Cyprinodontiformes vivíparos e ovovivíparos Livebearer Cyprinodontiformes PGA > Inventário PGA > Participants stock record |
This section on the maintenance and breeding program prototype, work as an documentation area containing information with reference to speciess held by participants. It is also a kind of meeting point to evaluate donation, exchange, buy and sell operations among members based on stock availability. The section comprehends this fields :
To best understanding of this concept please be so kind and take a look on next figure :
Take notice on the trade column, for instance. Two fields are presented. The left one displays the fish selectable to a potential operation ( by the time of data insertion ). The right one exhibits the kind of action to which the participant is taking into consideration those fishes. The N reference means that no fish in the stock is selectable to any kind of operation. The V/S means that participant is only interested in a money transaction operation ( selling ). PGA does not mean business and preferable operation is donation or exchange, but in a small number of occasions buy and sell can be justified and tolerated. Non-interference policy is still the rule between member’s self relations but by general attitude this is not a commercial entity to promote profit Fish. This kind of business between individual privates without a proper licence is an illegal activity in many countries. In this section the base line of participation is totally free. Members are invited to maintain own existences figures updated on the system, but no one is compelled to declare the stocks and speciess neither the fish’s exact amount. Also sex ratio and precise number of animals of each species and fish’s nominee to any operation type are merely an individual choice. Some or all information can be omitted, but always remember that sincerity pays off the effort. A program like this can only be effective if the largest amount of data is processed with newest and frequent up-to-date information. Like on the fictitious records of this PGA manual, if you compare data from participant’s stock record and the management program or participants list, you’ll see clearly that many members do not declare collections. In the “ real world “ it happens recurrently but this fact does not diminish the importance of PGA global meaning, neither participant’s value can be affected by absence or data personal contributions. Nevertheless, the figures presented may be interpreted only as a fairly accurate idea. In fact between two updates fishes can born and pass away. That’s why your role keeping information always valid is so important to everybody. Sometimes that is an impossible mission because big shoals and dense vegetation turn it impracticable without capture each fish, which is an irrational routine except in some rare absolutely necessary proceedings. |
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