[Cyprinodontiformes] Notícia triste
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
Domingo, 3 de Janeiro de 2010 - 15:42:40 WET
Prezados colegas,
Lamento informar-vos sobre a perda de uma grande personalidade ligada aos
Goodeiídeos em particular.
Em seguida transcrevo a mensagem com a dolorosa notícia e uma nota sobre o
nosso colega Ivan Dibble enviada pelo colega Colin Grist para o GWG.
Conto fazer uma singela mas justa homenagem no meu sítio ao falecido.
Miguel Andrade
De: Harro Hieronimus/DGLZ
Enviada: quinta-feira, 31 de Dezembro de 2009 14:07
Para: 'Omar Dominguez Dominguez'; 'Alain Grioche'; 'Alessio Arbuatti';
'Anton Weissenbacher'; 'Brian Zimmerman'; 'Colin Grist'; 'Dietmar Kunath';
'Don Kenwood'; 'Erwin Radax'; 'Gasper Gomboc'; 'Guenter Ellenberg'; 'Gunter
Teichmann'; 'Güenther Schleussner'; 'Horst Kleine'; 'Horváth Balázs'; 'Jen
Nightingale'; 'Jim Langhammer'; 'Joel Healy'; 'Kees de Jong'; 'Lars Vig
Jensen'; 'Manuel Zapater'; 'Martin Ravn Tversted'; 'Matt Naumann'; 'Michael
Koeck'; 'Omar Dominguez'; 'Patrick C. Schmitz'; 'Roman Slaboch'; 'Stefan
Hertwig'; 'viviparos.com'; 'John Lyons D - DNR'; Chromido08; Miguel Andrade
Assunto: Ivan Dibble
Dear members,
With great sadness I have to announce that Fish Ark founder Ivan Dibble has
passed away. He was found yesterday dead in his home by police, as his
sister hadn't heard from him on Christmas days. Ivan was a good friend. I'll
miss him.
Harro Hieronimus
De: goodeids yahoogroups.com Em nome de Colin Grist
Enviada: sexta-feira, 1 de Janeiro de 2010 12:28
Para: goodeids yahoogroups.com
Cc: NAW yahoogroups.com
Assunto: [goodeids] Ivan Dibble
Dear All,
It was with shock and sadness that I learned Ivan Dibble had passed away
during the Christmas Holiday. Many of you knew Ivan and I know some of you
already know of his passing.
For those of you who do not know who Ivan is I will try and briefly explain
his importance to the aquarium hobby and fish conservation. Ivan pretty much
dedicated his life to the study, culture and conservation of a group of
viviparous fishes from Mexico known as Goodeids. Long before conservation
became a regular word in our vocabulary Ivan was already attempting to breed
many Goodeids in the aquarium with the hope that depleting wild populations
could eventually be recovered through re-introductions. He, along with close
colleagues recognized the serious threats to these fishes and over recent
decades many have become endangered to critically endangered, with some now
extinct in the wild. Ivan’s endless networking on a global scale and
numerous visits to Mexico has raised the profile of this relatively small,
but important group of fishes. After many years of building an enormous
level of expertise in the culture of Goodeids and knowledge of their natural
life histories and habitats he began a relationship with the University of
Morelia in Mexico that forged one of the most important developments for the
conservation of fishes in Mexico. During a visit to Mexico in 1997 a ground
breaking fish breeding and research centre was established at the University
of Morelia, which Ivan named the Fish Ark. I was with him during that visit,
along with Prof. Gordon McGregor Reid (Director General, Chester Zoo) and Dr
Heather Koldewey (Curator, Aquarium Projects, London Zoo) and through
collaboration with Omar Dominguez Dominguez (Uni. Of Morelia) an ongoing
collaborative relationship has been maintained ever since.
Since that time Ivan has tirelessly raised funds to support the Fish Ark
through lecture tours, conventions and the ever growing network of hobbyists
and aquarium societies specializing in this group of fishes. The Fish Ark
has become the epicentre for all those interested in Goodeids and has become
an important symbol for fish conservation in general worldwide. To Ivan it
was the vehicle to achieve his dreams.
Many of you will also know he was often difficult to deal with, such was the
stubborn way he stuck to his beliefs. He had, in the early days, an acute
mistrust of professional organizations and even conservation groups.
However, over the years he mellowed a little and, I guess, so did the
professionals, and in more recent times important steps have been made to
merge the expertise provided by aquarium hobbyists and practical
conservation strategies developed by the professionals. The end result is we
now have a very good working relationship between hobbyists and
professionals and Ivan has been a key figure in establishing that.
I could go on, but I think you get the point I am making. Ivan has been an
extremely dedicated contributor to our knowledge of the Goodeids and,
although he will be greatly missed, he will remain an inspiration for a long
time to come for anyone interested in aquaria and fish conservation.
Colin Grist
Aquarium Projects Coordinator
Chester Zoo, UK
Tel: +44 1244 650244
Moderator: Syngnathidae, NAW and Goodeids Listserves
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