[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter December 16th, 2009
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
Sábado, 19 de Dezembro de 2009 - 18:29:58 WET
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De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: Nenhum
Para: Miguel Andrade
Assunto: Aquarium Glaser Newsletter December 16th, 2009
Microdevario kubotai
This extraordinary beauty is a real dwarf (maximum length around 2.5 cm). It
originates from the southwestern province of Ranong in Thailand (which forms
a border to Burma) and is now available in perfect quality. Initially this
fish has been described in the genus Microrasbora, but has been transferred
together with M. gatesi and M. nana in the new genus Microdevario this year
The peaceful schooling fish is a perfect species for the so-called
nano-aquaria. In the wild, they inhabit brooks and so they need clear, clean
and oxygen-rich water. The temperature should be between 22°C and 26°C.
Water chemestry is of no relevance as long as extremes are avoided.
One should keep in mind that the brilliant green stripe can be seen only
when the light comes from ahead and arrange the illumination of the tank in
an appropriate way.
For our customers: the fish has code 430892 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Microdevario: from ancient Greek, means "tiny devario". Devario is
another genus of barb. Microrasbora: from ancient Greek, means "tiny
Rasbora". Rasbora is another genus of barb. kubotai: dedication name for
Hitochi Kubota, a collector and exporter of ornamental fishes. gatesi:
dedication name for Gordon E. Gates, a zoologist specialized in earthworms,
who worked at the Judson College in Rangoon and helped Albert W. C. T.
Herre, the discoverer and describer of M. gatesi during his visit in
Rangoon. nana: Latin for "dwarfish".
Text & photo: Frank Schäfer
Corydoras sp. aff. armatus 2
Some weeks ago we proudly presented to you this Corydoras species, which we
were able to import for the first time ever
(http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/corydoras-sp-aff-armatus_de_1140.html). Now
the fish haved settled and developed such a nice coloration that we feel you
will enjoy another photo.
Text & photo: Frank Schäfer
Corydoras ambiacus
There are around 1510 described and accepted species of Corydoras and about
as many undescribed species already known in the hobby. Thus it is rather
difficult to keep track of all of them. Additionally many species are pretty
variable regarding coloration. One of those species is Corydoras ambiacus
which imitates at least four other species of Corydoras.
Most likely this variability helps the fish to join a great number of
schools of other Corydoras and so to enjoy the relative safety of swimming
in schools. On the other hand it is unclear how this species manages to find
conspecifics for mating, because coloration is a very important feature for
fish to identify possible sexual partners.
All in all, this phenomenon is totally unexplored and there is a lot to do
for aquarists who like to make some research. Recently we were able to
import from Colombia Corydoras ambiacus, a species which is usually exported
from Peru. Species-specific is the combination of the following patterns:
dorsal fin with a black spot that becomes tiny towards the fin base in
direction of the dorsal spine; this spot melts with the black saddle spot
underneath the dorsal fin, thus forming a transparent triangle in the lower
part of the fin; dark eye-band ends at the upper border of the eye; caudal
fin with distinct bands. These C. ambiacus imitate the following other
Corydoras species: C. agassizii, C. julii/trilineatus, C. melanistius, and
C. reticulatus.
The maximum length of C. ambiacus is around 6.5 cm. It is an extremely
beautiful and peaceful species which fits perfectly in any community tank.
For our customers: the fish have code 221704 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Corydoras: from ancient Greek, means "with helmet and spear". This
refers to the strong armor and fin spines. agassizii: dedication name in
honour for Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz (1807-1873). julii: dedication name,
probably in honour for one of the describer ´s helpers an the field, a guy
named Julio. trilineatus: Latin, means "with three lines". melanistius: from
ancient Greek, means "with a black sail"; refers to the dorsal fin
coloration. reticulatus: Latin, means "netted", refers to the pattern of the
body. ambiacus: means "originating from the Ambiyacu river".
Centromochlus altae (= Tatia altae)
We received currently this cute species from Peru. This driftwood catfish
becomes only 4-5 cm long and was has been placed in the genus Tatia for a
long time. It remains still unclear whether it represents a distinct species
or just a variety of Centromochlus (formerly Tatia) perugiae.
This driftwood catfish has an internal fertailization. Inseminated females
can spawn without males and lay fertailized eggs what they do in caves.
Males and females can be easily distinguished by the totally different shape
of the anal fin.
Centromochlus are absolutely peaceful fishes, but strictly night active and
hidden during daytime. So one will hardly ever see them in a regular tank.
It is best to keep them in a small one-species tank in which also breeding
may appear.
Centromochlus: from ancient Greek "with lever arm", referring to the
pectoral spines which can be a locked by a special mechanism. Tatia:
dedicated to Charles Tate Regan, who was ichthyologist at the British
Museum. altae: etymology not known (alta, Latin, means "high"). perugiae:
dedication name for A. Perugia, who was ichthyologist at the Trieste
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
The latest Aqualog calendar yearbook is now available! More than 750
brilliant coloured photos of import-highlights & new breedings of
aquaristics and terraristics.
LOG-Kalenderjahrbuch-2010.html> >Click Here<
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