Cyprinodontiformes vivíparos e ovovivíparos Livebearer Cyprinodontiformes PGA > Processo de Gestão PGA > Management Program |
This section is the most operational one. Here are catalogued in detail all the operation recorded with reference to lineage evolution and participants fish swap over. Inserted data will turn possible to know in detail accurate genealogy and original derivation or past contributions to actual genetic inheritance. When these goals are in fact consummated, genetic problems in small populations can be faced and improvements to deal with this can be taken throughout fish transaction, for instance. Complete section is made of the below fields available only to participants :
Effectiveness is only achievable if basic rules are respected and honesty turns out to be the way of participants conduct. Data share is also fundamental. Without operations registry input, movements will never be known and all truthfulness on genetic heredity of a certain ancestry can be lost. To best understanding of this concept please be so kind and take a look on next figure.
Code number is 38020000.28.0-FU0032004 on the subject of 12 fishes donated by PGA participant nº003 to PGA participant nº013 can provide us with the information below :
From now on these fishes descendants will be classified on this process with lineage code A001, ( group A genealogic level 001 ). Any time in the future right through this code we can find all records related with this line. Put it in to practice, that’s easy to understand why successors of the original Skiffia francesae stock are identified by PGA member nº013 at his participant stock record with code 38020000.28.1-A001. They are in fact 38020000.28.0-FU0032004 progeny. Perhaps with a more complex line things will be clear about a longer process. Let’s see now the evolution of a group consisting in 20 “ Blue Neon “Poecilia reticulata that PGA nº013 offered to PGA nº020 in theoretical date of 2008-02-17. The code of this fishes is now 31270012.00.28-A002. We are in presence of the A002 line and we are peruse for last recorded movement we find that was 17 ( ancestry 31270012.00.17-A002 ). A few lines above at movement 17 a new record show that the 8 founders of line 31270012.00.17-A002 were donated from PGA nº025 to PGA nº027 in 2007-06-04, so had original code 31270012.00.11-A002. Again a few lines above and we find movement 11. In 2007-02-09 PGA nº25 had received from PGA nº018 20 fishes with original code 31270012.00.2-A002. This leads us to in a final leap to movement 2 a few lines from top to learn that those 20 fishes are successors of a lot composed by 25 fishes offered by PGA 013 to PGA 018 in 2006-08-20 with original code 31270012.00.0-FX0131997. The start of line A002 is a group of fish inheritors of a stock held by PGA nº013 since 1997. Has the original founders did not came directly from nature the suffix is 0-FX. With this example we reach as far as first introduction in to the system of line A002, along throughout it evolution. Now we are able to recognize if PGA nº028 was acting according to the best plan to avoid genetic consequences of inbreeding. What shell be a good choice for 31270012.00.17-A002 stock regeneration and genetic income ? Thanks to a fine information support anyone in the process can quickly reach the best results. Please note that after receiving the above founder fishes to get stock 31270012.00.28-A002 in 2007-06-04, he gets in 2007-07-05 from PGA nº013 another group of the lineage original stock 31270012.00.0-FX0131997. With this fish fusion within the same line ( A002 ) there is a theoretical reinforcement of genetic variability, taking in consideration that all breeders involved have maintained a good number of breeding fish per stock. This case in point is about a cultivated fish that is very wide spread and is not difficult to get from almost any pet shop, so a real effort to exchange it with other participants located abroad could reveal unnecessary. Inserting in this stock some newcomers from the commerce should be enough to improve genetic value. This recent introductions are catalogued with code 31270012.00.0-FX0272007. Once mixed with 31270012.00.28-A002 the system will codify the offspring of this join as a new movement with a new line, for instance 31270012.00.40-A010. When we are talking about wild populations, like those extinct in nature or threatened endemic species, an effort to manage isolated small populations can represent the ultimate continued existence of that lineage. |
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