Cyprinodontiformes vivíparos e ovovivíparos Livebearer Cyprinodontiformes Biologia > Sistemática Biology > Systematic |
Sistemática Systematic |
Classificação dos Cyprinodontiformes Cyprinodontiformes classification
Reino Kingdom |
Animalia |
Reino Animal ( todos os animais ) Animal Kingdom ( all animals ) |
Filo Phylum |
Chordata |
Cordados Chordates |
Sub-Filo Sub-Phylum |
Vertebrata |
Vertebrados ( todos os animais com esqueleto ) Vertebrates ( all animals with skeleton ) |
Super-Classe Super- Class |
Osteichthyes |
Peixes ósseos Bony fishes |
Classe Class |
Actinopterygii |
Peixes de barbatanas com raios Ray-finned fishes or spiny rayed fishes |
Sub-Classe Sub-Class |
Neopterygii |
Peixes Neopterigianos Neopterygian fishes |
Infra-Classe Infra-Class |
Telostei |
Telósteos Telosts |
Super-Ordem Suoer-Order |
Acanthopterygii |
Ordem Order |
Cyprinodontiformes |
Carpas dentadas Toothcarps |
Viviparous and ovoviviparous species genera ( livebearers )
Ovoliparous species genera ( egg layers )
Super-Família Super-Family |
Família Family |
Sub-Família Sub-Family |
Género Genus |
Anablepidae |
Oxyzygonectinae |
Oxyzygonectes |
Aplocheilidae |
Aplocheilinae |
Adamas |
Aphyosemion |
Aplocheilus |
Epipaltys |
Foerschichthys |
Fundulopanchax |
Nothobranchius |
Pachypanchax |
Pronothobranchius |
Fundulidae |
Adinia |
Fundulus |
Leptolucania |
Lucania |
Profundulidae |
Profundulus |
Rivulidae |
Rivulinae |
Aphyolebias |
Austrofundulus |
Austrolebias |
Campellolebias |
Cynolebias |
Cynopoecilus |
Gnatholebias |
Leptolebias |
Maratecoara |
Megalebias |
Micromoema |
Millerichthys |
Moema |
Nematolebias |
Neofundulus |
Pituna |
Plesiolebias |
Pterolebias |
Rachovia |
Renova |
Rivulus |
Simpsonichthys |
Spectrolebias |
Stenolebias |
Terranatos |
Trigonectes |
Valenciidae |
Valencia |
Cyprinodontoidea |
Cyprinodontidae |
Synodus |
Cubanichthyinae |
Cubanichthys |
Cyprinodontinae |
Aphanius |
Cualac |
Cyprinodon |
Floridichthys |
Jordanella |
Kosswigichthys |
Lebias |
Megupsilon |
Orestias |
Goodeidae |
Empetrichthyinae |
Crenichthys |
Empetrichthys |
Poeciloidea |
Poeciliidae |
Aplocheilichthyinae |
Aplocheilichthys |
Congopanchax |
Cynopanchax |
Hylopanchax |
Hypsopanchax |
Laciris |
Lamprichthys |
Pantanodon |
Plataplochilus |
Procatopus |
Fluviphylacinae |
Fluviphylax |
Tomeurus |