[viviparos_portugal] Rate Me Please
Miguel Figueiredo
fig.miguel UH0r9q5HCSo49izG--cga-XO77h7pVFfualskFJMPq9WnOnGaQnYLDuw3Lxr3bAPE86NkWk5JCKOWdCO7Q.yahoo.invalid
Segunda-Feira, 3 de Novembro de 2008 - 23:18:31 WET
Hum... acho que isto é uma vivipara já um bocado selecionada... :)
On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 6:19 PM, Guenna <guenna2676 rzlP7DET9LGpM9BHbR1LAGoY07KQPzb5QzfEO-vYMqDDfkUnMcgJYkc1xvnFuk3PPYKdcIZvuJdTu8fnYhLxbd4.yahoo.invalid> wrote:
> Hey y'all, my friend rated me a 7.5 out of 10 based on looks, I think I
> can do better. So I am hoping that I can get some people in the group to
> give me a rating so I can prove her wrong.
> Here are some pics of me <http://webshowhost.info/jane/jane.html> So hit
> me up on my webcam and let me know what you think.
> <http://webshowhost.info/jane/jane.html>
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