[Cyprinodontiformes] Goodeid Working Group
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
Domingo, 13 de Dezembro de 2009 - 01:43:31 WET
Caros colegas,
O recentemente criado Projecto Internacional de Protecção dos Goodeiídeos (
ou Goodeid Working Group ), do qual até certa altura vos dei conta nesta
lista ( nomeadamente através da divulgação do diálogo mantido na fase
inicial de organização e dinamização do grupo ), entrou já em " velocidade
cruzeiro ", isto é, já possui alguma dinâmica e começam a estabelecer-se as
primeiras metas e objectivos formais, funções... e calendarização de tudo o
que está a ser feito.
Como podem ler na transcrição da mensagem a seguir reproduzida, estamos na
fase em que, nomeadamente, cada um dos países participantes está a fazer uma
estatística das espécies mantidas/criadas no respectivo território.
Uma vez que fiquei responsável por elaborar esse inventário em relação a
Portugal, venho, por este meio, solicitar a vossa colaboração.
Assim sendo, ficaria muito grato se todos quantos mantêm Goodeiídeos me
contactassem, de forma particular e por correio electrónico -
vivíparos(at)vivíparos.com ou cyprinodon(at)clix.pt.
Este é um assunto que ficará apenas ao estrito nível pessoal, sendo o grau e
a quantidade de informação fornecidos sobre os respectivos peixes ajustado,
caso por caso, entre nós e apenas entre nós.
Haverá quem somente queira transmitir a informação apenas sobre algumas das
espécies mantidas; quem queira identificar todas as espécies e até a
respectiva população, mas que não divulgue o número de peixes; havendo mesmo
muitos que, com certeza, estejam disponíveis para fornecerem todos os dados
que forem solicitados.
Essa parte ficará ao vosso critério e sobre ela não faço qualquer intenção
de vos influenciar ou cobrar o nível da vossa colaboração.
Conto convosco !
Um abraço
De: Goodeids.com em nome de Michael Koeck
Enviada: sábado, 21 de Novembro de 2009 14:59
Para: Goodeids.com
Assunto: [goodeids] continuing...
Hi friends!
After my holiday, my sickness and a lot of work thereafter, I am back in
space. I will try to sum up a little bit, give you some results, ideas and
concrete plans for the near and far future as well as thank you for your
support and ask you for some help and replies.
First of all, it was quite good for me to have a little break after a 6
weeks intensive discussion, a lot of ideas and sometimes too much ideas and
dreams from my side.
We managed to revive this working group in September, discuss a lot in
October with building up contact to some new people, not only in Europe, but
also in Japan and the States. This was necessary to export our idea.
We specified our goals for the Goodeid Working Group, an international
Working group uniting Privates, Zoos, Livebearing Groups, Veterinarians and
Zoologists, interested in Goodeids, for the start:
a) create a database with basic information (sexes, strains, tanksize, aso)
b) start and run regional groups with goals shown below
c) (quite sure) forget taxonomical groups to make the group working simpler
and more efficient
d) breed, distribute and save strains of Goodeids within the hobby
e) use the ressources of a working website for our own project (Poecilia
Scandinavia assured us support)
f) inform all livebaring groups about our idea
g) collect all literature possible
h) identify "our" strains and use the french voucher system when fish are
given to the next breeder
i) information transfer within all members
My dreams for the future, when the group is working well
a) make an own international website
b) main goal: help strains and species to survive in the wild (support
conservation projects)
c) increase knowledge by using university contact to find questions and
d) help the universities with questions and "material "(I really hate this
We managed to find some people to organize and run regional groups with
several goals:
a) bring people with Goodeid interests together within the respective
b) organize a least 1 meeting per year for the members
c) distribute surplus within the members, look for fish searched by several
members, also.
d) collect data from members without computer and forward them to a central
e) distribute pointedly species/strains within the members to save this
species/strains from dying out.
f) create awareness within the fish-breeders in the respective countries,
proposed way by Günther Schleussner
The 7 regional groups till today are:
France, Portugal, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Denmark and Austria
Alain gave us a timetable for our group to start our work. Here it is (I
simply copied his words)
I think it could be a good period within now and January to make a breeders
census : every responsible of a country could send information to the
national and local groups, even to the press, to inform them about our
action and ask for participants to make a register of all this people.
Our goals ?
1) Make a census of the captive Goodeids populations in our tanks.
2) Dynamise the strains management and exchanges at a national and
international level.
3) Favorise information transfer between Goodeids keepers.
4) Organise every year a specific international meeting about this fishes.
For the moment registered participants should only be willing to register
their fishes in our data base, actualise it twice a year, and be voluntary
to participate in a durable maintenance of one or more Goodeid strain...
The first round : November to January = participant registration.
Second round : February to March = strains information, species, location,
collector, donator, others breeders know, number of fishes.
Third round : September 2010 = actualisation of the number of fishes and
collect of maintenance information, tank size, water quality...
My activities for the near future:
I will try to make a paper coming week to send to all live bearing groups to
inform them about our project. Before I send it, I will give you all the
possibility to read it and change/add/delete parts.
I will try to find and recruit more people to run regional groups,
especially Spain, Benelux, Germany, UK, Rest of Scandinavia, Switzerland,
Czechia, Slovakia and Poland, USA, Mexico and Japan within the next weeks.
Activate the "Austrian Goodeid Working Group" by the ways Alain proposed.
and of course breed more fish...
Please let me know, if I have forgotten something our have written down in a
way, it could be misunderstood, and of course, give me ideas and replies.
Thank you all for your ideas, your work and your time. Like Thue said, each
one of us is busy and it is not easy at all to spend a lot of time now, when
we are building up the basic structure. The more it is notable, how the
things are going on. Again, I thank you all for this.
I wish you all a very beautiful and relaxing weekend, stay healthy and keep
your fish well. I wish you a lot of fry (smile).
Greetings from Vienna, Mike
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