ARLA/CLUSTER: DX Code of Conduct Update

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 3 de Outubro de 2011 - 10:00:18 WEST

De: W6SJ
Enviada: segunda-feira, 3 de Outubro de 2011 07:55
Assunto: DX Code of Conduct Update

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DX Code of Conduct Update - October 2011

We have made encouraging progress on almost every front. Over 20,700 hams have visited our site and there is strong representation from hams in countries all around the world. One of our main objectives was to have this be a true international movement. Take a look at the Flag Counter on our main page and click on it to see more statistics.

You may be surprised to see how much support there has been from some countries where the number of supporters is well out of proportion to their population. This is due mostly to small number of hams in those countries who have dedicated themselves to spreading the word about the merits of improving behavior among their compatriots. You can do the same within your country too.

Another feature that shows this also is the rotating globe from Revolver Maps. This shows previous log-ins but will also highlight your QTH when you are at the page. Click on the globe for more detail.

The support of DXpeditions has been very encouraging. Of course, those operators are the major beneficiaries of ethical operating behavior. I have been listening to T32C and 3D2R and the pileups seem quite well-controlled compared with stories I heard about ST0R. That said, I would like someday to understand why, when the DX station asks, "M0?" someone whose call is K4XXX continues to call. There is no way the DX can hear him if he is listening to someone else!

Take a look at<> where we are featured on the main page and on<>   That kind of prominent notice does a great job in telling DXers that the DXpedition thinks the Code is important and that DXers need to adhere to the Code to better their chances for a contact. Almost every DXpedition is showing their support with a logo and a link.

A major thrust for 2011 that you can help with is to get the support of your country's national society. The new page shows societies like RSGB and DARC that are pushing the project in their countries. There are others that are listed, although a few have supported us in the past but I cannot now find a link.

Please take a minute to think about how you can get your country's society to support the project, put the logo up at their website, tell their members about it, perhaps through an article in your society's magazine or newsletter. You can also help by putting the logo on your webpage and on your QSL card the next time you print some. We'd like our logo to be EVERYWHERE so that it will be impossible to miss and so every ham will learn about it.

On behalf of our Committee, I would like to thank you for the hundreds of e-mails I have received expressing the support of the Code project. You can feel good about the worldwide enthusiasm for a project with such high ethical goals. Keep spreading the word.


Randy W6SJ

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