[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter October 2nd, 2009
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
Segunda-Feira, 5 de Outubro de 2009 - 22:03:33 WEST
Prezados colegas,
Nem só de vivíparos vive a aquariofilia, pelo que aqui vão boas notícias
para os interessados em peixes gatos e ciclídeos.
Um abraço
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: sábado, 3 de Outubro de 2009 01:01
Para: cyprinodon clix.pt
Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter October 2nd, 2009
Hoplosternum punctatum
Plated catfish from the genus Hoplosternum are known in the hobby mainly
from relatively large growing species, which can reach 15 to 20 cm in
length. However, there also exist small species, like H. punctatum, which
hardly grows larger than 7 cm. The natural distribution of this species is
in Panama and in the rivers of Colombia, flowing in the Pacific Ocean. No
commercial exports of ornamental fish come from that part of the World. All
specimens in the trade are thaterefore bred ones. Sadly the breeders usually
offer their fish under the name Dianema longibarbis, which is a completely
different species from Amazonia.
Hoplosternum punctatum is a rather dayactive and social species which often
swims free in the water column. Males and females can easily distinguished
from each other by the much larger and thicker pectoral spine in males.
Moreover, if one looks at the belly of the fish, the bony plates that cover
the breast touch each other in males, whereas in females they leave open a
broad gap.
Plated catfish are known to be bubblenest builders and that the males
aggressively guard their nests. Sadly no details regarding the breeding
behaviour of H. punctatum are published yet.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Lexicon: Hoplosternum: from ancient Greek, meaning "with a shielded breast".
punctatum: from Latin for "spotted". Dianema: from ancient Greek, meaning
"with two filaments", referring to the barbels: longibarbis: from Latin,
meaning "with a long beard", referring to the barbels.
Cynotilapia axelrodi
male, aggressive mood
Currently we have received beautiful C. axelrodi from a breeder. The animals
are full in colour and about 4-6 cm long. Maximum length for this species is
given around 9 cm.
male, neutral mood
males, displaying
Cynotilapia are typical mbuna cichlids. They differ from the closely related
Maylandia (the zebras) by the dentition. Keeping is identical, which means
they need ballast rich food and a high pH (over 7.5) to stay healthy. As
they are like all mbuna cichlids highly territorial, it is necessary to keep
them in groups. A try to keep them by pair usually ends with the violent
death of the suppressed individual. Other mbuna cichlids fit also as
tankmates and regulatives for the aggression.
In Lake Malawi, C. axelrodi is restricted to small areas (Nkhata Bay and
Chirombo Point).
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Lexicon: Cynotilapia: means "dog-Tilapia", which refers to the dentition.
Axelrodi: dedicated to Herbert Axelrod. Maylandia: dedicated to Hans J.
Telmatochromis temporalis "Shell"
Snail-cichlids are a specialty of Lake Tanganyika. Of course also other
places on earth exist where empty shells of snails are used by fish for
hiding or breeding. But nowhere else than in Lake Tanganyika are so many
specialized species.
In Lake Tanganyika real fields of empty snail-shells exist. Empty shells
that lie here and there, more or less solitary, are settled by the
specialized snail-cichlids, for example Lamprologus ocellatus and Co. But in
places where the already mentioned fields of empty shells exist they are
also used by species that are usually regular cave brooders.
Telmatochromis temporalis is a medium sized cichlid (10-12 cm) that settles
along the whole lake. It is not very popular in the hobby, for it has a
rather dull coloration and is quite robust in its behaviour. It is a typical
cave brooder with a parental family. Interestingly the species has developed
a dwarfish variety in areas where large snail-shell fields occur. This dwarf
form becomes only 5-6 cm long. Currently this variety is considered to be
conspecific with the normal form which is the reason for giving it the
additional name "shell" in the hobby.
In contrast to the normal form this dwarf is highly demanded in the hobby,
because its unusual shape brings a very interesting aspect in each community
tank for tanganyika cichlids.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Lexicon: Telmatochromis: means "swamp dwelling perch"; Boulenger, the first
describer of the genus, obviously had wrong information on the biotope,
because Telmatochromis are rock-dwellers. temporalis: Latin tempus means
"temple"; refers to the dark stripe behind the eye. Lamprologus: means "the
one that wears gloss"; refers to the shining spots on each scale of L.
congoensis, the type species. ocellatus: Latin for "with an eyespot".
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