ARLA/CLUSTER: O Cruzado do Morse

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quinta-Feira, 15 de Setembro de 2011 - 14:32:23 WEST

The Morse Crusade

I started the Morse Crusade after years of frustration, warning people about the pitfalls in learning slow morse, only for it to fall on deaf ears.

The Crusade has now started with the aim to educate people about Morse and modern learning practices, bringing about changes to enhance the Morse experience.

There are two parts to the Morse Crusade with the first part being the most difficult. We have to convince people that some of the old ways of teaching Morse needs to be looked at and practices which have been proved to be detrimental to the student should be dropped and to start teaching Morse in a way that will enhance the learning of the student, making it less frustrating for them to increase their Morse speeds.

You can find the Morse Crusade at<>

Ian Fulton, G4XFC

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