[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter October 30th, 2009
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
Domingo, 1 de Novembro de 2009 - 22:16:05 WET
Caros colegas,
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Um abraço
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: sábado, 31 de Outubro de 2009 01:01
Para: Miguel Andrade
Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter October 30th, 2009
Tylomelania sp. "Pure Orange"
Lake Poso on Sulawesi (formerly: Celebes) is not only home of beautiful
dwarf shrimps, but also of large relatives of the well-known Malayan
livebearing snail (Melanoides tuberculata). The brash colour of the body is
really astonishing.
Species of Tylomelania do not feed on algae, but on detritus. Thus some
muddy corners in the tank are an absolute must have, otherwise the snails
are starving. There are males and females in Tylomelania, but the sexes
cannot be distinguished by external features. All species of Tylomelania are
Tylomelania should be kept at high temperatures (26-28°C) and a pH between
7.5 and 8.5.
For our customers: the animals have code 488945 on our stocklist. Please
note that we exclusively supply the wholesale market.
Tylomelania: from ancient Greek " Melania wird calluses". Melania is another
genus of snail. Melanoides: from ancient Greek "similar to Melania". Melania
is another genus of snail. tuberculata: Latin "with small humps".
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Mogurnda mogurnda
The the Northern trout gudgeon is one of the very few aquarium fishes from
Australia that became popular before the 1950ies. They are attractively
coloured and they can be bred quite easily in contrast to most other gobies.
Sadly this gudgeon is quite quarrelsome if kept in wrong community and so
the species disappeared more or less. But a number of breeders still has it
and so we are glad to be able to stock Mogurnda mogurnda again.
It is not sure that the species´ name is correctly applied, because a number
of very similar species exists and even specialized scientists are not able
to tell them apart without genetic methods or the detailed place of origin.
Mogurnda are free swimming gobies and so their territory is not build up on
the bottom like in most other gobies, but in the whole water column. The
tank must be rich of hiding places and furnished a bit unclear in order to
enable the fish not to look at each other the whole time through. Perfect
tankmates are rainbowfishes, larger barbs and danios, and also robust
Trout gudgeons feed on meet only and ignore any plant material. They do not
spawn in caves, but are open brooders that attach the eggs on stones, roots,
broad leaves etc.. Males guard the eggs until they hatch. Sexes can be best
distinguished by the shape of the genital papilla, which is narrow and acute
in males and broad and blunt in females. The shape of the head is also a
good indication, for males develope a typical humpy head.
The water for Trout gudgeons can be soft or hard, the pH should be around 7,
temperature between 22 and 28°C. Maximum length is given with 17 cm in
literature, but most specimens stay much smaller and usually they reach only
10 cm. The species is sexually ripe at a length of around 6 cm.
For our customers: the fish has code 436402 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale market.
Mogurnda: after a local name given by indigenous people.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Geophagus brasiliensis, G. iporangensis, G. itapicuruensis & Co.
The Brazilian Pearl cichlids are among the most beautiful species of
cichlids at all. As they occur far south of the equator they have no
problems with low temperatures: 10°C and even less are absolutely normal for
these species. This is the reason why they were among the first ornamental
exotic fish species which were kept and bred in our ancestors' unheated
tanks before 1900.
>From a scientific point of view these in the wild extremely abundant fishes
are a thorn in the side of any taxonomist. It is almost impossible to apply
a correct name on one of the numerous populations, as it is currently
impossible to distinguish between varieties, ecotypes, morphs or species.
There are seven described species, four of them are regarded as valid in the
Checklist of the freshwater fishes of South and Central America: G.
brasiliensis, G. iporangensis, G. itapicuruensis, and G. obscurus.
Naturally, no one knows how many undescribed species exist, but in the hobby
at least seven more species are known already.
The situation is even worse, because every now and then misidentifications
appear which include species of the closely related genus Gymnogeophagus. In
fact, juveniles of both genera are impossible to tell apart (at least living
specimens). Adults of Gymnogeophagus always have a pointed caudal fin,
whereas adults of the Geophagus brasiliensis group always have a rounded
caudal fin.
Brazilian Pearl cichlids are gorgeous fishes which grow bigger than 20 cm.
They are fertile much earlier, usually at a length of around 8 cm. Males and
females cannot be distinguished by external features for sure, although
males always grow faster and bigger than females. Moreover males have more
pointed dorsal and anal fins.
Geophagus brasiliensis & Co. are carnivorous fishes, which love live and
frozen food, although even flakes are readily taken. The tank should be as
big as possible. A heater is not necessary, from spring until autumn the
fish can also be kept in garden ponds. They even breed in garden ponds. Such
garden-bred animals are usually extemely colourful They cannot survive
winter in outdoor tanks or garden ponds, so it is necessary to bring them
indoors in time.
For our customers: currently (October 2009) we have four species in stock:
678802, G. iporangensis, German bred; 676504, G. cf. brasiliensis, wild
collected specimens of unknown origin, which maybe represent the species G.
itapicuruensis due to the unusual vertical lateral spot; 676511, G.
brasiliensis, European bred, aquarium strain of unknown origin; 676532, G.
brasiliensis/iporangensis, German gardenpond bred specimens, wonderful red.
Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Geophagus: from ancient Greek "eartheater". brasiliensis: means "from
Brazil". iporangensis: means "from Iporanga river". itapicuruensis: means
"from Itapicuru river".
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
The latest Aqualog calendar yearbook is now available! More than 750
brilliant coloured photos of import-highlights & new breedings of
aquaristics and terraristics.
LOG-Kalenderjahrbuch-2010.html> >Click Here<
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