[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter January 14th, 2011
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Segunda-Feira, 17 de Janeiro de 2011 - 22:49:25 WET
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Miguel Andrade
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: Nenhum
Para: Miguel Andrade
Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter January 14th, 2011
Sillaginopsis panijus
The difference between "foodfish" and "ornamental fish" is often hard to tell. For
example, who in Europe would term the zebra barb (Danio rerio) a foodfish?
Nevertheless hundreds of thousands of these tiny animals are collected daily in
India, become dried and are sold as a spice. On the other hand young examples of
attractive foodfish can be found quite regularly in the ornamental fish trade,
because fingerlings are easily available in large numbers due to the aquacultivation
of these species.
An example of the latter category is Sillaginopsis panijus that can reach approx. 40
cm total length and is subject of an important commercial fishery. This fish belongs
to the family Sillaginidae that contains only 30 species. There is no accepted common
name for this family, fishbase suggests "smelt-whitings".
Sillaginopsis panijus is a very attractive aquarium inhabitant, for it is a restless
swimmer of a somewhat sharky appearance and the always erected dorsal spine is a real
eyecatcher. The fish inhabits in the wild muddy regions and is anything but
demanding. However, only juveniles live in pure freshwater, larger fish and adults
should be kept in brackish or marine water. The species is a peaceful omnivorous that
should be kept in schools (5 or more specimens).
Sexual maturity is reached at about 12 cm total length. The presumably males can be
recognized even at a much smaller length (around 5 cm) by the much longer head and
dorsal filament. Still Sillaginopsis panijus is an absolute rarity in home aquaria
and it will be an interesting experience to discover the life history of the species
under aquarium conditions.
For our customers: the fish have code 455201 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Sillaginopsis: means about "similar to a small Sillago"; Sillago is another
genus of the family Sillaginidae. panijus: after the Bengal name of the fish.
Suggestion for a common name: Longfin surferfish
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Tyttocharax cochui and T. madeirae
The lively species of the genus Tyttocharax belong to the smallest species of tetra
at all. They hardly ever become larger than 2 cm. Two species are currently quite
often imported, both originate from Peru: T. cochui and T. madeirae. At the first
glimpse both species look very similar and have been often confused in the past.
Another reason for this is the fact that T. madeirae has not been recognized in
scientific collections from Peru so far.
Both dwarf tetra species can be distinguished best by the coloration of the dorsal
and the anal fins. Both fins are hylaine in T. cochui and have dark markings in T.
Males become larger than the females and are very deep bodied at age. Keeping these
tiny fish is not much demanding. Any usual fishfood is readily taken as long as it
fits the mouth. The dwarf fish are very peaceful against tankmates, may they belong
to their own or to other species. Plants are not harmed.
For our customers: the fish have code 298952 (cochui) and 298963 (madeirae) on our
stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Tyttocharax: ancient Greek, means "tiny Charax"; Charax is another genus of
tetra. cochui: dedication name. madeirae: after the Rio Madeira in Brazil.
Suggestion of common names: T. cochui: Whiteband Frippery Tetra; T. madeirae: Madeira
Frippery Tetra
New in stock Calendar week 2, 2011
Dear customers and subscribers of our newsletter,
our weekly importatios regularly content species and varieties we never or only very
occassionally had in stock. Thus they are - at least for us - new. Sadly it is for
different reasons not possible to portray all of them in detail. However, we want to
show you at least some of the most interesting of them by a photograph. Enjoy!
Your Aquarium Glaser Team
Issue 95 of TerralogNews is now available for free as a PDF via www.aqualog.de
<http://www.aqualog.de/> . Enjoy!
...and please do not forget to visit our homepage <http://www.aquariumglaser.com/en/>
to get weekly updates !
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D-63110 Rodgau, Germany
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Email: info aquariumglaser.de
Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer
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