[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser NewsletterApril 29th, 2011
viviparos viviparos.com
Sexta-Feira, 27 de Maio de 2011 - 22:38:28 WEST
Caros colegas,
Mais um passo a caminho da actualização... e uns peixinhos raros mas muito
Um abraço
Miguel Andrade
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: Nenhum
Para: Miguel Andrade
Assunto: Aquarium Glaser NewsletterApril 29th, 2011
Hyphessonbrycon cf stegemani
For the first time ever we can offer currently this beautiful new dwarf tetra as
German bred. From a scientific point of view this fish probably represents a new,
still undescribed species. The most similar known one is H. stegemani. The latter,
however, does not have the beautiful long filaments on the fins.
The ancestors of our new fish came via Belem from Brazil, nothing more is known so
far. The maximum total length is around 3-4 cm. Males differ from females by the
longer filaments on the fins and a red (instead of translucent) caudal fin.
Regarding keeping the species can be told a hardy one. The fish are very peaceful and
do no harm to any tankmate, may it be a member of the same or another species. Plants
are also left alone completely. When the water temperature rises over 28°C the fish
start mating and the males begin to fight with each other. These fights are wonderful
to look at and absolutely harmless; not even the elongate fin filaments become harmed
during the fights.
This extraordinary new fish might become a very popular ornamental fish - at least it
has all requirements to become one.
For our customers: the fish have code 262079 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Hyphessobrycon: ancient Greek, means "small Brycon". Brycon is another genus
of tetras. stegemani: dedication name
Suggestion of a common name: Phoenix tetra
Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer
Acheilognathus tonkinensis
The bitterlings are a subfamiliy of the great and diverse carp family. So far only
very few species have been introduced in the hobby, but there do exist about 70
species and subspecies which are classified in 4 genera. It is a sad thing that only
so few aquarists are interested in bitterlings, for all species are brillant colored
and are very interesting due to their brood-parasitism (all species of bitterling
place their eggs in living freshwater mussels where they hatch).
Now we were able to import once more one of the most magnificent bitterlings at all
from China: Acheilognathus tonkinensis. This very deep bodied species becomes about
10 cm long and originates from southern China, Vietnam, and Laos. The males a
shimmering in all colours of a rainbow, whereas the females are rather dull colored
and look like a typical "whitefish". Keeping these subtropical animals is without
problems. It is not necessary to heat the tank as long as it is placed in a house;
this makes the fish energy saving and environmental friendly. Bitterlings feed on all
types of commercial fishfood and are extremely peaceful to all tankmates. Plants are
usually ignored; if a bitterling starts nibbling on plants, the keeper should add
more plant material to the fishfood.
For our customers: the fish have code 800154 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Acheilognathus: ancient Greek, means about "without lips on the jaws".
tonkinensis: after a geographical term ("Tonkin") for the northernmost part of
Suggestion of a common name: Rainbow bitterling
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Ancistrus sp. L180 - wonderful German bred available
The Ancistrus species which has the code L180 is only very occasionally imported from
Brazil. Obviously there is a number of very similar species existing. In AqualogNews
98 (will appear in May 2011) they will be portrayed in detail.
Ancistrus sp. L180 belongs to the yellow-white spotted species of Ancistrus.
Currently we have beautiful German bred L180 in stock.
For our customers: the fish have code 26480-L 180X-2 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Ancistrus: from the ancient Greek word for "fishhook". This refers to the
hooked spines that are placed on the movable Interoperculum (a bone between the
gill-covering bones), called interopercularodontodes, which are spread in case of
Suggestion of a common name: makes no sense as L180 is already a popular name for the
Text: Frank Schäfer, photos: Peter Schwabe, Frank Schäfer
Issue 96 of AqualogNews is now available for free as a PDF via www.aqualog.de
<http://www.aqualog.de/> . Enjoy!
...and please do not forget to visit our homepage <http://www.aquariumglaser.com/en/>
to get weekly updates !
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