From viviparos Fri Oct 1 23:14:12 2010 From: viviparos ( Date: Fri Oct 1 23:14:10 2010 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] GWG meeting - Barcelona Message-ID: Prezados colegas, Mais notícias sobre Barcelona 2010. Quem estiver empenhado em ir, ou queira consultar o ficheiro que o Eduardo colocou na lista, entre em contacto comigo s.f.f. Enviarei uma cópia aos interessados. Um abraço Miguel Andrade ________________________________________ De: [] Em nome de Eduardo Obis Alberola Enviada: quarta-feira, 29 de Setembro de 2010 22:49 Para: Assunto: RE: [goodeids] I GWG meeting - Barcelona Hi everybody! I did a PDF with some information about the meeting: place and some hotels. It?s quite difficult to recommend some hotels, I?ve added a link to with all the hotels around ?L?eixample?. L?eixample is a really nice area of Barcelona, and not as expensive as the high area of Barcelona around the museum. I think it should not be a problem because we only need to go to the museum on Saturday and it?s a good area for wife?s and partners ? P.D. I?ve some pairs of Skiffia bilineata for the meeting. Best regards, Edu From viviparos Fri Oct 1 23:40:58 2010 From: viviparos ( Date: Fri Oct 1 23:40:56 2010 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] =?iso-8859-1?q?Regras_sobre_a_utiliza=E7=E3?= =?iso-8859-1?q?o_da_lista_Cyprinodontiformes?= Message-ID: Caro utilizador, O compilado de regras que se segue, vai sendo actualizado sempre que necessário. Por essa razão, esta mensagem está a ser enviada todos os meses, como um aviso, a fim de proporcionar uma utilização mais eficiente da lista. Por favor tenha o cuidado de ler, pelo menos de vez em quando, esta regulamentação e as 5 respostas às perguntas mais frequentes que a antecedem, pois há uma certa possibilidade de ocorrerem ligeiras mudanças todos os meses. 1 - O que é a lista PGA magazine ou [Cyprinodontiformes] ? A lista Cyprinodontiformes foi criada em Janeiro de 2009 no âmbito do sítio Cyprinodontiformes Vivíparos e Ovovivíparos ( ), a fim de proporcionar um meio de difundir notícias e novidades relativas às espécies e conteúdos do sítio, de servir como um meio de comunicação entre os inscritos, nomeadamente para intercâmbio de peixes e de conhecimentos e de permitir às entidades comerciais interessadas lançar alertas dirigidos aos subscritores desta lista sobre a chegada de novos peixes das espécies abordadas às respectivas lojas. Do seu arquivo fazem ainda parte as mensagens registadas entre Junho de 2007 e Novembro de 2008 na lista de discussão antecessora " VIP - Vivíparos Portugal ", cujo endereço é Existe neste momento no sítio uma página dedicada a esta lista em 2 - O que é que eu posso fazer para proporcionar este serviço a mais alguém ? Apenas e tão-somente enviar uma mensagem para o endereço vivíparos(at)viví, indicando o nome e o respectivo endereço electrónico, ( vulgo e-mail ) do futuro aderente. Em alternativa pode proceder à inscrição individual por sua iniciativa através dos meios ao seu alcance, acedendo à lista via Internet em ATENÇÃO : Todos os comandos da lista são automáticos. Por essa razão, para se tornar assinante ou se desistir de o ser, deve simplesmente seguir as instruções divulgadas no endereço acima referido, sem necessidade de intervenção dos respectivos moderadores. 3 - Já estou inscrito e a receber mensagens... mas como é que faço chegar as minhas próprias mensagens aos restantes inscritos na lista ? Basta enviar as suas mensagens para o endereço cyprinodontiformes(at), mas SEMPRE ATRAVÉS DO ENDEREÇO EM QUE ESTÁ INSCRITO, ( caso contrário essas mensagens ficam a aguardar a intervenção dos moderadores ). Como se poderá ler mais abaixo há umas quantas regras básicas a respeitarem-se sobre o tipo de mensagens que se podem dirigir à lista. Em termos técnicos, enviar a mesma mensagem para lista Cyprinodontiformes e para outros destinatários em simultâneo, não é muito boa ideia, pois se o seu número for superior a 30, é considerado correio do tipo " spam " ( publicidade não solicitada e vírus ), e a mensagem em causa ficará retida à espera de autorização. Algumas respostas directas ( às mensagens recebidas da lista ) também não estão a dar resultado, pelo que é bom costume habituarmo-nos a enviar quaisquer mensagens destinadas à lista apenas para o respectivo endereço - cyprinodontiformes(at), ( mesmo quanto se trate de uma resposta ou da participação num tópico ). 4 - E se pretender enviar informação com anexos, posso ? Para já sim. Devem no entanto serem tidas em consideração três questões em particular. a) Os anexos estão por enquanto a ser arquivados no servidor, mas de futuro essa situação pode vir a terminar, devido à ( sensata ) política de gestão de espaço, pelo que no arquivo acessível via Internet nessa altura não ficarão guardados. b) Os ficheiros do tipo executável e alguns outros que possam ser considerados um risco de transmissão de vírus informáticos são rejeitados ( eliminados ) automaticamente pelo sistema. c) Certos ficheiros anexos não são permitidos devido às suas dimensões. Em caso de dúvida sobre o envio de um ficheiro deve contactar-se a moderação via vivíparos(at), para esclarecimento da mesma. Documentos anexos, de qualquer natureza ( incluindo documentos produzidos pelas ferramentas " Microsoft Office " ou ilustrações e imagens de qualquer tipo ), são terminantemente proibidos em muitas listas de discussão na Internet. O envio de anexos encerra perigos de real difusão de vírus, " spywares ", " adwares ", entre outros. É através, principalmente dos documentos anexos, que os vírus e outros programas indesejáveis se propagam pela rede e uma forma de eliminar a sua transmissão é abstermo-nos de enviarmos documentos anexos. Além disso, alguns assinantes ainda não utilizam ligações ADSL ou formas de banda larga para terem acesso à Internet, pelo que os documentos anexos levam mais tempo para serem descarregados no computador do destinatário. 5 - Para além dos anexos, devo ter algum cuidado técnico especial com as minhas mensagens para a lista ? Uma garantia de sucesso é o envio das mensagens em formato em texto simples ( " simple text " ), e não nos formatos " html " ou texto rico ( " rich text " ou " rtf " ) - veja-se a alínea f) do regulamento. Um dos inconvenientes das mensagens nesses formatos é que devido à ( sensata ) política de gestão de espaço no servidor, todas as mensagens estarem a ser actualmente arquivadas em formato de texto simples, o que significa dizer que, no arquivo disponível via Internet, para além da previsível desformatação que daí resulta, poder vir a dar-se a perda de imagens incorporadas ou todos os tipos de acessórios que o formato " html " perde quando é convertido em texto. Regulamento de Utilização Todas as listas de discussão e fóruns na Internet possuem regras que assegurem seu bom funcionamento. Para além das habituais, existem algumas específicas, como neste caso em particular : a) O teor das mensagens não pode ser ofensivo à moral e bons costumes nem à legislação nacional e internacional. b) As três línguas oficiais de comunicação serão o Português, o Inglês e o Espanhol ( Castelhano ), pela respectiva ordem de importância. Os membros inscritos não serão no entanto obrigados a escreverem as suas mensagens em todos estes idiomas, ( ou sequer a terem conhecimentos em mais do que um deles ). Alguns tópicos poderão ser traduzidos a pedido de alguém que o necessite. Caso exista disponibilidade, essa tradução será assegurada por outros membros inscritos que se queiram voluntariar para o efeito. Em último caso, as traduções serão asseguradas por parte da moderação, mas apenas e somente de acordo com o tempo livre de algum dos moderadores. c) O tema dos assuntos tem que ter relação com o âmbito e objectivos da lista, ou seja, proporcionarem um meio de difundir notícias e novidades relativas às espécies e conteúdos abordados no sítio Cyprinodontiformes Vivíparos e Ovovivíparos ( ), servirem como um meio de comunicação entre os membros inscritos, nomeadamente para intercâmbio de peixes e de conhecimentos e permitirem às entidades comerciais interessadas lançarem alertas dirigidos aos subscritores desta lista sobre a chegada de novos peixes das espécies abordadas às respectivas lojas. d) A divulgação de notícias ou de qualquer conteúdo em geral, quer sejam de sua própria autoria ou de outrem, são da inteira responsabilidade de quem fez o envio da referida matéria, uma vez que o sistema é aberto, ou seja, não se faz uma triagem, escrutínio ou selecção de conteúdos previamente. Actualmente ( e desejamos manter assim ), a retransmissão de mensagens para a lista é automática para os inscritos, não havendo intervenção manual nem aprovação prévia por parte dos moderadores, por essa razão é impossível haver censura nesta lista. e) Não é permitida qualquer forma de publicidade não autorizada nesta lista. As entidades comerciais, nomeadamente lojas e estabelecimentos com negócio de peixes de aquário, empresas dedicadas à importação de peixes de aquário com vendas ao público e outras entidades afins, são convidadas a divulgarem as suas existências ( " stocks " ) e a anunciarem a chegada de novos contingentes de peixes PERTENCENTES ESPÉCIES DE CYPRINODONTIFORMES VIVIPÁROS E OVOVIVÍPAROS. Não são para já permitidas as divulgações de preços directamente nesta lista, pelo que as entidades comerciais devem incluir sempre uma forma de contacto nos seus anúncios, permitindo aos potenciais clientes o acesso aos preços praticados através de outra forma directa a estabelecer entre ambos, sempre fora da lista PGA magazine ou [Cyprinodontiformes]. f) Todas as mensagens deveriam ser enviadas preferencialmente em texto simples. As mensagens em formato " html " ou " rtf " ocupam muito espaço em servidor ou no provedor de serviço de correio electrónico dos destinatários, para além de levarem mais tempo para serem descarregadas. Aconselham-se todos os utilizadores a utilizarem, sempre que possível, o formato texto simples. g) Devem ser seguidas todas as regras elementares de etiqueta aplicáveis a todas as listas e fóruns temáticos e à troca de correspondência electrónica. h) podem ser " importadas " ( reproduzidas ) mensagens de outras listas ou fóruns, desde que fique bem clara a identificação da origem dessa informação. Pela Moderação Miguel Andrade From viviparos Wed Oct 6 22:48:27 2010 From: viviparos ( Date: Wed Oct 6 22:48:30 2010 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter October 1st, 2010 Message-ID: <585EF280D15F49238A097ADA72F05EC6@Namaacha> Prezados colegas, Antes que perca outra oportunidade e me atrase ainda mais alguns dias... aqui vão as novidades da Glaser. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter October 1st, 2010 Leporinus sp. "Strawberry" Currently we were able to import the most beautiful species of Leporinus we have ever seen from Brazil. As the determination of juvenile Leporinus is almost impossible in many cases we decided to adopt the exporter's name given for the fish on his stocklist. Without any doubt, however, the new fish belongs to a group of Leporinus closely related to (or identical with) Leporinus granti, a species known so far from the Guianas only. It is mentioned in the elder aquarium literature also under the name of Leporinus "maculatus". The good news is that so far no species of this group is known to grow larger than 15 - 20 cm, most stay even smaller. Another positive announcement from an aquarist's point of view is the fact that L. granti (or a very close relative of it) is the only Leporinus species that has been bred successfully in aquaria so far. The fish are egg-scatters that do not care for their brood in any way. Like all Leporinus, L. sp. "Strawberry" is a plant eater and has a very vigorous pecking order. Thus it is much easier to keep two fish of different sizes together than animals of equal size. In specimens of different size it is quite clear who is the stronger one and so there is no need for fighting. In specimens of equal size they fight every day to find out who is the stronger one and this results in ruffled fins. Our exporter kindly supplied us with the following informations on the natural habitat of the species: This species was collected in the upper Tapajos area. It was found in Igarape in blackwater. At the collection site the water depth is 0.80-2.00 m and comfortable flow. They live in groups of 2-6 pieces along with Aequidens spp., Hemigrammus spp., Corydoras cf xinguensis, Otocinclus spp. etc.. For our customers: the fish have code 265892 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Leporinus: Latin, means "hare-nose". granti: dedication name for "Mr. William Grant, my most efficient Indian guide on the Potaro, who later made additional collections, which among other new species contained this." (Eigenmann, 1912). maculatus: Latin, means "spotted". Suggestion of a common name: Strawberry-Leporinus Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Nothobranchius cardinalis We currently have this beautiful nothobranch as bred specimens in stock. Nothobranchs are in general extremely beautiful fish, but this species is even more beautiful due to its deep red colours and the minuite size. The species is already known in the hobby for quite a long time. In Aqualog "Killifishes of the World - Old World Killis II" it is listed under the name of Nothobranchius sp. aff. rubripinnis. It was described finally scientifically as Nothobranchius cardinalis in 2008. The species originates from Tanazania where it inhabits periodically dry affluents of the Mbwemkuru river. These killis are typical annual fishes. For our customers: the fish have code 330403 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Nothobranchius: from ancient Greek "nothos" = false, untrue and "branchion" = gill, referring to the gill anatomy. cardinalis: in allusion to the blood red garment of cardinals. rubripinnis: Latin, means "with red fins". Suggestion of a common name: Cardinal killi, Mbwemkuru nothobranch Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ In stock again: Corydoras eques At last we can offer the wonderful Corydoras eques again. For more information and additional pictures of the fish, please click For our customers: the fish have code 227814 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Suggestion of a common name: Golden neck cory Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Issue 92 of AQUALOGnews is now available at as a free download. Enjoy! _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo que não estava em formato texto não está incluído... Nome : winmail.dat Tipo : application/ms-tnef Tam : 13070 bytes Descr: não disponível Url : From viviparos Mon Oct 11 23:00:52 2010 From: viviparos ( Date: Mon Oct 11 23:00:45 2010 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Practical Fishkeeping 22-09-2010 Message-ID: <312A82EB07434AED83CD14C6E2BCAC14@Namaacha> Caros colegas, Junto envio o último número da revista Practical Fishkeeping. Hoje, por escassez de tempo ainda não vou dar os devidos destaques. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Practical Fishkeeping [] Enviada: sexta-feira, 8 de Outubro de 2010 13:33 Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Principal swallows live goldfish in front of students View this newsletter in your browser Turn on images to see this Home News Blog Features Directory Subscribe Images are turned off Get this great nano tank worth £59.99 when you subscribe Take out a subscription to Practical Fishkeeping and you can get a TMC AquaGro MicroHabitat 8... Images are turned off Ancient reef may thrive again The remains of an extensive coral reef that flourished 9000 years ago have been discovered in the... Images are turned off High School principal swallows live goldfish The principal and staff at Winona High School, Texas in the USA swallowed live goldfish in front... Images are turned off New study into fish schooling behaviour What is the ideal shape to assume for a school of fish? This was the question that Andrew... Images are turned off World's largest marine reserve looks set to go ahead Plans to create the world's largest Marine Protected Area around the Chagos Islands have looked... Images are turned off African butterflyfish hides genetic surprise A team of scientists have discovered that African butterflyfish, (Pantodon buchholzi) from the... Images are turned off UK rockpool fish suckles young The unborn embryos of the European eelpout, (Zoarces viviparous) have been discovered 'suckling' ... Images are turned off New species of pike cichlid described Scientists from Argentina and the Czech Republic have described a new species of pike cichlid... Images are turned off Prozac doesn't make fish happy The popular antidepressant Prozac may make some people happy, but not male goldfish, according to... Wii technology used to study movements of fish British scientists are planning to use technology similar to those used in Wii controllers to... Two new species of Amphilophus cichlid described Two new species in the Midas cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus) species complex have been describe... New study into Elephant fish communication A new study on the radiation of electric fish has suggested that one possible cause of new... Magazine news Images are turned off 2010 Readers' Poll winners Which are the top aquatic shops, manufacturers and products in the UK? Look no further - here... Images are turned off 28-page aquascaping section in November issue The November issue of Practical Fishkeeping includes a 28-page guide to aquascaping from some o... Images are turned off Big cichlids made easy "If you love cichlids (and let's face it, you'd have to be deranged not to) you'll love the... Featured sites Images are turned off All Pond Solutions All Pond Solutions is an online aquatics store dedicated to supplying top quality aquarium and... 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Images are turned off Charterhouse Aquatics We specialise in quality products for coldwater, tropical and marine aquariums at competitive... Images are turned off Green Machine Aquatics Specialist in planted tanks and the market leader in the UK. TGM's advice, products and display... Images are turned off iQuatics Ltd iQuatics manufacture and distribute innovative high quality affordable products including high ... Images are turned off Regal Aquatics Regal Aquatics provide a range of dry goods and livestock at exceptionally competitive rates. The... Subscribe Twitter Mobile Unsubscribe Practical Fishkeeping, Bauer Media, Media House, Lynchwood Business Park, Peterborough, PE2 5EA -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo que não estava em formato texto não está incluído... Nome : winmail.dat Tipo : application/ms-tnef Tam : 35606 bytes Descr: não disponível Url : From viviparos Mon Oct 11 23:12:05 2010 From: viviparos ( Date: Mon Oct 11 23:11:58 2010 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Flexipenis vittatus - Aquarium Glaser Newsletter October 8th, 2010 Message-ID: <257CB02DB46F4F0B8D4761DF8E4E5971@Namaacha> Caros amigos, Lamento não vos ter enviado logo no Sábado esta interessante notícia. Não é muito vulgar termos um ovovivíparo selvagem anunciado pelo que aqui vai uma dessas raras oportunidades. Flexipenis vittatus é uma espécie que muito aprecio mas impossível de manter neste momento em que só posso manter espécies compatíveis com o nosso clima. Caso contrário esta " Gambusia " estaria na " mira " da minha encomenda ( dependendo do preço ). Se a vossa casa tiver a mesma climatização do que a minha 17ºC a 28ºC este é um dos peixes ideais para manter sem qualquer aquecimento adicional, pois não está muito " fora de casa " entre os 15ºC e os 29ºC, embora as temperaturas muito elevadas curiosamente sejam menos apreciadas do que as mais frescas. Não é um peixe fácil de reproduzir em aquário ( como qualquer verdadeira Gambúsia ), mas ao ar livre no Verão torna-se mais prolífico do que a Gambusia pucnticulata que já mantive durante alguns anos. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter October 8th, 2010 Biotoecus opercularis This fish probably represents the most interesting species of dwarf cichlids from Amazonia. Currently we were able to import it once more. B.opercularis is for sure not demanded due to its coloration. As typical sand cichlids they do not have pop-art colours, but shining pastel shades. The same phenomenon can be found in the sand dwelling cichlids of Lake Tanganyika. Nevertheless well adapted animals are really beautiful. Moreover our recently imported specimens (they came via Manaus) have brilliant orange ventral fins. However, the aquarist's interest in these fishes is not due to the attractive appearance of the fish, but due to their unique breeding behaviour. Every enthusiast should have once in a lifetime observed the male Biotoecus building up a hill from fine sand. Once this hill is erected, the male digs a pit and in this pit the fish spawn. No other species of cichlid from South America does even show a similar behaviour. For our customers: the fish have code 634492 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Biotoecus: ancient Greek, means "house of life". The authors of the genus believed Biotoecus to carry their young in their gills. opercularis: refers to the distinct black mark on the gill cover (Latin: operculum). Suggestion of a common name: Sandhill dwarf cichlid Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ The crystal rainbow tetra has been described: Trochilocharax ornatus This tetra is again a species new to science, and was firstly imported by our company in April 2003, from Peru. Recently we were able to import it again. It has provisionally been designated as "Heterocharax sp. - Orange-tailed glass tetra", or "crystal rainbow tetra". Sometimes is was also named "Tyttocharax sp.". Now the species has been described scientifically by A. Zarske who also erected a new genus for the fish. The paper can be downloaded for free under Depending on the lighting, these barely 2 cm long jewels are shimmering blue or transparent. This dwarf tetra is extremely lively and has so far proved very amenable to aquarium life. Males and females can easily be distinguished from each other, for the males have a prolonged dorsal fin and colourful ventrals. For our customers: the Fish has code 258333 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Heterocharax: means "different Charax". Charax is another genus of tetra. Trochilocharax: derived from the scientific family name for hummingbirds, Trochilidae, which is formed from the ancient Greek word "trochilos", used by Aristotle for a small bird. ornatus: Latin, means "decorated". Tyttocharax: ancient Greek, means "tiny charax". Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Flexipenis vittatus Once more we are able to offer a beautiful dwarf livebearer that proofed to be a bit problematical in respect of breeding - not keeping! - in a long time sight under traditional aquarium conditions. However, under the open skies of Southeast Asia they breed pretty well. Flexipenis vittatus is also often placed in Gambusia. Males become 2.5 - 4.5 cm, females 4 - 6 cm long. In nature, this livebearer inhabits Mexico (Atlantic slope). In contrast to Gambusia Flexipenis has a highly developed courtship display, meanwhile the males present their pretty yellow-black dorsal fins in a very attractive way. It is wise not to keep these fishes year-in year-out at too high water temperatures. In living rooms no extra aquarium heater is necessary. Temperatures may lie between 18 and 26°C. For our customers: the fish have code 415073 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Gambusia: derived from the Cuban term "Gambusino" for something unimportant. Flexipenis: means "with pliant sexual organ". vittatus: Latin, means "striped". Suggestion of a common name: Small flag livebearer, Blackline mosquitofish Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Issue 92 of AQUALOGnews is now available at as a free download. Enjoy! _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo que não estava em formato texto não está incluído... Nome : winmail.dat Tipo : application/ms-tnef Tam : 15086 bytes Descr: não disponível Url : From viviparos Sat Oct 16 21:41:37 2010 From: viviparos ( Date: Sat Oct 16 21:41:35 2010 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] FW: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter October 15th, 2010 Message-ID: <50AD936CC7EA4F51AE45B0F0636515F3@Namaacha> Caros colegas, Aqui vai o último número da "newsletter" Glaser com algumas sugestões fora do comum e uma invejável colecção de discos. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter October 15th, 2010 Leptodoras from Peru Leptodoras acipenserinus The genus Leptodoras belongs to the Thorny catfishes (Doradidae). Currently 10 species are recognized inside the genus, occurring in all larger cis-Andean rivers in the northern half of South America. Five of them come from Peru, and we were able to import two species from there. Especially juveniles of different Leptodoras species partially look extremely similar to each other. Leptodoras may reach a total length of about 20 cm, but stay usually much smaller. Leptodoras acipenserinus Typical features of Leptodoras are the slender body, the long, conical snout and the oral hood, formed by the barbels that are connected by membranes. In nature these fish prefer sandy substrates and feed mainly on bloodworm and detritus; at least this was found in their stomach. Beside this the stomach contained sand. Leptodoras acipenserinus The fish have proofed to be schooling fish in the aquarium that are always looking for conspecifics. They are very lively and day-active. Interestingly even in our about half-grown fish the sexes can be told apart: males are more slender and have a comparatively longer head. We were also able to observe first intentions of mating in our fish. The males swim from above on the back of the female and "ride" on her. Besides this the usual displays could be observed, like swimming with extremely spread fins, hunting each other etc. Thus it seems absolutely possible to breed the fish under aquarium conditions. Nothing is known about their breeding behavior in the wild. Leptodoras cf. cataniai In the last revision of the genus Mark Sabaj distinguishes the "typical" Leptodoras cataniai from blackwaters of the Negro and Casiquare and two additional "forms", which he names L. cf. cataniai, one from the Rio Nanay in Peru and one from the Amazon. Our animals thus belong to the Nanay form of L. cf. cataniai. Leptodoras cf. cataniai For our customers: L. cf. cataniai has code 266053 on our stocklist (they are about 8-10 cm long), L. acipenserinus has code 265954 (at a length of about 10-12 cm). Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Leptodoras: means "slender Doras". Doras is another genus of catfish. acipenserinus: means "similar to a sturgeon". cataniai: dedication name for David Catania, collection manager of fishes at the California Academy of Sciences. cf.: from Latin "confer", which means "compare with". It is used when it is not sure that the species in question represents really the one named after cf. cis-Andean: the latin syllable "cis" means "within", in this case it means the inland part of South America as seen from the Andes. Suggestions of common names: Leptodoras acipenserinus: Sturgeon-like thorny cat, L. cataniai: Catania ´s slender thorny cat. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer Literature: Sabaj, M. H. (2005): Taxonomic assessment of Leptodoras (Siluriformes: Doradidae) with descriptions of three new species. Neotropical Ichthyology 3 (4): 637-678 _____ Discus champions on a visit Once more our Japanese friend Mr Akira Ishinabe has placed his discus he displayed in the current discus championship in Duisburg in our facility to give them an opportuntity to rest a bit after the stress of the exhibition before they turn back home to Japan. His Green Wild was able to get the first prize, his Heckel the second prize in their respective categories. Congratulations! Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Cichlasoma atromaculatum We were able to import a small number of this gorgeous cichlid, which can grow up to 20 cm in length. It belongs to the Central American cichlid relationship, but can be found in the borderland between Central and South America: in Central America, it colonizes the eastern parts of Panama, in South America it lives in northern Colombia. The latter area is the origin of our specimens. Males and females can be distinguished by the facts that males become larger and have pointed dorsal and anal fins, which are blunt in females. In breeding condition both sexes develop deep red bellies. The fish are typical open brooders with biparental care. Cichlasoma atromaculatum belongs to the very few species of New World cichlids which could not yet placed in a proper genus. The placement in Cichlasoma is surely wrong and will be altered one day. For our customers: the fish have code 639004 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Cichlasoma: ancient Greek, means "with the body of a Cichla": Cichla is another genus of cichlid. atromaculatum: Latin, means "black blotched". Suggestion of a common name: Black spot cichlid Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Trigonostigma heteromorpha wild The harlequin barb (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) belongs to the most common ornamental fish at all. Almost all individuals in the trade are bred ones and thus the (wrong) impression can take place that all wild populations of this fish look the same. Now we were able to import an extraordinary pretty wild variety of this barb. It is so colorful that it almost looks tawdry. Especially the males seem to glow from inside. The females are a bit duller in coloration, they miss the red stripe on the back. For our customers: the fish have code 452535 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Trigonostigma: ancient Greek, means "with a triangular spot". heteromorpha: ancient Greek, means "with different shape". This refers to the deep body compared with the other species of Rasbora known at the time. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Issue 92 of AQUALOGnews is now available at as a free download. Enjoy! _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo que não estava em formato texto não está incluído... Nome : winmail.dat Tipo : application/ms-tnef Tam : 17762 bytes Descr: não disponível Url : From viviparos Tue Oct 26 21:36:18 2010 From: viviparos ( Date: Tue Oct 26 21:36:10 2010 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Practical Fishkeeping 22-10-2010 Message-ID: <91384EA6410346AABE515BCBB10020BC@Namaacha> Caros colegas, A revista do costume com alguns interessantes artigos. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Practical Fishkeeping [] Enviada: sexta-feira, 22 de Outubro de 2010 12:59 Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Mutant crustaceans; invisible jellyfish View this newsletter in your browser Turn on images to see this Home News Blog Features Directory Subscribe Images are turned off Free nano tank worth £59.99 when you subscribe Take out a subscription to Practical Fishkeeping and you can get a TMC AquaGro MicroHabitat 8... Images are turned off 'Mutant' crustaceans at Newquay aquarium Cornish fishermen have handed in three very unusual crustaceans to the Blue Reef aquarium in... 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Subscribe Twitter Mobile Unsubscribe Practical Fishkeeping, Bauer Media, Media House, Lynchwood Business Park, Peterborough, PE2 5EA -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo que não estava em formato texto não está incluído... Nome : winmail.dat Tipo : application/ms-tnef Tam : 29914 bytes Descr: não disponível Url : From viviparos Tue Oct 26 21:37:51 2010 From: viviparos ( Date: Tue Oct 26 21:37:43 2010 Subject: [Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter October 22nd, 2010 Message-ID: <2876746FA0A1493A9F1A8DF580C6E999@Namaacha> Caros colegas, Para além de magníficos Ciclídeos, neta edição há um curioso molusco. Um abraço Miguel Andrade _____ De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [] Enviada: Nenhum Para: Miguel Andrade Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter October 22nd, 2010 Cichlasoma istlanum The large cichlids from Central America are a bit out of fashion currently. That is a sad thing, for hardly any other fish combines in such a perfect matter brillant coloration, personality and interesting behaviour. Of course these fish need large tanks and an equipment that fits their needs, but if these things are given any aquarist will for sure enjoy keeping them. One of the rare species in the hobby is Cichlasoma istlanum (the generic position of this species is still an unresolved problem, Cichlasoma is for sure wrong). This splendid species is endemic in the Rio Balsas system in Mexico. Here the fish also represents the only naturally occurring species of cichlid. Males can grow up to 30 cm in length, females always stay smaller. This makes the fish one of the important food fish in the region. Sadly the species is more and more under pressure due to the introduced Amatitlania nigrofasciatum (Zebra cichlid). Although C. istlanum is much larger and stronger than A. nigrofasciatum, the latter reproduces much faster and very often in the year. C. istlanum, on the other side, sometimes reproduces only once per year! We now have this beautiful fish in stock. Our specimens are German bred. The species is sexually active already at a length of 8-10 cm. The sexes can be distinguished easily by the different coloration. For our customers: the fish have code 651503 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Cichlasoma: ancient Greek, means "with the body of a Cichla": Cichla is another genus of cichlid. istlanum: latinized from the Rio Ixtla, the type locality. Amatitlania: referring to Lake Amatitlan in Guatemala, the type locality of the type species, A. nigrofasciatum. nigrofasciatum: Latin, means "with black stripes". Suggestion of a common name: Rio Ixtla cichlid, Red bellied cichlid Text: Frank Schäfer, photos: Hans J. Mayland & Frank Schäfer Literature: MacBeath, T. C. (1991): Zebras in Mexiko. Die Aquarien- und Terrarienzeitschrift (DATZ) 44 (5): 305 - 307 Miller, R. R. (2005): Freshwater Fishes of Mexico. Chicago, 490 pp. _____ Apistogramma panduro var. "Marsel" We were able to import this new dwarf cichlid from Peru now. The fish is without any doubt a close relative of the species Apistogramma nijsseni, A. panduro and the still undescribed A. sp. "Inka II". In contrast to these species the seam around the caudal fin in males is yellow instaed of red-orange. The tailspot looks most like A. nijsseni. Like all dwarf cichlids of that group the males have bright blue shining scales. For our customers: the animals have code 626224 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Apistogramma: ancient Greek, means "with unreliable line". It is not known whether the lateral line organ or the pattern is meant. panduro: dedication name. nijsseni: dedication name. Suggestion of a common name: Yellowseam Panda Dwarf Cichlid Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Taia naticoides This nice, live bearing snail could be imported again from Inle lake in Burma. It is a close relative to the European species of Viviparus (river snails). Like these they feed on soft particles like mouldered food tablets, detritus etc. They do not fit for fights against algae. On the other hand they also leave plants completely unharmed. As they come from subtropical regions they are suited to a broad array of temperatures and can be kept between 15 and 28°C. It is a very slow and calm species of snail. Like many other river snails they a sensitive against bad water conditions. Thus their aquarium should be kept with the very same attention as in keeping fish. In these snails males and females exist. The sexes can be easily distinguished by the broad and circled right antennae of the male. Coloration and shape of the shell are not usable for distinguishing the sexes, as both characters are very variable. Although in general only the very nice black-and-white specimens are traded they can be also uniformly brown. The young ones are about 2-4 mm heigh when born. It seems that the females can produce offspring of different sizes. Adult snails may reach about 35 mm. The species likes to burry itself from time to time and thus at least a part of the aquarium bottom should be of fine and soft sand. For our customers: the animals have code 488253 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Taia: not explained in the original description. As the word has very different meanings in Latin, ancient Greek, and Sanskrit, it makes no sense to speculate here. It may also be an indigenous name for snails at Inle lake. naticoides: means "similar to naticus". viviparus: Latin, means "livebearing". Suggestion of a common name: Nubby piano snail Text & photos: Frank Schäfer _____ Issue 92 of AQUALOGnews is now available at as a free download. Enjoy! _____ ...and please do not forget to visit our homepage to get weekly updates ! _____ This newsletter is a free service of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you want to unsubscribe this newsletter or if you want to change your email address, please do it on our newsletter-webside. A distribution of this newsletter in total or parts is only allowed with the permission of Aquarium Glaser GmbH. If you have any question, comment or inspiration, please contact us under Aquarium Glaser GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 0 Telefax: +49 (0)6106 / 690 1 11 Email: Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Offenbach Registernummer: HRB 2 1967 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer according § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 113530316 All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of Aquarium Glaser GmbH, Rodgau, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from Aquarium Glaser GmbH is prohibited. _____ Newsletter Modul powered by Aspiria Informationstechnologie -------------- próxima parte ---------- Um anexo que não estava em formato texto não está incluído... Nome : winmail.dat Tipo : application/ms-tnef Tam : 19050 bytes Descr: não disponível Url :