[Cyprinodontiformes] Xiphophorus variatus " Tampico " ( Aquarium Glaser Newsletter August 28th, 2010 )

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Sexta-Feira, 17 de Setembro de 2010 - 22:27:09 WEST

Prezados colegas,


Embora com o devido pedido de desculpas pelo atraso, aqui vai um número da "
newsletter " Glaser com uma excelente novidade... Xiphophorus variatus " Tampico ",
uma lindíssima variedade selvagem.

Provavelmente já não devemos ir a tempo, mas aqui fica a informação.

Um abraço

Miguel Andrade 


De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info  aquariumglaser.de] 
Enviada: Nenhum
Para: cyprinodon  clix.pt
Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter August 28th, 2010



Xiphophorus variatus "Tampico"


The Variable platyfish (Xiphophorus variatus) is represented in millions of home
aquaria by uncountered cultivated forms. However, their wild ancestors - and there
are a lot of different populations -  are almost unknown even to the most experienced
aquarists. As the specific name already suggests: each local population looks


The place of origin of the variety we now received from a German breeder is Tampico
in Mexico. The fish live there in a small brook. Sadly unfiltered industrial waste
water runs into this brook so it is very likely that this population of platyfish
will not survive there and can live on only in aquaria.

For our customers: the fish have code 442993 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Xiphophorus: ancient Greek, means "sword bearer"; variatus: Latin, means

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer


Pseudeutropius - the mini shark cats 


The shark cats belonging to the genera Pangasius and Pangasianodon are very popular.
The reason is their interesting swimming behaviour which reminds one in sharks.
However, these fish have one big disadvantage: they grow to a very large size. Even
the smallest of them, the common Siamese shark Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, becomes
at least 30 - 35 cm long in home aquaria. These animals are bred in Southeast Asia as
food fish and this is the reason why so many of small juveniles are always available
in the trade. But undoubtedly many aquarists have problems to butcher the animals
they reared in the tank over years....

Now the trade has found a perfect alterative that stays small: catfish of the genus
Pseudeutropius. They do not differ from the large shark cats in respect of coloration
or swimming behaviour, but become maximum 10 cm long. Sexual maturity is reached even
at half of that length.


There are two species in that genus that look almost identical and both stay small
and have the same swimming behaviour, and both originate from Sumatra. That is the
reason why they are usually not distinguished from each other in the trade. However,
it is quite easy to tell them apart, for P. brachypopterus (which does also live on
Borneo) has a much shorter anal fin with approximately 30 rays compared with P.
mooelenburghae, which has about 40 rays in that fin. The pictures illustrating this
entry show P. brachypopterus.

Besides their small  size the mini shark cats have another feature that makes them
very entertaining aquarium fish: umbrella-barbels! In contrast to the large shark
cats Pseudeutropius own eight long barbels around the mouth. Depending on the
requirements the fish bear these barbels attached to the body or stretched in front
of the head. The special thing is that this stretching of the barbel appears in a
jerky manner. One virtually believes to hear a "plop" when they do it! The whole
thing reminds one in putting up an umbella.


For our customers: the animals have code 445504 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Pangasius: from a native name of the type species of the genus, Pangasius
pangasius, which lives in the Ganges river in India. Pangasianodon: ancient Greek,
means "with teeth like a Pangasius". Pangasius is another genus of catfish.
hypophthalmus: ancient Greek, means "goggle-eyed". Pseudeutropius: ancient Greek,
means "false Eutropius". Eutropius is another genus of catfish. brachypopterus:
ancient Greek, means "with a short fin". moolenburghae: dedication name for Mrs
Moolenburgh who supplied together with her husband a large collection of fishes from
Sumatra to Weber and de Beaufort for their epochal work on the fishes of the
Indo-Australian Archipelago.

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer


Placidochromis sp. "Phenochilus Tanzania" 


The generic placement of the Malawian cichlids formerly lumped in the genus
Haplochromis depend on their melanin pattern, eg the black markings in the basic
coloration. Sadly the melanin pattern is not recognisable in the only existing type
specimen of Haplochromis phenochilus, which was described in 1935; thus its correct
generic placement remains unknown until today.

The extremely beautiful German bred fish we can offer now undoubtely belong to the
genus Placidochromis and it is very likely that they belong to the species
phenochilus. However, until this question is answered by a scientist it is better to
use the term Placidochromis sp. "Phenochilus Tanzania" to put a name on the species.


Placidochromis sp. "Phenochilus Tanzania" is one of the most peaceful Malawian
cichlids. It becomes about 17 cm long (males, females stay smaller). In the wild,
this species belongs to the "followers". This means, it swims along with very large,
burrowing cichlids like Fossochromis or Taeniolethrinops and feeds on the small
animals or other food items uncovered by the work of the large cousins. As this
behaviour does not make it necessary to defend a territory it is possible for
Placidochromis to live in harmony with congeneers and other fish.


One of the special features of the "Phenochilus Tanzania" is that males begin at an
age of 1-2 year to develope withe scales. 4 year old males can be considered to be
fully grown and coloured. They develope a small hump, similar to that found in
Cyrtaca morii, but by far not as impressive as in this species.


Even the youngsters are extremely attractive as can be seen on the pictures. Due to
the peaceful temper of these cichlids they must never be accompanied by mbuna-like
fish, but only with other peaceful utaka or Aulonocara, for example.

For our customers: the fish have code 564701 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Placidochromis: Latin, means "calm Chromis", referring to the swimming
behaviour. The suffix -chromis is widely used for African perch-like fishes. It is an
old fish name which is used in a scientific way nowadays for the damselfish, Chromis
chromis from the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic. phenochilus: ancient Greek,
means "with shining lips". Fossochromis: ancient Greek, means "burrowing Chromis".
The suffix -chromis is widely used for African perch-like fishes. It is an old fish
name which is used in a scientific way nowadays for the damselfish, Chromis chromis
from the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic. Taeniolethrinops: ancient Greek, means
"striped Lethrinops". Lethrinops is another genus of cichlid. Haplochromis: ancient
Greek, means "simple Chromis". The suffix -chromis is widely used for African
perch-like fishes. It is an old fish name which is used in a scientific way nowadays
for the damselfish, Chromis chromis from the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic. 

Text: Frank Schäfer, photos: Frank Schäfer & Erwin Schraml



Issue No 91 of TERRALOGnews, English version, is now available as free download via
http://aqualog.de/news/news_pdfen/News91e.pdf. Enjoy! 


...and please do not forget to visit our homepage <http://www.aquariumglaser.com/en/>
to get weekly updates !




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