[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter November 26th, 2010
viviparos viviparos.com
Domingo, 28 de Novembro de 2010 - 23:15:06 WET
Caros colegas,
Para os aficionados dos vivíparos hoje não há novidades :-(
No entanto há mais um espantoso exemplo de como os alemães colocam no mercado um
peixe descrito este ano.
Para quem gosta de novidades e de Oryzias em particular... oxalá que o preço compense
a encomenda através dos nossos fornecedores locais.
Esta Moenkhausia de lábios pintados também não é nada feia.
Um abraço
Miguel Andrade
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: Nenhum
Para: Miguel Andrade
Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter November 26th, 2010
Moenkhausia cosmops
We were recently able to import a very ununsual tetra from Brazil in limited numbers:
Moenkhausia cosmops. This species has been described scientifically only in 2007. It
is reported so far from the upper basins of the rivers Rio Paraguai and Rio Tapajos
in the State of Mato Grosso, namely Rio Juba, Rio Juruena, Rio Papagaio, and their
This species has been considered to be a close relative to the well known species
Moenkhausia oligolepis (Glass tetra) and M. sanctaefilomenae (Red eye tetra). Other
close relatives are M. cotinho, M. diktyota, M. forestii, and M. pyrophthalma which
are of no relevance in the hobby so far. All mentioned species have in common a red
iris and a conspicious tail spot. M. cosmops can be distinguished from all these
species at the first glimpse by the blue-green iris and the red stripe on the snout.
The unique colour pattern reminds one of the one hand on the marvelous emperor tetras
(Nematobrycon) and on the other hand on the cute lipstick barb (Barbus erythromycter)
from Asia. However, these similarities do not represent any phylogenetic
Maximum length reported for Moenkhausia cosmops is about 6 cm. In the beginning the
fish are a bit shy. In our facility the fish have proofed so far to be hardy and
little demanding. Like in most tetras, feeding is quite unproblematic. The stomach of
wild fish contained insects (mainly ants), plant material, and algae. The water
temperature should be between 24 and 26°C, soft and slightly acidic water is close to
the findings in the natural habitat. The biotopes are described as whitewater
biotopes with sandy bottom. Here the fish are found in schools with 50 or more
specimens which prefer the backwaters near the vegetation of the banks. They live
between dead branches etc.
For our customers: the fish have code 268643 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Moenkhausia: dedication name for W. J. Moenkhaus, a friend of Eigenmann.
oligolepis: ancient Greek, means "with only few scales". sanctaefilomenae: refers to
the collection site of the type specimens ("lagoon near St. Filomena at the
Parnahyba"). cosmops: ancient Greek, means "with decorated face". cotinho: dedication
name for a Major Cotinho, collector of the species and Brazilian attaché of the
Thayer expedition. diktyota: ancient Greek, means "with reticulated pattern".
forestii: dedication name for Fausto Foresti, a geneticist. pyrophthalma: ancient
Greek, means "with red eye". Nematobrycon: ancient Greek, means "Brycon with a
thread", which refers to the caudal fin; Brycon is another genus of tetra. Barbus:
Latin, means "the bearded one". erythromycter: ancient Greek, means "with red nose".
Suggestion of a common name: Lipstick tetra
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Schizolecis guntheri and LG 4
The coastal rainforests of southeastern Brazil are the home of a good number of
unusual aquarium fish. One of the most popular and most attractive species from that
region is for sure Scleromystax barbatus, the Bearded cory (formerly known as
Corydoras b.). Sadly the natural habitats in that region are much affected by the
growing human population. Especially the pollution of the water bodies is a growing
threat for the aquatic animals and many of the endemic fish are in danger of
extinction. Collecting these animals for aquarium purposes has no effect in this
context. On the other hand it is not unlikely that some of the more attractive
species will survive this century only in captivity.
We have received recently a very nice importation of fish from that region, among
which were a good number of Schizolecis guntheri. The species looks a bit like an
elongated marbled Otocinclus. One of the very special features of that species is the
fact that almost any specimen has an individual pattern. Uninitiated people may even
think that such a shipment would contain a great number of different species, even if
in fact only Schizolecis guntheri is represented in it.
Nevertheless every now and then so-called by-catches are found in Schizolecis
shipments and these enjoy spezialized aquarists a lot. So in our current shipment a
specimen was detected that was given the name "LG 4" by Hans-Georg Evers and Ingo
Seidel in their book "Wels-Atlas", because it was not possible to apply either a
genus or a specific name on it.
Keeping such gems is not very problematical, but a species-specific tank should be
preferred. This tank needs not to be very large, as the tiny species (maximum length
reported is 5 cm) do not need spacious aquaria. The tank should be well illuminated
to make sure that algae can grow. Schizolecis are feeding mainly on aufwuchs,
although all types of regular small fishfood are readily accepted. One should always
keep in mind that these fishes originate from relatively cool (maximum 23°C), fast
running waters. Thus a regular water change of 50-70% is highly recommended. Besides
this the water should be well filtered. The tank should be placed in a cool room.
For our customers: Schizolecis guntheri has code 293173 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Schizolecis: ancient Greek, means "with splitted platelet", this refers to
an anatomical feature. guntheri: dedication name for Albert Günther (1830 - 1914),
one of the most important ichthyologists at all. Scleromystax: combined from an
ancient Greek and a Latin term, means "with hard moustache". barbatus: Latin, means
"bearded". Otocinclus: ancient Greek, means "ear-grid", this refers to a perforated
bone situated at the place where in human beings the ear is placed.
Suggestion of a common name: Gunther´s algae eater
Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer
Oryzias cf. woworae
The ricefishes (Oryzias) are well known in the aquarium hobby. Currently 26 species
are recognized scientifically. The latest described species is also the most
beautiful one: Oryzias woworae was named only in 2010! Immediately after its
description it was imported for the aquarium hobby and caused a sensation. We are
glad to be able to offer this hardly 4 cm long* jewel now as German bred.
Currently two populations of this fish are known in the hobby. The first one came
from Sulawesi. A little bit later a second population was imported, this time from
the island of Muna, the type locality. To hinder unwanted crossing of the two
populations the first one (from Sulawesi) was named Oryzias cf. woworae in the hobby
and only the Muna-population is named O. woworae without the "cf.".
Keeping and breeding this cute fish is very easy and even beginners in the hobby will
be successful. These ricefishes can be kept in moderate hard water, it is thus
usually not necessary to mix a special water for them. They feed readily on any usual
fish food that has as size that fits the mouth. In all Oryzias species, the female
carries the eggs some time along with it after spawning and strips them then on
dainty waterplants. Hatching depends on the water temperature, but it takes usually
between 2 and 3 weeks. The adults do not show any interest in the eggs, which can be
left in the breeding tank. The newly hatched offspring swims immediately under the
water surface. Although they are very tiny, they can be easily recognized by the
shining eyes that look like spark. One should separate them now by using a spoon and
rear them in a separate tank. The water temperature for keeping, breeding and rearing
may lie between 22 and 30°C.
*the largest specimen in the type series was 28 mm long (without tail fin), as usual,
aquarium specimens will grow a bit bigger than their free living cousins.
For our customers: the animals have code 340122 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Oryzias: derived from the scientific name of rice (Oryza), thus it means
"belonging to the rice". woworae: dedication name for Daisy Wowor, a carcinologist at
the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, who collected the species for the first time.
Common name: Daisy´s ricefish
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Issue 94 of AQUALOGnews is now available at www.aqualog.de as a free download. Enjoy!
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