[Cyprinodontiformes] [rectificação de envio] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter November 20th, 2009
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
Sábado, 21 de Novembro de 2009 - 18:16:54 WET
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De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: sábado, 21 de Novembro de 2009 01:01
Para: cyprinodon clix.pt
Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter November 20th, 2009
Nannostomus digrammus
The pencilfishes (Nannostomus) belong to the most beautiful tetras. Besides
their nice coloration their swimming stile makes them so attractive. It
reminds one always of a miniature airship.
Nannostomus digrammus is a rarely imported species. It looks quite similar
to the common N. trifasciatus. However, the eponymous third black stripe on
the belly, which is always present in N. trifasciatus, is lacking in N.
N. digrammus is a completely peaceful species, as well against congeneers
and against tankmates belonging to other species. Plants will also never
become destroyed by this fish. Males and females can be distinguished best
by the shape of the anal fin, which is much larger in males than in females.
This is true for all Nannostomus species.
Nannostomus digrammus has an almost identical looking counterpart in Guyana:
N. bifasciatus. Nevertheless there is a way to distinguish both species even
without knowing their origin: in N. digrammus the adipose fin is usually
present whereas in N. bifasciatus the adipose fin is usually lacking.
For our customers: the species has code 271703 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale market.
Lexicon: Nannostomus: from ancient Greek, means "with a tiny mouth".
digrammus: ancient Greek, means "with two stripes". bifasciatus: Latin,
means "with two stripes". trifasciatus: Latin, means "with three stripes".
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Spatuloricaria sp. "Black-White Peru"
The genus Spatuloricaria comprises currently 11 accepted species. Members of
this genus are large, splendid whiptail cats. There is probably no species
that stays smaller than 30 cm in length, some become definitely larger. This
means that the fish have to be kept in large aquaria. Spatuloricaria are
sensitive against poor water quality. Thus a good working, large filter is
indispensable for a successful keeping.
Males of Spatuloricaria develope impressive "beards" during the breeding
season, which are reduced afterwards again. Spatuloricaria are cavebrooder
which prefer to spawn under flat stones. Breeding report can found in the
German magazine Amazonas, No 12 (7/8, 2007), or here
<http://www.amazonas-magazin.de/AMAZONAS-12-S-47-50-Kammhar.1370.0.html> ,
or here
<http://www.amazonas-magazin.de/AMAZONAS-12-S-54-55-Baertig.1376.0.html> ,
respectively. Spatuloricaria are omnivorous, but they prefer meat
(bloodworm, cyclops, artemia etc.). Additionally flakes basing on plant
material can be offered.
The Spatuloricaria we were able to import from Peru for the first time now
probably represents a scientifically undescribed species. Besides the
spectacular black-and-white-coloration a unique feature of this species is
that it has only three (instead of four in most other species) broad black
bands on the back posterior to the dorsal fin.
For our customers: the fish have code 293785 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale market.
Lexicon: Spatuloricaria: Latin, means "Loricaria with spatula". Loricaria is
another genus of whiptail catfish, spatula refers to the very special and
genus-specific shape of the teeth.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Corydoras sp. C91
We received beautiful Corydoras sp. C91 from Peru (Rio Huallaga). The
splendid species belongs to the closer relationship of Corydoras julii, C.
punctatus, and C. trilineatus. The species was called Corydoras sp. "Heiko"
or C. sp. "Peru-Bondi" in the trade before it was given a C-number.
The peaceful schooling species gets the most brillant colours when kept in
soft and slighthly acidic water, but is completely undemanding and can be
also kept under other different water conditions. Temperature should be kept
between 22°C and 26°C.
For our customers: The species has code 229593 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
New tool on our homepage: the search function
Dear reader,
we have currently installed a new tool on our homepage which allows you to
search for a topic directly. Search with the scientific name is recommended,
but there is a full-text search in the fish archieves. In the news archieves
it is possible to search in the headlines only.
Enjoy the visit on our homepage!
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brilliant coloured photos of import-highlights & new breedings of
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