[Cyprinodontiformes] Chapalichthys pardalis @ Aquarium Glaser
Newsletter May 28th, 2010
viviparos viviparos.com
Segunda-Feira, 31 de Maio de 2010 - 22:00:14 WEST
Prezados amigos,
Porque é que será que sempre que estou ausente há excelentes novidades na Glaser ?
Desta vez não foi excepção.
Para os aficionados de Goodeiídeos nesta edição anuncia-se Chapalichthys pardalis.
Só pelas fotos valeu a pena.
Atenção porque esta espécies não aprecia muito calor.
Se vão solicitar ao vosso importador uma encomenda, por favor não coloquem estes
peixes no aquário tropical.
A temperatura ideal situa-se entre 17ºC e 20ºC.
De acordo com algumas fontes na Internet, estes peixes devem ser mantidos entre os
12ºC e os 22ºC.
Um abraço
Miguel Andrade
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: 28-05-2010
Para: Miguel Andrade
Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter May 28th, 2010
Ancistrus sp. 2-color
The origin of our "common" aquarium-Ancistrus is not recorded. Since the very first
importation to Europe - around the year 1911 - in all probability several similar
species have been crossed accidentally. In the wild, these species obviously have no
contact to each other. So there was no necessity during their evolution to develope
mechanisms that hinder interspecific crosses as can be found in many other genera and
families of fish. Anyway, it is nowadays impossible to give the aquarium-Ancistrus a
proper specific name due to its hybrid origin.
Knowing this it is not astonishing that a lot of sports of the common
aquarium-Ancistrus exist, some of them probably the result of additional
species-crosses. Ancistrus sp. 2-color seems to be the result of such a cross. The
pretty fish are colored individually: besides more or less plain yellow-golden ones
do exist also specimens with a lot of blackish marbling. Regarding keeping, breeding,
and the size the Ancistrus sp. 2-color does not differ from the common
For our customers: the fish has code 204070 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Ancistrus: from the ancient Greek word for "fishhook". This refers to the
hooked spines that are placed on the movable Interoperculum (a bone between the
gill-covering bones), called interopercularodontodes, which are spread in case of
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Chapalichthys pardalis
The Polkadot Goodeid, Chapalichthys pardalis, reaches a maximum length of 6.5 cm
(males) and 7 cm (females). Its natural habitat are the waters of the pacific slope
of Mexico, Michoacan province, Tocumbo district. In contrast to many other goodeids
this pretty, livebearing species seems not to be endangered in the wild.
In the aquarium, however, it is a top rarity and so we are quite proud to have it in
stock currently. Keeping and breeding of the fish is not difficult. However, it is
best to keep them under slightly varying temperatures and (in living rooms) without a
heater, because in the wild the temperature hardly ever increases 20°C. The fish
looks best in tanks with a dense vegetation. Against tankmates at least the strain
currently present in the hobby is said to be very peaceful. Sadly the fish grow
rather slowly which makes them a bit more expensive. On the other hand: the good news
is that the fish become more beautiful with growing age.
For our customers: the fish has code 408403 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Chapalichthys: means "fish from lake Chapala". Lake Chapala in Mexico is the
habitat of one species of Chapalichthys. pardalis: Latin, means "painted like a
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Xenopus muelleri
Clawed frogs or platannas (Xenopus) are popular aquarium inhabitants. They are
totally aquatic animals and leave the water only for curiosity or when the water body
dries out. Nevertheless the tank has to be absolutely safely covered, for a trip in
the dry living room can cause the death of the animal.
Most often Xenopus laevis is offered. This is the largest species of the genus and
can reach the size of a man´s hand. Frogs of that size are able to eat pretty big
fish. However, there are also smaller species. One of them is Xenopus muelleri. This
species becomes 7-8 cm long (males stay about 20% smaller) and has a nice, spotted
X. muelleri has an enormous range in tropical and subtropical Africa. Our specimens,
however, are European bred. Like in all species of Xenopus the tadpoles are
filtrating and look rather like small catfishes than like the tadpoles of our native
For our customers: X. muelleri has code 192903 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Xenopus: from ancient Greek, means "with a strange foot", referring to the
three sharp clawes on the hind foot. laevis: Latin, means "smooth, shining".
muelleri: dedication name.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Ninja-cat identified: Centromochlus musaica!
We sincerly thank Roland Numrich from Mimbon-Aquarium, Cologne, for the crucial tip:
the "Ninja-cat" (see News http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/archiv.php?news_id=265) has
already been described in 1992 from Venezuela as Tatia musaica and is currently
placed in Centromochlus.
Royero, R. (1992): Tatia musaica, una neuva especie de bagre auquenipterido
(Siluriformes - Auchenipteridae) de la cuenca del Rio Orinoco, Territorio Federal
Amazonas, Venezuela. Acta Cientifica Venezolana v. 43 (no. 5): 300-306.
Issue No 90 of AQUALOGnews, English version, is now available as free download via
http://aqualog.de/news/alle_news.htm <http://www.http:/aqualog.de/news/alle_news.htm>
. Enjoy!
...and please do not forget to visit our homepage <http://www.aquariumglaser.com/en/>
to get weekly updates !
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