[Cyprinodontiformes] Practical Fishkeeping 20-02-2009
viviparos viviparos.com
Sexta-Feira, 20 de Fevereiro de 2009 - 22:53:05 WET
Prezados colegas,
Junto envio a mais uma edição da revista Pratical Fishkeeping, ( a pensar
sobretudo nos que não a recebem por esta via ).
Mais uma vez, chamo a vossa atenção para o facto de que a mensagem acessível
via arquivo na Internet não revela as fotos e imagens, pois foi convertida
pela máquina para formato de texto simples.
Torna-se por esse facto não só menos atraente como algo difícil de
consultar, já que cada componente do formato “ html ” ( até uma simples
imagem ) está representado por uma ligação ao sítio respectivo.
Miguel Andrade
De: Practical Fishkeeping [mailto:ActiveOnline ionmx.com]
Enviada: sexta-feira, 20 de Fevereiro de 2009 11:10
Para: "Miguel Andrade"
Assunto: Planted aquarium special; fair trade fish and the latest new
&U=http%3a%2f%2fwww.wavetrading.co.uk%2fpage%2fpage%2f4613793.htm> 'Wave'
Palario Landed
News <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/07/titlesnews.gif>
ws%3d2005> Read the full story
ws%3d2005> Fish may lose sense of smell if ocean pH drops Nemo is in real
danger of getting lost due to ocean acidification, according to research
published in
ws%3d2005> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ws%3d2001> Read the full story
ws%3d2001> Promiscuous females lead to faster sperm The more promiscuous the
female cichlid, the faster the sperm from males swim, according to research
published in a
ws%3d2001> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ws%3d2012> Read the full story
ws%3d2012> Overseas investors to fund Indian fish export hub Overseas
investors are to fund a project designed to boost exports of ornamental fish
species from Chennai, India
ws%3d2012> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ws%3d2013> Read the full story
ws%3d2013> Blue Planet Aquarium breeds Pinstripe damba The Blue Planet
Aquarium in Cheshire has successfully bred the Pinstripe damba, a Madagascan
cichlid which is extinct in the wild...more
ws%3d2013> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ws%3d2014> Read the full story
ws%3d2014> New plec is a rock-climber The description of a new species of
rock-climbing catfish has led ichthyologists to believe that the common
ancestor of the Loricariidae (plecs) and...more
ws%3d2014> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ws%3d2015> Read the full story
ws%3d2015> Mamiraua Project will supply sustainable aquarium fish to UK
trade A project which aims to provide sustainably managed ornamental fish
from the Amazon basin...more
ws%3d2015> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ws%3d2007> Discus isoenzyme study reveals little Scientists who have studied
molecular genetic markers called isoenzymes in Discus fish have reported
that they've found...more
ws%3d2007> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ws%3d2006> New disease discovered in seadragons Veterinary pathologists have
described a new fish disease found on the weedy and leafy seadragons...more
ws%3d2006> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ws%3d2003> New pike cichlid described from Rio Iguazu basin Argentinian
ichthyologists have described a new species of pike cichlid from the Paraná
River drainage...more
ws%3d2003> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ws%3d2002> Puntius denisonii breeding programme announced Fisheries
scientists from India have announced a programme to breed the threatened
barb Puntius denisonii...more
ws%3d2002> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ws%3d2000> New pike cichlid named Crenicichla mandelburgeri Swedish
ichthyologist Sven Kullander has described a new species of pike cichlid
from the Parana River...more
ws%3d2000> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ws%3d2017> New fish genus named after Heiko Bleher A new genus of freshwater
silverside from the South Pacific has been named after Heiko Bleher...more
ws%3d2017> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
News From The Trade <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/18/news.gif>
&U=http%3a%2f%2fwww.aquarian.co.uk%2fabout-us%2femployment.aspx> Mars
&U=http%3a%2f%2fwww.aquarian.co.uk%2fabout-us%2femployment.aspx> Mars
&U=http%3a%2f%2fwww.aquarian.co.uk%2fabout-us%2femployment.aspx> Mars
Product News <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/18/product.gif>
ws%3d2004> Read more
ws%3d2004> Mars Fishcare to launch new Aquarian range at PATS Mars Fishcare
are to launch a new range of Aquarian fish foods at the Pet and Aquatic
Trade Shows (PATS) later...more
ws%3d2004> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ws%3d2008> Read more
ws%3d2008> New cephalopod book from PFK contributor
Practical Fishkeeping contributor Colin Dunlop has just written a new book
about keeping cephalopods in the aquarium...more
ws%3d2008> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ws%3d2011> Read more
ws%3d2011> PATS announces aquatic exhibitors PATS have announced some of the
aquatic companies exhibiting at their two trade shows at Sandown and
Harrogate later this year
ws%3d2011> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
Blogs <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/07/titlesblog.gif>
ogid%3d244> Read the blog
ogid%3d244> Turtles, rice fish, killies and Blue whales Jeremy Gay reports
back from Sri Lanka, where he's on a field trip to check out the...more
ogid%3d244> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ogid%3d245> Read the blog
Do fishkeepers want 'fair trade fish?
ogid%3d245> 'Are fishkeepers bothered where their fish come from? And would
they pay more for fair...more
ogid%3d245> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ogid%3d247> Read the blog
ogid%3d247> Leopards, turtle eggs, lakes and lionfish Jeremy Gay gives us an
update from Sri Lanka
ogid%3d247> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ogid%3d248> Read the blog
Why do marine fish get HLLE?
ogid%3d248> Matt Clarke reveals some interesting information on Head and
Lateral Line Erosion...more
ogid%3d248> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
php%3farticle_id%3d527> Read the blog
php%3farticle_id%3d527> Microctenopoma fasciolatum Stefan van der Voort on
the African anabantoid Microctenopoma fasciolatum...
php%3farticle_id%3d527> more
ogid%3d250> Read the blog
ogid%3d250> PFK does Sri Lanka in a big way 'We have some truly outstanding
print and web coverage of PFK's recent trip to Sri Lanka coming...more
ogid%3d250> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
Articles <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/16/titlesarticles.gif>
php%3farticle_id%3d730> More
What was great in 2008?
php%3farticle_id%3d730> Jeremy Gay looks at some of the products and
livestock that were big in the shops in 2008
php%3farticle_id%3d731> More
How to keep banjo catfish
php%3farticle_id%3d731> Is it dead? No - if it's a banjo catfish then it's
meant to look like that. Chris Ralph explains...more
php%3farticle_id%3d732> More
php%3farticle_id%3d732> Rundle's fish house maintenance schedule Expert fish
breeder John Rundle gives us an insight into the maintenance...more
Magazine <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/18/mag.gif>
ogid%3d246> More
How to breed Reed fish
Want to breed the Reed fish, Erpetoichthys calabaricus? There's an...more
ogid%3d246> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
ogid%3d249> More
Don't miss our planted tank special
ogid%3d249> Like planted tanks? Then you'll love the March issue of
ogid%3d249> <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/pfkupdate/arrowwhite.gif>
%3fissue_id%3d106> More
%3fissue_id%3d106> What's in the March 2009 issue The March 2009 issue is on
sale from February 18 to March 17 2009...more
Competitions <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/07/titlescomps.gif>
hp%3ftype%3dgiveaway%26c%3d43> Win a CO2 kit from TMC
hp%3ftype%3dgiveaway%26c%3d43> Win a CO2 kit from TMC We have 50 CO2 kits
from TMC up for grabs...more
hp%3ftype%3dcompetition%26c%3d39> Win an AquaFX lighting system
hp%3ftype%3dcompetition%26c%3d39> Win an AquaFX lighting system Win an
AquaFX LED lighting and effects system worth £179.99...more
hp%3ftype%3dcompetition%26c%3d40> Win an eSHa Treatment Pack
hp%3ftype%3dcompetition%26c%3d40> Win an eSHa Treatment Pack We have 10
treatment packs from eSHa to give away...more
Your Tanks <http://www.bauerenews.co.uk/images/10/titlestanks.gif>
php%3fupload%3d2538> View the tank
Neil Clark
php%3fupload%3d2533> View the tank
Andrew Martin
php%3fupload%3d2521> View the tank
Roy Jonathans
php%3fupload%3d2491> View the tank
Andy Li
php%3fupload%3d2471> View the tank
Richard Joicey
php%3fupload%3d2458> View the tank
Clark Lawson
ftrack%3d17> Subscribe To Practical Fishkeeping Today
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