[Cyprinodontiformes] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter December 4th, 2009
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
cyprinodontiformes viviparos.com
Sábado, 5 de Dezembro de 2009 - 23:45:11 WET
Prezados colegas,
A Glaser apresenta mais uma oferta de uma variedade " selvagem " de Guppy.
Tal como está expresso no texto, ao fim de pouco tempo em cativeiro, a
variabilidade das populações originais desaparece, como se pode constatar
neste exemplo.
Na minha opinião pessoal, não deixa de ser um peixe bonito.
Perdoem-me os aficionados das variedades domésticas... mas, embora este não
seja de todo o melhor exemplo, não há nada mais bonito do que o fruito da
seleccção natural.
Um abraço
De: Aquarium Glaser GmbH [mailto:info aquariumglaser.de]
Enviada: Nenhum
Para: Miguel Andrade
Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Aquarium Glaser Newsletter December 4th, 2009
Brienomyrus niger
There are about 200 species of Mormyridae (Elephantfishes) in Africa. Some
of them belong to the most important freshwater fish species of the
continent, due to their abundance and good taste. In the aquarium hobby, on
the other hand, mormyrids are only rarely seen. All mormyrids belong to the
weakly electrical fishes and communicate on the basis of electric impulses.
Many species cannot be distinguished from each other by external features,
but only by their "language".
One of the species that can be recognized quite easily is Brienomyrus niger,
which we have imported once more from Nigeria. The species becomes about 15
cm long. It shows all the fascinating features that make mormyrids so unique
in the world of fishes, like the mentioned "electrical language", their
strong play instinct and their - compared with other fishes - high grade of
intelligence. Like parrots, mormyrids have a strong developed cerebellum.
Sadly these fish are quite quarrelsome when kept in aquaria. So the tank
should contain lots of hiding places and must be spacyious. PVC-tubes are
ideal for furnishing, for they can be used not only as hiding places, but
are also a perfect protection against "electro-smog" from the neighbour. The
fish are fed best with bloodworm (live and frozen) and Tubifex.
Brienomyrus niger are undemanding regarding water parameters. They belong to
the few species of mormyrids that have an accessory respiration organ, eg
they can also use also atmospheric air for breathing. The sexes are not easy
to tell apart. The females have a deeper body than the males. Other external
sexual differences are unknown for this species.
For our customers: the fish have code 103604 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Brienomyrus: after the Belgian Paul Brien and Mormyrus, another
genus of mormyrids. niger: Latin for "black".
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Panaque sp. L90a Ojo Chico
L90 is a very variably colored species. This year we received very nice
animals which have the bright halfmoon in the caudal fin orange red instead
of white. The Spanish name (ojo = eye, chico = boy) does not emphasize on
the coloration, but on the small eye which distinguishes L90 from other
members of the genus in Peru.
The beautiful colour of the caudal fin is also present in adults. Like all
L90 this species grows to a length of at least 30 cm. This gives the length
of the body only, as it makes little sense to give a total length for
species with such long caudal fin filaments as in L90.
These Panque feed mainly on wood. So the tank should be furnished with lots
of relatively soft wood and a strong filter, for wood is very poor in
nutrients. So the fish have to eat very much and this produces also lots of
For our customers: the fish have code 26480-L 090A-1 on our stocklist.
Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Panaque: after the common name for P. nigrolineatus in Venezuela.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Carassius auratus Ranchu Black
In contrast to Asia in Europe only very few breeders worked consequently on
the development of cultivated varieties of ornamental fish in the last
decades. There was only little interest in the hobbyists for those fishes.
Then the koi (a cultivated variety of the carp) became very popular and
afterwards more and more rather expensive cultivated varieties of the
Siamese Fighting Fish became trendy. Now also some of the more expensive
(due to the difficulties to breed them) varieties of the goldfish come into
the market.
The Black Ranchu, we currently have in stock, belong to this category. They
are powerful fish which symbolize very much for the privy watcher. The
short, compact body implies strong muscles, whereas the hood reminds one to
the helmet of a Samurai. An important sign of quality of a Ranchu is the
shape of the back which should be equally rounded as can be seen on the
animal on the photo. By the way: this is a male in breeding condition, which
is shown by the white "breeding pimples" in the first ray of the pectoral
Ranchu have been bred in Japan already around 300 years ago. In that country
they belong until today to the most wanted varieties of goldfish. Every year
many exhibitions and competitions for Ranchu are organized. The criteria for
judging them are the same that are used for the evaluation of Sumo
For our customers: the fish have code 818031 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply to the wholesale market.
Lexicon: Carassius: Latin form of an ancient Greek fish name. auratus: Latin
for "gilded".
Text & photo: Frank Schäfer
Poecilia reticulata "Jamaica"
The guppy is one of the most important ornamental fishes. Besides the
numerous cultivated varieties the wild forms become more and more popular in
the hobby. We offer several of these wild forms, one of the most beautiful
is the so-called Jamaica-variety.
However, the fish are bred for us by professional breeders in Europe. In
nature even these wild forms are very variable. When bred in captivity they
become quickly quite uniform regarding coloration and figure. We mention
this here to prevent the wrong idea that all guppys that live on Jamaica
look like our fish.
The Jamaica guppy is a very tiny variety, males hardly become 3 cm long. It
is real fun to watch these motley and lively fishes in the aquarium. They
are completely undemanding and can be recommended even for totally
unexperienced beginners.
For our customers: the guppy Jamaica has code 419032 on our stocklist.
Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale market.
Lexikon: Poecilia: from ancient Greek, means "the colorful". reticulata:
Latin, means "netted", referring to the dark borders of the scales in female
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
The latest Aqualog calendar yearbook is now available! More than 750
brilliant coloured photos of import-highlights & new breedings of
aquaristics and terraristics.
LOG-Kalenderjahrbuch-2010.html> >Click Here<
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