[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter March 26th, 2010
viviparos viviparos.com
Sábado, 27 de Março de 2010 - 22:25:47 WET
Caros colegas,
Finalmente um ovovivíparo !
Não sendo um Cyprinodontiforme já foi mantido por alguns de vós.
Alguns fracassos que me foram relatados podem ter-se ficado a dever à questão da
corrente e da temperatura.
Não deixa de ser uma excelente aquisição e, como sempre, esta " newsletter " não
deixa de nos surpreender com outras novidades.
Um abraço
Miguel Andrade
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: Nenhum
Para: Miguel Andrade
Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter March 26th, 2010
Nomorhamphus liemi
This wonderfully coloured halfbeak originates from the island of Sulawesi ( =
Celebes) where it occurs in the southern half. In contrast to the closely related
genus Dermogenys the upper and the lower jaw are approximately equally long (thus the
generic name). In some species, however, is seems not so clear whether they belong to
Dermogenys or to Nomorhamphus.
There are two described subspecies of Nomorhamus liemi, eg N. liemi liemi with black
fins and N. l. snijdersi with red fins. In our speciemens (wild collected) all
intermediate states can be found, so it is not possible to apply a subspecies-name on
An interesting feature in N. liemi is the fleshy hook many specimens develope on the
lower jaw. It is not known what it is good for.
In the wild, N. liemi mainly inhabit brooks and they like a relatively strong current
in the aquarium. They are livebearing fishes, the females can give birth every 4 to 6
weeks. The young are very big, sometimes even 2.5 cm long! The mothers hunt their
babies quite fiercely. Breeding will be only successful if the adults are properly
fed; live insects (crickets, flies, buffalo-worms etc.) are an important part of the
The water temperatures should be relative low (20 - 24°C), the pH higher than 7.
Males are very aggressive against each other. Other tankmates are usually ignored.
For our customers: the fish have code 438833 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Nomorhamphus: from ancient Greek, means "with regular jaws"; this refers to
the almost equally long upper and lower jaw, which is the difference to all other
halfbeaks. liemi: dedication name. snijdersi: dedication name.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Newly arrived: Notropis chrosomus
We have received a good number of this extremely beautiful fish from our proved
breeder. For further information, please check
For our customers: the fish have code 439393 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Notropis: means "ridged or keeled back"; the name was chosen probably due to
the poor state of conservation of the type specimen. chrosomus: means "colorful".
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Serrasalmus maculatus and Serrasalmus marginatus, Paraguay
There are only few fishes in the World that are so commonly known like the piranhas
from South America. There are three species, all belonging to the genus Pygocentrus,
which hunt in packs and feed on meat. It is far less known that there exists a large
number (more than 20, the systematics of these fishes are still under research) of
solitairy living species, which have specialized in feeding on parts of the finnage
of other fish. Besides this they feed, however, also on small complete fish and
invertebrates. These species belong to genus Serrasalmus. They are so common in
nature that hardly a larger fish with undemaged finnage can be found in the wild.
>From Paraguay currently two species of Serrasalmus are known, we could import both of
them: Serrasalmus maculatus and S. marginatus. In respect of coloration both species
look quite similar. However, they have different body shapes. S. maculatus has an
almost straight back and the anterior border of the anal fin is straight; S.
marginatus has a rounded back and the anterior border of the anal fin forms a hook.
Body coloration varies a lot individually. There do exist specimens with many spots
and specimens without spots at all: in some specimens the spots are meltet to
vertical stripes. All these varieties can be found within a single importation and so
it is not likely at all that this represents geographical varieties.
Both Serrasalmus species can get about 20 cm in length. Due to their very special
feeding habit they can be kept only alone (one fish) in a single species tank. Only
for breeding purposes the sexes can be put together. Both species take parental care.
Females can be distinguished from the males by the shape of the anal fin, which is
larger in males. S. maculatus has relatively often been bred under aquarium
conditions. They prefer to spawn in the roots of swimming plants like Eichhornia
crassipes. S. marginatus is a real rarity in the aquarium and so to the best of our
knowledge no breeding reports exist. It has been observed in the wild that they spawn
in nests made from plants near the bottom.
In the aquarium these Serrasalmus species can be fed with frozen fish (smelt, Osmerus
erperlanus) which is readily taken and all types of large livefood.
For our customers: the fish have code 292264 (maculatus) and 292303 (marginatus).
Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Serrasalmus: Latin, means "serrated salmon"; this refers to the saw-like
scales on the anterior belly and the adipose fin, which reminded the describers on
the adipose fin in salmons. maculatus: Latin, means "spotted": marginatus: Latin,
means "bordered".
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
...and please do not forget to visit our homepage <http://www.aquariumglaser.com/en/>
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