[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter June 5th, 2010
viviparos viviparos.com
Segunda-Feira, 7 de Junho de 2010 - 18:34:04 WEST
Caros colegas,
Mais umas raridades da firma Glaser.
Alguém mandou vir Chapalichthys pardalis através de alguma loja que trabalhe com este
exportador ?
Um abraço
Miguel Andrade
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: Nenhum
Para: Miguel Andrade
Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter June 5th, 2010
Ichthyborus ornatus
The odd subfamily of African tetra called Ichthyborinae is restricted to Africa. Many
species are specialized fin eaters that feed almost exclusively on fins of other
fish. Their teeth work like a scissor and are able to cut out pieces of fin from
other fish without any problems.
Almost all of these tetras - there are 6 genera with a total of about 20 species -
have a very significant fin pattern. It is proclaimed that this pattern is a signal
to conspecifics and hinders them to bite in the fin.
Interestingly not all Ichthyborinae are fin eaters at all. One of these "false" fin
eaters is Ichtyborus ornatus that can reach a maximum size of 15-20 cm. The teeth of
this species are backwards orientated fangs and identify the owner as a predator that
feeds on complete small fish. The photo illustrating this teeth structure was made on
a preserved skull, in live this is not so easy to see. Although no fin eater, this
species has the characteristic pattern in the caudal fin.
There is no report on external sexual dimorphism in Ichthyborinae so far. However, in
our import of Ichthyborus ornatus are specimens with much more reddish fin coloration
than others.
For our customers: the fish has code 141944 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Ichthyborus: from ancient Greek, means "fisheater". ornatus: Latin, means
Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer
Barbus jerdoni
The Red-finned shark from south India is a real rarity and so we are quite proud to
have this beauty in stock once more. Regarding size (maximum size is 30-40 cm) and
general demands this fish is absolutely comparable with the Bala shark
(Balantiocheilos melanopterus). This means, the breathtaking fish should be kept in
schools in large aquaria where they find space to swim. The water parameters are not
very important for the fish, they are kept best at temperatures of 22-26°C.
B. jerdoni is absolutely peaceful against any tankmate, so it fits perfectly for
community tanks. However, the species needs a lot of plant material for food. So they
must be regulary fed with green food, otherwise the aquarium plants will be eaten.
For our customers: the fish has code 421594 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Barbus: Latin, means "the bearded one", referring to the barbels. jerdoni:
dedication name. Balantiocheilos: ancient greek, means "with a purse-like lip",
referring to the mouth structure. melanopterus: ancient Greek, means "with black
Betta coccina
The most popular species of fighting fish is without any doubt Betta splendens with
its numerous sports. However, the wild types also become more and more popular. One
group among these wild species is called "the small red ones" among enthusiasts.
These are very slim species with a deep red basic coloration and blue shining marks.
Most of them are bubblenest builders.
Betta coccina is one of those "small red ones". We currently have wild collected ones
in stock. The fish are most beautiful when kept in black water, eg very soft water
with a low pH and a deep brown coloration. The bottom of the tank should be covered
with dead leaves (Cattapa, beech, oak, alder). Although the males of B. coccina are
not as quarrelsome as B. splendens, it is wiser to keep only one male in smaller
tanks. In larger tanks, however, it is no problem to keep the fish in groups of mixed
sexes. Ideal tankmates for this Betta are Harlequin barbs and their relatives. B.
coccina feeds on any type of usual fishfood.
For our customers: The fish has code 379903 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Betta: after an indigenous Indonesian term for one of the species. coccina:
Latin, means "wearing scarlet". splendens: Latin for "splendid".
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Issue No 90 of AQUALOGnews, English version, is now available as free download via
http://aqualog.de/news/alle_news.htm <http://www.http/aqualog.de/news/alle_news.htm>
. Enjoy!
...and please do not forget to visit our homepage <http://www.aquariumglaser.com/en/>
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Managing Director: Ursula Glaser-Dreyer
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