[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter July 22nd, 2011
viviparos viviparos.com
Sábado, 23 de Julho de 2011 - 22:40:49 WEST
Caros colegas,
Aqui vai o mais recente número da newsletter da GLASER.
Para além desse interessante fenómeno denominado Amia calva ( óptima opção para
grandes lagos onde falte um eficaz predador para equilibrar a dinâmica das populações
), hoje temos mais um vivíparo Asiático.
Ao contrário de outras espécies do género, estamos perante um habitante de água doce
que prefere pouca dureza e alguma acidez, típico das florestas tropicais húmidas do
Um abraço
Miguel Andrade
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: Nenhum
Para: Miguel Andrade
Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter July 22nd, 2011
Amia calva
Four specimens - gorgeous animals, which are 15 - 20 cm long - of this "living
fossil" reached us recently. Once there was a time when relatives of this species
lived allmost all over the World, even in Europe several species existed. These
creatures were already existent when the dinosaurs walked around. However, nowadays
only one species is left, namely Amia calva, which is native in the eastern USA.
The bowfin - this is the common name of the species - can reach a maximum size of
about one meter, but usually grows not larger than 50 cm. Males stay smaller in
general than females. Bowfins are predators that feed on fish, crayfish and so on.
Amia calva has very sharp teeth and uses them in case it feels in trouble. So one
should be aware of that fact.
The bowfin is a coldwater fish, but due to its lung breathing the fish can survive
even in warm and muddy water. Even temperatures over 30°C are tolerated. The fish
take an intensive broodcare. Males build a kind of nest of plant material in which
the adhesive eggs are spawned. The hatchlings are also guarded for a while by the
For our customers: the fish have code 364006 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Amia: a name for a fish in ancient Greece, but nowadays nobody knows
anymore, what species was meant. calva: Latin, means "smooth".
Common name: Bowfin
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Baryancistrus sp. L81n
We take the opportunity of the receipt of a larger shipment of L81n and the
scientific description of Baryancistrus xanthellus (L18, L81, L85, L177, see
http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/archiv.php?news_id=361) to take a closer look on
L81n, which we get from Sao Felix do Xingu, once more.
As in all ancistine catfish it is also true in L81n: the younger they are, the
prettier they are. Small specimens of 4 - 7 cm total length are the most beautiful of
all Baryancistrus. Regarding the spots on the body they look like L18/L81, but have
much broader borders of the dorsal and the caudal fin. When the fish grow, these
borders become more narrow and the spots on the body become smaller. At a total
length of 8 - 12 cm, L81n look very much like L81, but in latter at that point of age
the borders of the fins are already reduced in small triangles in the corners of
these fins. In L81n the borders are still bright and over the full length of the fins
At a total length of about 12 cm the forst specimens begin to change their coloration
to the adult pattern. In adults, the basic colour is lighter, the spots much smaller,
and the borders of the dorsal and caudal fin very narrow, but still visible (the
latter in contrast to B. xanthellus). Our largest specimens have 18 cm and 27 cm
total length and still show the borders, even though in our 27 cm specimen the edge
of the dorsal is damaged and so nobody can say anything about the coloration.
All in all one can say that juveniles of L81n look very much like Baryancistrus
xanthellus, whereas adults resemble much more in B. chrysolomus (L47). Thus it is
very likely that L81n repesents a third, still undescribed species within
Baryancistrus, as the specific differences of B. chrysolomus and B. xanthellus base
mainly on differences in coloration.
In any case juveniles of L81n are among the most beautiful L-numbers at all.
For our customers: the fish have code 26480-L 081N on our stocklist. Please note that
we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Baryancistrus: ancient Greek, means "heavy Ancistrus"; Ancistrus is another
genus of catfish.
Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer
Hemirhamphodon kuekenthali
Gorgeous, large specimens of this livebearing halfbeak reached us from Borneo
(Sarawak) recently. The species can hardly be told apart from the better known
relative, H. pogonognathus. However, we have the feeling that it is a bit stouter.
But our determination bases mainly on the origin (Sarawak).
Like all other Hemirhamphodon, H. kuekenthali is a pure freshwater fish that prefers
soft and acidic water. Feeding the animals is very easy, as they accept readily any
type of flake food or freeze-dried food. But one must keep in mind that the fish feed
exclusively from the water surface. Fruitflies (Drosophila) are a delicacy for the
Males of Hemirhamphodon are quite territorial, so it is wise to keep only one male
per tank. The sexes can be easily distinguished by the shape of the anal fin. Males
become about 6 cm long, females stay always smaller - at least this is true for fish
in the wild. It is, of course, possible that they become a little bit larger in the
For our customers: the species has code 421443 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Hemirhamphodon: from ancient Greek, means about "with teeth on the
halfbeak". kuekenthali: dedication name for Willy Georg Kükenthal (1861 - 1922) who
discovered the species.
Suggestion of a common name: Sarawak Forest Halfbeak
Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer
Issue 97 of the NEWS can be downloaded for free here: www.aqualog.de
<http://www.aqualog.de/> Enjoy!
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