[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter November 4th, 2011

www.viviparos.com viviparos viviparos.com
Domingo, 13 de Novembro de 2011 - 19:49:11 WET

Estava a ver que não conseguia enviar esta mensagem hoje :-(


Um abraço

Miguel Andrade 



De: Miguel Andrade 
Enviada: domingo, 13 de Novembro de 2011 18:43
Para: 'vivíparos e ovovivíparos ( Livebearer fish )'
Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter November 4th, 2011


No seguimento da minha mensagem anterior (e para os que apreciam raridades)…


Um abraço

Miguel Andrade 



De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info  aquariumglaser.de] 
Enviada: Nenhum
Para: Miguel Andrade
Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter November 4th, 2011



Leporinus brunneus


For the first time ever we were able to import this beautiful, large tetra from
Venezuela. The fish can reach a maximum size of 25-30 cm. It can be found in the
basins of Orinoco river and the rio Negro. The coloration of the fish is quite
variable, depending on the origin. The orange spot under the eye on the operculum is
nevertheless quite characteristic for the species. Depending on the origin the
lateral stripe might be solid or formed by spots. The intensity of the red coloration
of the finnage and the throat also depends on the origin of the fish. Our specimens -
we currently have three of them - have a length of 15-20 cm and are almost fully
grown. So now there is the first chance to observe the behaviour of the fish under
aquarium conditions.


For our customers: the fish have code 265745 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Leporinus: Leporinus: Latin, means "hare-nose". brunneus: Latin, means
"dark, dusky"

Suggestion of a common name: robin hare snout

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer


Hypostomus ancistroides 


This extraordinary, very slender species reached us from Paraguay. Maximum length
reported is around 25 cm. This is a subtropical species and thus it is possible to
keep it in an unheated indoor-tank. This is a very rare species and even we are able
to offer it only very frequently and in limited numbers.


For our customers: the fish have code 265453 and 262454 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Suggestion of a common name: Whiptail pleco

Text & photo: Frank Schäfer


Boraras naevus 


The dwarf rasbora that is traded under the name of "Boraras micros RED" for some
years already, has been described now scientifically and has been named Boraras
naevus. The species is distinguished from all other spotted Boraras species known so
far by the sexual dichromatism. The B. naevus males develope a much bigger shoulder
spot than the females. Regarding keeping and breeding the charming dwarfs do not
differ in any way from their congeneers. This means, they should be kept in small,
well planted tanks with a dark ground in soft and acidic water. Under these
conditions the dwarf rasboras are astonishingly long-living and enjoy their keeper
for many years. Boraras naevus reaches a maximum length of 1.5 - 2 cm. 


For our customers: Boraras naevus has code 452822 on our stocklist. Please note that
we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Boraras: Boraras: anagram of Rasbora, referring to the reverse ratio of
abdominal and caudal vertebrae in Boraras compared with Rasbora. naevus: Latin, means
"spot" or "mark on the skin"; refers to the prominent shoulder spot of the species.

Suggestion of a common name: Strawberry rasbora

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer


Calendar Yearbook 2012


The Calendar Yearbook appears annually and reflects the imports and breeder´s
activities for aquarium and terrarium animals of the preceding year.
Renowned importers, exporters, and breeders of aquarium and terrarium animals have
generously supplied wonderful animals as they did already for the yearbooks
Freshwater fish, marine fish, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates – the year 2011
was colourful and you are able to recall it week for week with the Calendar Yearbook
700 colour photos, 288 pages, dinA5 hardcover
€ 19,90
animalbook Art.Nr.: 13312
ISBN: 978-3-939759-25-6


...and please do not forget to visit our homepage <http://www.aquariumglaser.com/en/>
to get weekly updates !




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comment or inspiration, please contact us under info  aquariumglaser.de 

Aquarium Glaser GmbH
Liebigstraße 1
D-63110 Rodgau, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0
Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11
Email: info  aquariumglaser.de 

Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer 

Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach
Registernummer: HRB 2 1967
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 

All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the
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