 4 semanas de ausência... mas pouco mais de 5. >> De toda a forma nos próximos dias vão notar a diferença, pois há muitas >> mensagens em >> atraso para enviar. >> Relembro que em Outubro vou estar presente no 2.º congresso do GWG, por >> isso >> aproveitem ;) >> >> >> Um abraço >> >> Miguel Andrade >> >> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Cyprinodontiformes mailing list >> >> >> >> >> > > _______________________________________________ > Cyprinodontiformes mailing list > > > > -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Fri Sep 16 22:24:48 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Fri Sep 16 22:24:50 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Re: Encomendas In-Reply-To: References: <563CDEAB370449149FCF27CE2E089452@Namaacha><079F90890BC542EA83B51AFE9396E44A@Namaacha> Message-ID: Olá Sérgio, A tua " encomenda " já está devidamente registada. A boa notícia é que podes encontrar umas quantas linhagens puras de Poecilia cf. wingei ( Cumaná ) aqui bem perto. Fala com a Maria João ( nem sei como não sabias disto ). A Heterandria fromosa também se arranja cá no " burgo ", com a vantagem de estar perfeitamente adaptada ao nosso clima, logo, poder ser criada no exterior ( pois precisa de um inverno mais " fresco " para poder prosperar sem problemas ). Há vários utentes desta lista que te podem enviar uma mensagem particular a oferecerem-te exemplares, mas se ninguém tiver essa possibilidade de momento volta a contactar-me. Em França ficarei atento ao que procuras. Há de facto algumas boas possibilidades no género Poecilia. Da minha parte penso exactamente como tu. Em aquário prefiro espécies reduzidas para poder manter muitos exemplares e assim contribuir para a longevidade ( leia-se viabilidade genética ) da " população ". Há também alguns Xiphophorus abaixo dos 4 cm, não queres abrir os teus horizontes ? A hipótese de encontrarmos Aphanius baeticus em Portugal é cada vez mais remota devido à presença de Gambusia holbrooki e sobretudo Fundulus heteroclitus. Houve em tempos uma má identificação que apontava para Aphanius iberus em Portugal, mas foi confusão com Fundulus heteroclitus. Este Verão estive uma semana em Monte Gordo... mas não tive a mínima hipótese de " varrer a zona ". Também estive umas 12 horas em Espanha... e não consegui sondar nada do outro lado do rio. Em França vamos ter, para além dos vivíparos, Aphanius iberus, Aphanius vladykovi, Crenichthys baileyi e Valencia letourneuxei. Queres alguma destas espécies ? Manda-me o teu telemóvel via mensagem directa ( particular ) para te poder enviar os SMS a comunicar o que há e se trago peixes para ti ou não no Domingo. Um abraço Miguel Andrade ________________________________________ De: [] Em nome de Sergio Martins Enviada: quinta-feira, 15 de Setembro de 2011 18:32 Para: Assunto: [Cyprinodontiformes] Re: Encomendas Olá Miguel, Pois o que eu pretendia era uma espécie de poeciliídeo pequeno e que suportasse água pouco dura. Para isso estava a pensar em algum poecilia sp. (excepto o reticulata) e a heterandria formosa. Tinha também um especial interesse em P. wingei selvagens. De notar que apenas tenho um aquario de 80*30*40 de modo que queria apenas uma dessas espécies... Em relação a esperar no aeroporto não tem problema. Em relação ao valor máximo do leilão, eu por mim não passa mais de 15?. Talvez seja um valor muito baixo. Não faço ideia. Se for avisa-me. E desde já obrigado. Se não trouxeres nada não tem problema. O que conta é a intenção. E eu ando à imenso tempo para te falar do que a minha Prof. me disse sobre Aphanius ibericus/baeticus em Portugal. Segundo ela, não sei bem com que base mas provavelmente em alguma coisa que leu, supostamente poderão existir em zonas salinas e de aguas duras na zona da foz do guadiana... Eu disse que já tinham procurado por lá e que não tinham encontrado nada. Ela depois disse algo sobre as propecções poderem ter escapado algo mas que a espécie poderia de facto não existir lá... Cumprimentos, Sérgio 2011/9/14 Olá Sérgio, Não há propriamente uma lista. Vocês dizem-me o que gostariam que eu vos trouxesse e, dentro das minhas possibilidades de transporte, logo se verá o que é possível arranjar por lá. Relembro que há espécies que serão oferecidas e outras que são leiloadas pela melhor oferta em leilão, como em qualquer convenção associativa do género. Também era importante referir que está prevista uma generosa presença de Poeciliídeos ( " selvagens " e não só ). Agora tenham em consideração as 3 regras importantes. 1. Só vos trago peixes na condição de irem ter comigo ao aeroporto na chegada ( ou eventualmente combinarem com alguém que tenha peixes a receber ir buscar também os vossos peixes ). 2. Vou atender os vossos pedidos por ordem de chegada, ou seja, quem me contactou primeiro tem prioridade sobre quem me contactou a seguir. 3. Os vosso pedidos ficam limitados a : a) espaço livre na minha bagagem. b) limite máximo de licitação por espécie (digam no máximo até onde posso ir no montante a reclamar, isto é, caso não sejam peixes oferecidos). c) se a espécie pretendida tem que possuir população de origem identificada ou não ( e qual a população específica no primeiro caso ). Posto isto, os dados estão lançados. Já agora informo que o Miguel Figueiredo foi o primeiro a formular um pedido ( falta apenas definires os limites de b e de c ), o Boucinha a seguir ( através das indicações do Paulo Alves ), depois a Maria João... e assim sucessivamente. Para me fornecerem os dados em falta podem fazer o favor de me contactarem via mensagem privada. A partida é a 7 de Outubro e a chegada a 9 de Outubro. Um abraço Miguel Andrade ________________________________________ De: Sergio Martins [] Enviada: terça-feira, 13 de Setembro de 2011 21:52 Para:; vivíparos e ovovivíparos ( Livebearer fish ) Assunto: Re: [Cyprinodontiformes] Regresso de Férias Olá, Eu talvez também estou interessado. Mas como vai funcionar isso? Vai haver alguma lista prévia? Cumprimentos, Sérgio 2011/9/6 Caros colegas, Afinal não foram 4 semanas de ausência... mas pouco mais de 5. De toda a forma nos próximos dias vão notar a diferença, pois há muitas mensagens em atraso para enviar. Relembro que em Outubro vou estar presente no 2.º congresso do GWG, por isso aproveitem ;) Um abraço Miguel Andrade _______________________________________________ Cyprinodontiformes mailing list From viviparos Fri Sep 16 22:27:08 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Fri Sep 16 22:27:09 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Re: Encomendas In-Reply-To: References: <563CDEAB370449149FCF27CE2E089452@Namaacha><079F90890BC542EA83B51AFE9396E44A@Namaacha> Message-ID: <5DD24C8CA9ED4D23ABB0DB591CE695F0@Namaacha> Olá de novo, Isto é o que dá ler as mensagens por ordem de chegada e não ler primeiro todas as que constam do mesmo tópico Figueiredo não te esqueças de referir o valor máximo em leilão em relação aos teus pedidos. Um abraço Miguel Andrade ________________________________________ De: [] Em nome de Miguel Figueiredo Enviada: sexta-feira, 16 de Setembro de 2011 01:34 Para: vivíparos e ovovivíparos ( Livebearer fish ) Assunto: Re: [Cyprinodontiformes] Re: Encomendas Sergio, Eu mantenho Heterandria formosa, posso arranjar-te alguns peixinhos, embora sem população. Atenção que são peixes realmente pequenos, mal se veêm em aquario. Miguel 2011/9/15 Sergio Martins Olá Miguel, Pois o que eu pretendia era uma espécie de poeciliídeo pequeno e que suportasse água pouco dura. Para isso estava a pensar em algum poecilia sp. (excepto o reticulata) e a heterandria formosa. Tinha também um especial interesse em P. wingei selvagens. De notar que apenas tenho um aquario de 80*30*40 de modo que queria apenas uma dessas espécies... Em relação a esperar no aeroporto não tem problema. Em relação ao valor máximo do leilão, eu por mim não passa mais de 15?. Talvez seja um valor muito baixo. Não faço ideia. Se for avisa-me. E desde já obrigado. Se não trouxeres nada não tem problema. O que conta é a intenção. E eu ando à imenso tempo para te falar do que a minha Prof. me disse sobre Aphanius ibericus/baeticus em Portugal. Segundo ela, não sei bem com que base mas provavelmente em alguma coisa que leu, supostamente poderão existir em zonas salinas e de aguas duras na zona da foz do guadiana... Eu disse que já tinham procurado por lá e que não tinham encontrado nada. Ela depois disse algo sobre as propecções poderem ter escapado algo mas que a espécie poderia de facto não existir lá... Cumprimentos, Sérgio 2011/9/14 Olá Sérgio, Não há propriamente uma lista. Vocês dizem-me o que gostariam que eu vos trouxesse e, dentro das minhas possibilidades de transporte, logo se verá o que é possível arranjar por lá. Relembro que há espécies que serão oferecidas e outras que são leiloadas pela melhor oferta em leilão, como em qualquer convenção associativa do género. Também era importante referir que está prevista uma generosa presença de Poeciliídeos ( " selvagens " e não só ). Agora tenham em consideração as 3 regras importantes. 1. Só vos trago peixes na condição de irem ter comigo ao aeroporto na chegada ( ou eventualmente combinarem com alguém que tenha peixes a receber ir buscar também os vossos peixes ). 2. Vou atender os vossos pedidos por ordem de chegada, ou seja, quem me contactou primeiro tem prioridade sobre quem me contactou a seguir. 3. Os vosso pedidos ficam limitados a : a) espaço livre na minha bagagem. b) limite máximo de licitação por espécie (digam no máximo até onde posso ir no montante a reclamar, isto é, caso não sejam peixes oferecidos). c) se a espécie pretendida tem que possuir população de origem identificada ou não ( e qual a população específica no primeiro caso ). Posto isto, os dados estão lançados. Já agora informo que o Miguel Figueiredo foi o primeiro a formular um pedido ( falta apenas definires os limites de b e de c ), o Boucinha a seguir ( através das indicações do Paulo Alves ), depois a Maria João... e assim sucessivamente. Para me fornecerem os dados em falta podem fazer o favor de me contactarem via mensagem privada. A partida é a 7 de Outubro e a chegada a 9 de Outubro. Um abraço Miguel Andrade ________________________________________ De: Sergio Martins [] Enviada: terça-feira, 13 de Setembro de 2011 21:52 Para:; vivíparos e ovovivíparos ( Livebearer fish ) Assunto: Re: [Cyprinodontiformes] Regresso de Férias Olá, Eu talvez também estou interessado. Mas como vai funcionar isso? Vai haver alguma lista prévia? Cumprimentos, Sérgio 2011/9/6 Caros colegas, Afinal não foram 4 semanas de ausência... mas pouco mais de 5. De toda a forma nos próximos dias vão notar a diferença, pois há muitas mensagens em atraso para enviar. Relembro que em Outubro vou estar presente no 2.º congresso do GWG, por isso aproveitem ;) Um abraço Miguel Andrade _______________________________________________ Cyprinodontiformes mailing list _______________________________________________ Cyprinodontiformes mailing list From viviparos Fri Sep 16 22:30:53 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Fri Sep 16 22:30:55 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 33 (1) Message-ID: Caros colegas, Aqui vai a primeira actualização do dia. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 33 (1) This Extra-Newsletter will inform you in irregular appearance on most current changes on our stocklist. Enjoy! Just in: Corydoras guapore! Sadly this charming cory is only occassionally available. We recieved once more a small number of the fish. For our customers: the species has code 230504 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Fri Sep 16 22:32:00 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Fri Sep 16 22:32:02 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 33 (2) Message-ID: Caros colegas, Agora a segunda actualização do dia. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 33 (2) This Extra-Newsletter will inform you in irregular appearance on most current changes on our stocklist. Enjoy! Available again: Opsarius pulchellus! Sadly this extremely beautiful species is available only infrequently. Currently we have obtained a limited number of perfect specimens. For our customers: the species has code 439904 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Please click in the picture for more informations. _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Fri Sep 16 22:33:02 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Fri Sep 16 22:33:04 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 33 (3) Message-ID: <3C011F9EBF704428A0258669517CD2CA@Namaacha> Caros colegas, E finalmente a terceira actualização do dia. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 33 (3) This Extra-Newsletter will inform you in irregular appearance on most current changes on our stocklist. Enjoy! Beautiful, wild collected killis from Peru! All species are quite rare and availble only in limited numbers. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Please click in the picture for more informations. _____ Moema cf. ortegai, Code 329905 _____ Aphyolebias schleseri, Code 304004 _____ Aphyolebias peruensis, Code 342802 _____ Rivulus ornatus, Code 343902 _____ Rivulus rubrolineatus, Code 344102 (no link available yet) _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Sun Sep 18 10:31:33 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Sun Sep 18 10:31:34 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Practical Fishkeeping 19-08-2011 Message-ID: Caros amigos, Sem oportunidade para comentários e sugestões de artigos, aqui vai a primeira actualização do dia. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Practical Fishkeeping [] Enviada: sexta-feira, 19 de Agosto de 2011 13:06 Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquatic record breakers; latest news and features View this newsletter in your browser Turn on images to see this Home News Blog Features Directory Subscribe Images are turned off Get an Aqua Cube 14 l. aquarium when you subscribe to PFK! We think it's our best ever subscription offer! Get your Aqua Cube 14 l. aquarium in this... Images are turned off Aquatic record breakers Ever wondered which are the largest, fastest, smallest and most venomous creatures in the aquatic... Images are turned off Giant octopus just loves ice lollies! Mr. Tickle the Giant Pacific octopus is cooling down this summer, thanks to a selection of... Images are turned off Strange fish tale 2: Lost phone found – in a fish! Our trawl through the fishy news archives reveals a businessman who lost his mobile phone and was... Images are turned off Poachers may be to blame for Suffolk fish kill The Environment Agency (E.A.) and local angling groups suspect poachers may be responsible for... Images are turned off Filefish's toothy grip makes for a safer night's sleep! This Broom filefish (Amanses scopas) has a unique way of getting a good night's sleep. Images are turned off Schools of fish teach wind farms to be more efficient Engineers from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) are using the dynamics of schooling... Images are turned off Smaller squid have larger sperm Size does matter – especially to males of the squid species Loligo bleekeri, and in this case... Images are turned off 31 fish poisoned, hammered and stabbed to death at school Police have arrested three juveniles for the killing of 31 Channel catfish raised by students at... Images are turned off Giant Leatherback turtles return to UK waters It's hoped that 2011 will be a bumper year for Leatherback turtles off the coast of the UK. Images are turned off Nano Marinus Cube Complete Plus aquarium by Dennerle Nathan Hill raves over Dennerle's new marine nano tank. Images are turned off A tail of Tosakin goldfish After the heavy bombing of Japan during World War Two only six Tosakin goldfish had survived... Magazine news Images are turned off September 2011 issue on sale now! The September 2011 issue of Practical Fishkeeping is on sale now – check out some of the... Images are turned off Last chance to vote in PFK Readers' Poll 2011 The postal votes are coming in for our Readers' Poll on a daily basis, and from the votes counted... Images are turned off Setting up the Aqua Cube 14 l. tank – watch the video! Jeremy Gay sets up a cool new nano aquarium obtained from Pets at Home - and you can get one as a... Featured sites Images are turned off Plants Alive Plants Alive specialise in aquarium plants and pond plants for the aquarist. We have over 30... Images are turned off Swimfix Fish Pond Pumps from ITT for performance and reliability. ITT offer two great designs for small... Images are turned off New Atlantic Country Superstore We pride ourselves on offering an unbeatable range of products across the whole countryside market... Images are turned off Charterhouse Aquatics Specialists in coldwater, tropical, marine and reef aquariums. With our low prices, large stock... Images are turned off Swallow Aquatics Welcome to Swallow Aquatics - Britains Number One aquatic experts - located across the South East... Images are turned off My Fish for Sale A Brand new UK Aquatic Auction Site, Free to list, no fees and no commission, Buy and sell your... Images are turned off Planted Tanks >From plants to hardware, Co2 systems to tools. ALSO see our bunch deals from as little as £5.23 ... Images are turned off The Trop Shop Here at the Trop Shop we have a refreshing attitude towards fishkeeping. We offer help and advice... Images are turned off Aqua Bitz We are a small company with over 35 yrs in the aquatic trade, retail, wholesale, import and Aquat... Images are turned off Warehouse Aquatics UK's fastest growing online aquatics superstore, cheapest prices online and price match, with... Images are turned off 123 Aquatics 123 Aquatics, the experts in aquatic, pond and reptile supplies. Take a look at our website to... Images are turned off Strictly Aquatics Welcome to Strictly Aquatics.We are your One Stop Shop in Fife for all your Aquatic Needs.Come... Subscribe Twitter Mobile Unsubscribe Practical Fishkeeping, Bauer Media, Media House, Lynchwood Business Park, Peterborough, PE2 5EA -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Sun Sep 18 10:32:57 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Sun Sep 18 10:32:56 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter August 19th, 2011 Message-ID: <25945EC4BD2D404E855CD379CB9C971C@Namaacha> Caros colegas, Mais uma vez sem vivíparos mas com notáveis raridades… aqui vai a segunda actualização do dia. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter August 19th, 2011 Adontosternarchus clarkae This small (maximum length up to 20 cm) knifefish from Venezuela is only rarely imported and again we were able to obtain only a few specimens. It is a very nice and peaceful species. The genus Adontosternarchus currently comprises four accepted species which can be distinguished best by differences in the head profile in combination with the shape of the mouth. Like all South American knifefishes, this species is weakly electrical and communicates with conspecifics via electrical impulses. Of course, these impulses are also used for orientation. Knifefishes develop most activity at dawn and so the tank should not be too much illuminated and should contain a good number of hiding places. The fish feed basically on Tubifex and frozen fishfood. Regarding the water chemistry they seem to be undemanding. However, soft and acid water should be preferred against hard and alcaline water. The water temperature should be a little higher than usual, about 26-28°C will do best. For our customers: the fish have code 202782 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Adontosternarchus: ancient Greek, means "Sternarchus without teeth"; Sternarchus is another genus of knifefish. clarkae: dedication name for Ms. Kate Clark, who was the first collector of the species. Suggestion of a common name: Marbled Knifefish Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Panaque sp. L418 Shampupa The magnificent Panaque species which belong to the P.-nigrolineatus-complex are much sought for ornamental fishes. All species seem to become around 40 cm long. One of the most spectacular ones originates from Peru and received the L-number 418. Characteristic features of the fish, which is called Shampupa by the exporters, is the broad light band in the caudal fin und the turquoise-green basic coloration. Shampupa is a very rare fish and available only in very limited numbers. Like all Panaque, it is a specialized feeder that feeds in the wild almost exclusively on dead wood. So it is absolutely necessary to decorate a Panaque tank with lots of roots. However, the fish take in captivity also a lot of different types of regular fishfood. For our customers: the fish have code 26480-L-418-5 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply on the wholesale trade. Lexikon: Panaque: derived from the native name for P. nigrolineatus in Venezuela. Suggestion of a common name: Shampupa Royal Pleco. Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Issue 97 of the NEWS can be downloaded for free here: Enjoy! _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Sun Sep 18 10:34:18 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Sun Sep 18 10:34:16 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 34 (1) Message-ID: <3772CDFD037646A8934B4E6D1E660208@Namaacha> Para quem gosta de Piranhas :D Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 34 (1) This Extra-Newsletter will inform you in irregular appearance on most current changes on our stocklist. Enjoy! Just in: Pygocentrus notatus (= cariba)! We received very fine specimens of the Shoulderspot-Piranha in three sizes (3-5 cm, 5-7 cm, 7-9 cm), however, they are available only in limited numbers. For our customers: the fish have code 29260 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Sun Sep 18 10:36:15 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Sun Sep 18 10:36:13 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 34 (2) Message-ID: E finalmente… a última actualização do dia… um killie ! Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 34 (2) This Extra-Newsletter will inform you in irregular appearance on most current changes on our stocklist. Enjoy! Available again: Fundulopanchax sjostedti USA blue Our proofed German breeder supplied us agin with this wonderful species of killifish, so it is available again. However, they are available only in limited numbers. For our customers: the fish have code 314103 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. For more informations about the fish, please click here . _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Wed Sep 21 22:02:44 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Wed Sep 21 22:04:07 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] =?iso-8859-1?q?Revista_Peixe_Fauna_n=2E=BA4?= Message-ID: <6BD6CC1655B64A819E2C30B2443A42D6@Namaacha> Caros colegas, Aqui vai a 4.ª edição da Revista Peixe Fauna, publicada há escassos dias. Podem encontrar o original em Um abraço Miguel Andrade -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo que não estava em formato texto não está incluído... Nome : Revista_Peixe_Fauna4.pdf Tipo : application/pdf Tam : 6166037 bytes Descr: não disponível Url : From viviparos Wed Sep 21 22:04:18 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Wed Sep 21 22:04:21 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter August 26th, 2011 Message-ID: <54A2726CA8C24436B29DDB260DD9823B@Namaacha> Caros colegas, Mais raridades… e mais uma actualização :-) Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter August 26th, 2011 L261a - Ancistrinae gen. sp. "Ventuari" This species of fish is among the rarest of all L-numbers. It belongs not only to none of the species described so far, but also cannot be applied to any described genus. L261 was imported initially from the Orinoco in Venezuela. The individual we were able to import now for sure belongs to the same species. But due to minor difference in coloration (L261 has tiny white spots on the snout, our fish is lacking them) and the known collecting site (the Rio Ventuari is a large tributary of the Orinoco in Venezuela) we have decided to place an "a" behind the L-number. Maximum length of the species should be 20-25 cm. The large mouth with the very tiny teeth shows clearly that the species feeds on Aufwuchs?. Thus keeping L261 should be comparable to that of Ancistrus spp., although the temperature should be slightly higher, as it is found in nature: 26-29°C. For our customers: the fish has code 26480-L-261A-6 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Suggestion of a common name: Black Orinoco Pleco Text: Frank Schäfer, photos: Taner Alkovac and Frank Schäfer _____ Eigenmannia trilineata We received wonderful specimens of Eigenmannia from Guyana. They show three black longitudinal stripes on a smokey ground. This fits perfectly to the pattern described in the species E. trilineata, which is known so far only from the Paraguay-Paraná system (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay). May that be as it is: Eigenmannia are fantastic aquarium fish that show an incomparable elegance. Males can reach about 40 cm in length, which is double as long as females can become. Females have also a much shorter snout. Breeding of Eigenmannia is possible if a rainy season is imitated. As soon as the fish are in the right condition, they spawn in the roots of swimming plants. Knife fishes need well structured tanks with a good number of hiding places. Feeding them is pretty easy, for the fish accept readily any type of live and frozen food. Many specimens also accept granulates. For our customers: the fish have code 252905 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Eigenmannia: dedication name for Carl H. Eigenmann (1863-1927). trilineata: Latin, means "with three stripes". Suggestion of a common name: Smokey Glass Knifefish Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Rachoviscus crassiceps Finally we are able to offer once more this beautiful, but sadly only very occasionally available tetra. However, even now we have only a limited number of them. Although the fish is really beautiful - one of the most attractive features is the deep red adipose fin - this is not the main excitement for the keeper of Rachoviscus crassiceps. Each aquarist should have had at least once in a lifetime the opportunity to observe the fantastic dance the male performs during displaying, may it be while having a harmless fight with another male or during courtship. In nature, R. crassiceps inhabits brooks with soft and acidic water in the south of Brazil. This means that they are subtropical fish that need no additional heater in indoor aquaria with the exception of breeding season. The regular water temperature can lie between 16 and 24°C. The very peaceful tetras feed on any usual type of fish food. For our customers: the animal has code 286902 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Rachoviscus: dedication name for Arthur Rachow. crassiceps: composed from a Latin and an ancient Greek word, means "with thick head". Suggestion of a common name: Cherryfin tetra Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Issue 97 of the NEWS can be downloaded for free here: Enjoy! _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Wed Sep 21 22:06:50 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Wed Sep 21 22:06:54 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Practical Fishkeeping 28-08-2011 Message-ID: Excelentes artigos. Nem vou aconselhar nenhum desta vez… Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Practical Fishkeeping [] Enviada: domingo, 28 de Agosto de 2011 11:16 Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Latest news and features from Practical Fishkeeping View this newsletter in your browser Turn on images to see this Home News Blog Features Directory Subscribe Images are turned off Six best pet cichlids Just like cats and dogs, characterful cichlids can became part of the family. Here are some of... Images are turned off Killer shrimp innocent of cat attack! Cats can continue to sleep peacefully following reports that Killer shrimp (Dikerogammarus... Images are turned off Robocop catfish, Nannoptopoma sp. Robocop Neil Woodward spotlights a recent import at Pier Aquatics, which is sure to leave catfish fans... Images are turned off Lampreys can't stand the smell of death The smell of death could play an important part in controlling an invasive species in the Great... Images are turned off Salt: Friend of the parasite? Think you know all about salt? Nathan Hill looks at startling new research that may change your mind... Images are turned off Small fish are important too! A new study has shown that it is not just the big fish that matter in marine ecosystems and that ... Images are turned off Killer shrimp named UK's worst 'alien invader' The Environment Agency has named the worst non-native invader of UK waterways as the ‘Killer shrimp'... Images are turned off Reforms to Common Fisheries Policy Viewers of Hugh’s Fish Fight on Channel 4 earlier in the month may be aware that the EU has... Images are turned off Harlequin filefish masquerades as coral for twilight safety The Harlequin filefish (Oxymonacanthus longirostris) has evolved a remarkable way of hiding itself... Featured sites Images are turned off Plants Alive Plants Alive specialise in aquarium plants and pond plants for the aquarist. We have over 30... Images are turned off Swimfix Fish Pond Pumps from ITT for performance and reliability. ITT offer two great designs for small... Images are turned off New Atlantic Country Superstore We pride ourselves on offering an unbeatable range of products across the whole countryside... Images are turned off Charterhouse Aquatics Specialists in coldwater, tropical, marine and reef aquariums. With our low prices, large stock... Images are turned off Swallow Aquatics Welcome to Swallow Aquatics - Britains Number One aquatic experts - located across the South East... Images are turned off The Aquatic Design Centre You will see our work in landmark buildings, stores, restaraunts, offices museums, exhibitions... Images are turned off Planted Tanks >From plants to hardware, Co2 systems to tools. ALSO see our bunch deals from as little as £5.23 ... Images are turned off The Trop Shop Here at the Trop Shop we have a refreshing attitude towards fishkeeping. We offer help and advice... Images are turned off Aqua Bitz We are a small company with over 35 yrs in the aquatic trade, retail, wholesale, import and... Images are turned off 123 Aquatics 123 Aquatics, the experts in aquatic, pond and reptile supplies. Take a look at our website to... Images are turned off Warehouse Aquatics UK's fastest growing online aquatics superstore, cheapest prices online and price match, with... Images are turned off Fish-Fish-Fish You will find a large range of products and services to meet all your aquatics needs at fish-fish... Subscribe Twitter Mobile Unsubscribe Practical Fishkeeping, Bauer Media, Media House, Lynchwood Business Park, Peterborough, PE2 5EA -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Wed Sep 21 22:08:08 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Wed Sep 21 22:08:11 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 35 (1) Message-ID: <4AA5FFEE96224C0EBE82D646B6D2D2E1@Namaacha> E mais um para o calendário… Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 35 (1) This Extra-Newsletter will inform you in irregular appearance on most current changes on our stocklist. Enjoy! Beautiful bred Tropheus! Currently we have extreme beautiful Tropheus sp. "Yellow" in stock which already display bright colours when young! For our customers: the fish have code 586302 on our stocklist. Please note that w exclusively supply the wholesale trade. _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Fri Sep 23 22:17:49 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Fri Sep 23 22:18:19 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Practical Fishkeeping 02-09-2011 Message-ID: <6677528058CB48688C61CFA9059505C0@Namaacha> Caros colegas, Já chegámos ao mês de Setembro, mas o esforço de actualização continua… Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Practical Fishkeeping [] Enviada: sexta-feira, 2 de Setembro de 2011 14:56 Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Should fishkeeping be licensed? Latest news and features View this newsletter in your browser Turn on images to see this Home News Blog Features Directory Subscribe Images are turned off Get Practical Fishkeeping free for a year! Buy a two-year subscription to Practical Fishkeeping for the price of one! Images are turned off Should fishkeeping be licensed? Nathan Hill ponders the subject of vetting prospective fishkeepers. Images are turned off Fish tanks are the new status symbols In the same mould as the private jet, Bentley or villa, the aquarium is the new status symbol... Images are turned off Dead squid dances The sushi dish in the video below might leave you feeling rather less hungry than you were… Images are turned off The Real Fin Shady? Eminem makes fishy backstage demand Rap star Eminem isn't Koi about making bizarre show rider requests, says Bob Mehen. Images are turned off Strange fish tale 3: Shocking death of worm collector Our trawl through the archives this week reveals a fishkeeper who was killed while hunting earthw... Images are turned off Human faeces is killing corals In addition to global warming and ocean acidification, corals can now add faecal matter to their ... Images are turned off Julidochromis: Three way lovers Julies are Tanganyikan cichlids with some very liberal attitudes towards relationships. Ad Koning... Images are turned off New 'fizz and go' water treatment tablets from Tetra Tetra has launched four new water treatment tablets, designed to revolutionise the lives of fish ... Images are turned off New species of Boraras described A new miniature species of cyprinid in the genus Boraras from southern Thailand has been formally... Images are turned off New treat foods for pond fish from Nishikoi Nishikoi has developed a new treat food for hand feeding your pond fish. Images are turned off Two new species of plec described The largest catfish family just got larger, with the descriptions of two new species of plecs... Magazine news Images are turned off October issue of Practical Fishkeeping on sale now! The October 2011 issue of PFK is packed with great features, step-by-step guides and expert advice. Images are turned off Celebrity tank makeover! TV presenter and motoring journalist Jonny Smith gets a complete aquarium makeover from George... Images are turned off Creating a masterpiece A team of specialists from Dennerle recently visited PFK, to create a stunning aquascape for us. Featured sites Images are turned off Plants Alive Plants Alive specialise in aquarium plants and pond plants for the aquarist. We have over 30 year... Images are turned off Halls Garden Centre With water; it is a piece of paradise - an island of rejuvenation and an oasis for the entire fam... Images are turned off Fish-Fish-Fish You will find a large range of products and services to meet all your aquatics needs at fish-fish... Images are turned off Aquacare The place for biOrb and Juwel aquariums from Aquacare. Whether you choose an aquarium from the ... Images are turned off Warehouse Aquatics UK's fastest growing online aquatics superstore, cheapest prices online and price match, with ord... Images are turned off Chiltern Aquatics Chiltern Aquatics Superstore is located in the village of Harlington in Bedfordshire just 5 minut... Images are turned off Mastin Moor Aquatics We stock a good selection of marine fish with beginner and more advance fish regularly in stock f... Images are turned off Clearwater Aquatics Clearwater Aquatics are specialists of Marine Fish and Coral, Tropical Fish and Discus, establish... Images are turned off Charterhouse Aquatics Specialists in coldwater, tropical, marine and reef aquariums. With our low prices, large stock, ... Images are turned off Tropical Marine Centre Tropical Marine Centre has been Europe's leading supplier of marine fish and invertebrates to the... Images are turned off Planted Tanks >From plants to hardware, Co2 systems to tools. ALSO see our bunch deals from as little as £5.23 ... Images are turned off Strictly Aquatics Welcome to Strictly Aquatics.We are your One Stop Shop in Fife for all your Aquatic Needs.Come an... Subscribe Twitter Mobile Unsubscribe Practical Fishkeeping, Bauer Media, Media House, Lynchwood Business Park, Peterborough, PE2 5EA -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Fri Sep 23 22:19:13 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Fri Sep 23 22:19:33 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter September 2nd, 2011 Message-ID: <7598D04CB2F3430D958206D21C2037A2@Namaacha> Caros colegas, A segunda actualização do dia… Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter September 2nd, 2011 This week´s news: corys of the Corydoras pulcher and Corydoras schwartzi relationship Corydoras pulcher and Corydoras schwartzi belong to the most beautiful and also to the most wanted Corys at all. Currently we have four of the five species of the group in stock, so we take the opportunity to present them to you. Corydoras pulcher This cory originates from the system of the Rio Purus in Brazil. It becomes around 7 cm long. Usually the species has three stripes on the flanks. The central stripe runs along the middle of the fish, exactly where the lateral dorsal and the lateral ventral plates meet. During breeding season the males (and also the females, but not so extensive) develop a wimple-like dorsal fin. Code: 241705 Corydoras cf. pulcher This cory is very similar to C. pulcher, but has usually only two stripes on the flanks, one above and one below the middle of the fish. Moreover, it has a shorter snout. However, there are also specimens that look pretty much like "normal" C. pulcher, so it is still unknown whether this fish represents a variety of C. pulcher or another species. Code: 244503 Corydoras schwartzi This good old fashioned, but still very beautiful cory originates from the system of the Rio Purus in Brazil. In contrast to the other species mentioned here the dorsal spine is only occasionally cream-white. The species belongs to the group of stout Corydoras with round noses. It can be quite easily recognized by the black spot under the dorsal fin. C. schwartzi becomes around 5 cm long. Code: 244503 Corydoras sp. C141 One could term this beautiful cory also the long-nose schwartzi. Obviously the species has not been described scientifically yet. It is not known from which river the fish originates. Sometime C141 is confused with C. ornatus, but the latter has never a cream-white dorsal spine. C141 attains a length of about 6 cm. Code: 241724 Corydoras sp. CW28 This gorgeous cory looks like an XXL-variety of C. schwartzi with the dorsal fin of a C. pulcher. They are splendid animals which we were able now for the first time in a very limited number. The size is about 6 cm. Code: 244565 Lexicon: Corydoras: from ancient Greek, means „with helmet and spear“. This refers to the strong armor and fin spines. pulcher: Latin, means "beautiful". schwartzi: dedication name for the exporter Willy Schwartz. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Issue 97 of the NEWS can be downloaded for free here: Enjoy! _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Fri Sep 23 22:21:04 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Fri Sep 23 22:21:06 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 36 (1) Message-ID: <8A34609EFE7C4D2F86C663135FB58168@Namaacha> Para os amantes de peixes grandes, aqui vai uma excelente proposta. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 36 (1) This Extra-Newsletter will inform you in irregular appearance on most current changes on our stocklist. Enjoy! Channa aurantimaculata Just in: one of the most beautiful of all species of snakehead, available only in limited numbers. Size up to 40 cm, our fish currently are 20-25 cm long. For our customers: the fish have code 409014 on our stocklist. Please note that w exclusively supply the wholesale trade. _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Sun Sep 25 00:13:19 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Sun Sep 25 00:13:17 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 36 (2) Message-ID: <13D44469C8C24B4BAAA25FA4D654159B@Namaacha> Saudações a todos, Aqui vai a primeira actualização do dia… Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 36 (2) This Extra-Newsletter will inform you in irregular appearance on most current changes on our stocklist. Enjoy! Myleus rubripinnis We received magnificent M. rubripinnis from Venezuela, which we call "sp. rubripinnis RED" due to their intensive red colours. Code: 270392. Our specimens are 4-7 cm long. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Sun Sep 25 00:14:49 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Sun Sep 25 00:14:47 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 36 (3) Message-ID: E a segunda… Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 36 (3) This Extra-Newsletter will inform you in irregular appearance on most current changes on our stocklist. Enjoy! Lepidarchus adonis Currently we have this beautiful and extreme rare dwarf tetra (maximum length: 3 cm) in good numbers in stock. Code: 145303. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Sun Sep 25 00:17:56 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Sun Sep 25 00:17:57 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Practical Fishkeeping 09-09-2011 Message-ID: <26B99D5F84A04151871A52CD6743F833@Namaacha> Caros colegas, Não deixem de ler alguns dos excelentes artigos desta edição. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Practical Fishkeeping [] Enviada: sexta-feira, 9 de Setembro de 2011 13:01 Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Parrot cichlids - to be cherished or avoided? Latest news and features View this newsletter in your browser Turn on images to see this Home News Blog Features Directory Subscribe Images are turned off Get Practical Fishkeeping free for a year! Buy a two-year subscription to Practical Fishkeeping for the price of one! Images are turned off Parrot cichlids – to be cherished or avoided? Few tropical fish stir up as much emotion as the Parrot cichlid, says Jeremy Gay. But should they... Images are turned off Dolphin dies in freak accident at zoo A dolphin from a zoo in Chicago died earlier this week after a freak accident. Images are turned off Strange fish tale 4: Man finds money hidden in fish This week's trawl through the fishy archives reveals a man who had a rather lucky find... Images are turned off Natural born killers Once in your tank, unwelcome snails can be hard to eradicate. Yet there's an alternative to... Images are turned off New species of shark discovered – at a fish market! Next time you're walking past your local fishmonger's window, have a closer look at what's on... Images are turned off Aquariums as an art form An exhibition using aquariums as an art form is creating storms of interest in Japan. Images are turned off Octopus eggs hatch at aquarium Nearly 300 giant Pacific octopus eggs hatched earlier this week at an aquarium in Canada. Images are turned off How sexual harassment affects the next generation Sexual harassment exacts a toll on the offspring of female guppies, according to a study to be... Images are turned off Aquarium displays Great white shark The Monterey Bay Aquarium in California, USA has put a young Great white shark (Carcharodon... Images are turned off Blind cavefish can still tell the time Blind cavefish know what time of day it is – and contrary to one suggestion that was offered... Images are turned off New products for shrimps from Aquaessentials Nathan Hill takes a look at four new products with shrimps in mind. Magazine news Images are turned off October issue of Practical Fishkeeping on sale now! The October 2011 issue of PFK is packed with great features, step-by-step guides and expert advice. Images are turned off Creating a masterpiece A team of specialists from Dennerle recently visited PFK, to create a stunning aquascape for us. Images are turned off Celebrity tank makeover! TV presenter and motoring journalist Jonny Smith gets a complete aquarium makeover from George... Featured sites Images are turned off Warehouse Aquatics UK's fastest growing online aquatics superstore, cheapest prices online and price match, with ord... Images are turned off Fish-Fish-Fish You will find a large range of products and services to meet all your aquatics needs at fish-fish... Images are turned off New Atlantic Country Superstore We pride ourselves on offering an unbeatable range of products across the whole countryside marke... Images are turned off Charterhouse Aquatics Specialists in coldwater, tropical, marine and reef aquariums. With our low prices, large stock, ... Images are turned off Planted Tanks >From plants to hardware, Co2 systems to tools. ALSO see our bunch deals from as little as £5.23 ... Images are turned off Swimfix Fish Pond Pumps from ITT for performance and reliability. ITT offer two great designs for small t... Images are turned off Reefphyto We are the only dedicated live food provider of marine fish in the UK. We produce live food such ... Images are turned off The Aquatic Centre The Aquatic Centre Located in Edinburgh, The Aquatic Centre is the largest store our type in Scot... Images are turned off The Aquatic Design Centre You will see our work in landmark buildings, stores, restaraunts, offices museums, exhibitions, T... Images are turned off Plants Alive Plants Alive specialise in aquarium plants and pond plants for the aquarist. We have over 30 year... Images are turned off Aquacare The place for biOrb and Juwel aquariums from Aquacare. Whether you choose an aquarium from the ... Images are turned off Strictly Aquatics Welcome to Strictly Aquatics.We are your One Stop Shop in Fife for all your Aquatic Needs.Come an... Subscribe Twitter Mobile Unsubscribe Practical Fishkeeping, Bauer Media, Media House, Lynchwood Business Park, Peterborough, PE2 5EA -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Tue Sep 27 22:01:15 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Tue Sep 27 22:01:09 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter September 9th, 2011 Message-ID: <72ABAD91AD1040F287575C26EFEA2A28@Namaacha> Caros colegas, Hoje há camarão… e mais uma actualização :-) Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter September 9th, 2011 Channa sp. Laos Fireback For the first time ever we received this splendid snakehead, which obviously represents a species unknown to science so far. I reminds one strongly to the far spread and variety rich species C. gachua, but the "Fireback" is much bigger, reaching 15 -20 cm, it lacks the stripes in the pectoral fins, which are so characteristical for gachua and of course the "Fireback" has the broad, bright orange seams in the dorsal and the caudal fin that are responsible for its popular name. Probably this species is - like all members of the C. gachua relationship - a mouthbrooder with biparental broodcare. Males and females can be distinguished best by a look from above. The males have a much broader head than the females. With the exception of the breeding season these snakeheads are strictly solitary fish and keeping them together with other fish - it does not matter whether these fish are conspecifics or belong to a completely different group of fish - is always a high risk. As long as the "Fireback" is kept in indoor tanks it needs no additional heater. The temperature should be raised only for breeding. Channa sp. Laos Fireback are large, predatory fish that need substantial food, like feeder fish, earthworms, mealworms, crickets and so on. For our customers: the fish have code 409394 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Channa: ancient Greek, means "snapper", probably referring to the airbreathing. gachua: after a native name for the fish in Bengal. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Cynopotamus atratoensis It is a very rare occasion that predatory tetras of the genus Cynopotamus are imported, due to their sensibilty against stress and transportation. So we are extremely happy and prous that we have been able to manage an importation of not less than eight specimens from Venezuela. The fish have a size of 18-22 cm and are very healthy. Cynopotamus atratoensis attains a total length of about 35 cm. Together with C. essequibenis, C. magdalenae, and C. venezuelae it belongs to a group of externally very similar fish that can be distinguished only on the basis of scale counts, finray counts etc.. Especially C. atartoensis and C. venezuelae can hardly be distinguished. However, C. venezuelae has slightly less rays in the anal fin, so our specimens probably belong to the species C. atratoensis. Cynopotamus are predatory tetras that feed on other, small fish. Against conspecifics they are - at least in our fishhouse - peaceful. Hardness and pH of the water are of little importance, but it seems that the fish prefer slightly higher temperatures than usual: 26-28°C. For our customers: the fish have code 251346 on our stocklist. Please note the we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Cynopotamus: from ancient Greek, means "river dog". atratoensis: after the type locality, the Rio Atrato in Colombia. essequibensis: after the type locality, the Essequibo river in Guyana. magdalenae: after the type locality: the Rio Magdalena in Colombia. venezuelae: after the type locality, Venezuela. Siggestion of a common name: Doublespot Riverdog Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Neocaridina heteropoda "Rili" The Cherry red shrimp belongs to the most popular dwarf shrimps in the hobby. Keeping and breeding is very easy and can be done even by beginners. The tiny animals produce such a lot of offspring that the species is sometimes even used as a feeder animal. Neocaridina heteropoda originates from East Asia (China, Japan, Taiwan). The specimens that were imported for the first time for the aquarium hobby originated probably from Taiwan. Taiwan is also the place where the latest sport of N. heteropoda comes from. The pretty red-and-white shrimps are sold under the names of "kili-shrimp" or "kohaku.shrimp". We have the variety now in stock for the first time. The kili shrimp is obviously pure breeding although every individual looks a bit different in respect of the white and red parts. This makes a tank with those dwarf shrimps very attractive to look at. For our customers: the animals have code 484208 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Neocaridina: means "new caridina". Caridina is another genus of shrimp. heteropoda: means "with different types of feet". Suggestion of a common name: Koi dwarf shrimp Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Issue 97 of the NEWS can be downloaded for free here: Enjoy! _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Tue Sep 27 22:03:32 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Tue Sep 27 22:03:26 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 37 (1) Message-ID: <3CC7DE034B0E4F30B870BF70AE14EE3D@Namaacha> Eles até conseguem o célebre e eminente Candirú ( faço ideia o preço ). Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 37 (1) This Extra-Newsletter will inform you in irregular appearance on most current changes on our stocklist. Enjoy! Plectrochilus erythrurus We managed to import a few specimens of the exteme rarely imported, blood sucking Candiru-catfish species Plectrochilus erythrurus, which have currently a length of 12-15 cm, from Peru. For our customers: the fish have code 280754 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Tue Sep 27 22:11:11 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Tue Sep 27 22:11:06 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Practical Fishkeeping 16-09-2011 Message-ID: <91DB564F6ADF465EAA4DAD19507ABD9E@Namaacha> Caros colegas, Estamos quase em dia. Neste número há um artigo sobre o Guppy outro sobre a Gambusia ( Gambusia affinis ). O primeiro é muito explicativo, quanto aio segundo é apenas uma “notícia de jornal” Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Practical Fishkeeping [] Enviada: sexta-feira, 16 de Setembro de 2011 13:21 Para: Assunto: Eel swims into man's penis during beauty treatment; latest news and features View this newsletter in your browser Turn on images to see this Home News Blog Features Directory Subscribe Images are turned off Get Practical Fishkeeping free for a year! Buy a two-year subscription to Practical Fishkeeping for the price of one! Images are turned off Eel swims into man's penis during beauty treatment The painful ordeal of a man in China provides an abject lesson in what fish species not to use in... Images are turned off The Guppy: First loves never die John Rundle answers some frequently asked questions on Guppies and explains why these popular... Images are turned off Strange fish tale 5: Boy mauled by angry puffer A teenager got more than he bargained for when a puffer got caught in his net, as this week's... Images are turned off Fire rips through aquarium An aquarium in New Zealand has been gutted by fire, with most of the fish and other sea life... Images are turned off New product allows your fish to talk to you! If only your fish could talk... Well, using this new device, some of them can! Images are turned off Antarctic invaded by giant crabs A large, reproductive population of giant king crabs have been discovered in deep waters off... Images are turned off New releases from Rolf C. Hagen PFK recently visited the Rolf C. Hagen show, which saw some tweaked new products, and some... Images are turned off Rare shark caught by fishermen One of the rarest species of shark has been caught off the coast of Mexico. Images are turned off How to make your own spawning mop Follow our step-by-step guide to making your own truly budget breeding mop. Images are turned off Robocrab woos lady fiddlers Robotic crab claws have helped uncover just what it is that makes some male fiddler crabs more... Images are turned off Free fish prove popular in Arizona Officials from Maricopa County Environmental Services in Arizona, USA have seen a surge in demand... Magazine news Images are turned off October issue of Practical Fishkeeping on sale now! The October 2011 issue of PFK is packed with great features, step-by-step guides and expert advice. Images are turned off Celebrity tank makeover! TV presenter and motoring journalist Jonny Smith gets a complete aquarium makeover from George... Images are turned off Creating a masterpiece A team of specialists from Dennerle recently visited PFK, to create a stunning aquascape for us. Featured sites Images are turned off Fish-Fish-Fish You will find a large range of products and services to meet all your aquatics needs at fish-fish... Images are turned off Warehouse Aquatics UK's fastest growing online aquatics superstore, cheapest prices online and price match, with... Images are turned off New Atlantic Country Superstore We pride ourselves on offering an unbeatable range of products across the whole countryside... Images are turned off Planted Tanks >From plants to hardware, Co2 systems to tools. ALSO see our bunch deals from as little as £5.23... Images are turned off The Aquatic Design Centre You will see our work in landmark buildings, stores, restaraunts, offices museums, exhibitions... Images are turned off Swallow Aquatics Welcome to Swallow Aquatics - Britains Number One aquatic experts - located across the South East... Images are turned off Swimfix Fish Pond Pumps from ITT for performance and reliability. ITT offer two great designs for small... Images are turned off Bath Aquatics A family run business offering excellent quality fish, an extensive range of accessories, pond... Images are turned off Plants Alive Plants Alive specialise in aquarium plants and pond plants for the aquarist. We have over 30 year... Images are turned off Hobby Fish Hobby Fish have been serving the Aquatic Hobbyist for over 30 years. Based just outside Milton... Images are turned off Viscum Water Gardens And Aquatic Centre Patrick Ahern of Viscum told Practical Fishkeeping: "We are South Yorkshire's biggest... Images are turned off Sweet Knowle Aquatics "We are a family owned and run business situated just outside Stratford upon Avon in the... Subscribe Twitter Mobile Unsubscribe Practical Fishkeeping, Bauer Media, Media House, Lynchwood Business Park, Peterborough, PE2 5EA -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Fri Sep 30 00:16:24 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Fri Sep 30 00:16:47 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] =?iso-8859-1?q?Programa_da_conven=E7=E3o_do?= =?iso-8859-1?q?_GWG?= Message-ID: <9E7227D7075C4AD0999CF4F414561A6A@Namaacha> Caros colegas, Segue em anexo o programa definitivo da Convenção do GWG. Alguns dos prelectores são " figuras míticas " de muitas das fontes na Internet e na literatura ( mesmo científica ) sobre os Cyprinodontiformes vivíparos e ovovivíparos. Embora as inscrições já tenham fechado à muito e ninguém tenha podido acompanhar-me nesta viagem, contem com o artigo à posteriori. Um abraço Miguel Andrade -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo que não estava em formato texto não está incluído... Nome : Program_GWG_Pont_lEveque_2011.pdf Tipo : application/pdf Tam : 1684998 bytes Descr: não disponível Url : From viviparos Fri Sep 30 00:36:16 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Fri Sep 30 00:36:18 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter September 16th, 2011 Message-ID: <11CE901B8506494EB2EA75907332E5C2@Namaacha> Camarões fantásticos e mais uma actualização. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter September 16th, 2011 Parakysis verrucosus For the first time ever we received this tiny and charming dwarf fish from Malaysia. It reaches only 3-4 cm in length. The species is adopted to black water habitats in nature, where the water is very soft and acidic. However, in our facility they have proofed so far to be unproblematic and quite gregarious. Research in the field showed that the stomach of the fish contained remains of bloodworm, insects, scales, and pieces of fin. Obviously the fish are unspecialized feeders, which corresponds very well with our observations. Parakysis verrucosus represents an interesting new species for nano aquaria. For our customers: the animal has code 441273 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Parakysis: means "besides Akysis" (referring to the supposed relatiobship): Akysis is another genus of catfish. verrucosus: Latin, means "warty". Suggestion of a common name: Chocolate dwarf catfish Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Caridina "Black Tiger Yellow Eyes" The black tiger shrimp is a cultivated variety of the tiger shrimp that originates from southern China. The tiger shrimp itself is a very variable species and possibly belongs to the species described as Caridina cantonensis. The bright shining eyes and the fantail in the same colour are very characteristic for the animal. We have these beautiful dwarfs - maximum length is around 2 cm - for the first time in stock now. They are very easy to keep, but who is interested in breeding them should keep them over a period of some weeks (best in winter) at a temperature around 15°C. Like all dwarf shrimps the black tiger should be kept in groups (10 specimens or more). For our customers: the shrimps have code 485442 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Caridina: from ancient Greek, means "little crab". cantonensis: means "deriving from Canton (nowadays Guangdong)". Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Cyphocharax multilineatus This interesting species, which we obtained for the first time now from Venezuela, belongs to the Curimata-relationship. At the first glimps it reminds one strongly to the well known headstander (Chilodus punctatus), but it can be easily recognized by the black stripe through the eye. Moreover, Cyphocharax swims in a "normal" horizontal way. Cyphocharax feed on Aufwuchs and look the whole day through on stones, roots, and plants for algae and the small animals inside them. Against each other C. multilineatus are very peaceful. Maximum length reported for the species is about 10 cm. For our customers: the fish has code 251353 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Cyphocharax: from ancient Greek, means "Charax with a hump"; Charax is another genus of tetra. multilineatus: Latin, means "with many stripes". Chilodus: ancient Greek, means "with teeth on the lips". punctatus: Latin, means "spotted". Suggestion of a common name: Golden Mascara Tetra Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Issue 97 of the NEWS can be downloaded for free here: Enjoy! _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Fri Sep 30 00:38:02 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Fri Sep 30 00:38:05 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 38 (1) Message-ID: <1A61B2467A1B4122984D6E5B6BBC90E0@Namaacha> Olha o Synodontis !... e mais um passo nas actualizações :-) Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 38 (1) This Extra-Newsletter will inform you in irregular appearance on most current changes on our stocklist. Enjoy! Synodontis sp. aff. nigriventris ZEBRA We currently have a limited number of the very pretty and rare Synodontis sp. aff. nigriventris ZEBRA in stock. The species differs from the "common" Upside Down Catfish by the extremely contrasting pattern. The species is - as far as it is known - restricted to the Mai Ndome region in the DR Congo. Size of our specimens: around 4 cm. For our customers: the fish have code 183414 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photo: Frank Schäfer _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: From viviparos Fri Sep 30 00:39:50 2011 From: viviparos ( Date: Fri Sep 30 00:39:53 2011 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 38 (2) Message-ID: <1AFBB48D942A49A297A11A8C41D4119B@Namaacha> Última actualização do dia ! Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter Extra Calendar Week 38 (2) This Extra-Newsletter will inform you in irregular appearance on most current changes on our stocklist. Enjoy! Xenopus laevis By chance we had the opportunity to get wonderful, large (6-8 cm) Xenopus laevis from a German breeder. Available only in limited numbers! For our customers: the animals have code 192505 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... URL: