Cyprinodontiformes vivíparos e ovovivíparos Livebearer Cyprinodontiformes Artigos > Ligações ( Espécies ) > Poecilia Articles > Links ( Species ) > Poecilia |
Ligações ( em caso de problemas com alguma das ligações apresentadas, por favor envie uma mensagem com o respectivo alerta ) Links ( if you have any problem to get the articles while using the below links, please send an alert message )
http://www.sulfide-life.info/mtobler/images/pdf/24_Tobler_etal_2008_EnvBiolFish.pdf Environ Biol Fish ( 2008 ) 82:101–108 M. Tobler, R. Riesch, F. J. García de León, I. Schlupp, M. Plath
http://www.redisis.furg.br/edicoes/vol3/art5v3.PDF Revista Didática Sistêmica Volume: 3º Trimestre : Abril - Junho de 2006. Robert Betito
http://www.goodeids.com/docs/POESER_2005_WINGEI.pdf ( in www.goodeids.com ) Contributions to Zoology 74: 97–115. 2005 Fred N. Poeser, Michael Kempkes, Isaac J. H. Isbrücker
http://www.sulfide-life.info/mtobler/images/pdf/29_Tobler_2008_BJLS.pdf Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95, 517–528 Michael Tobler
http://www.pnas.org/content/93/19/10262.full.pdf+html?ck=nck Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 93, pp. 10262-10267, September 1996 Jean-Guy J. Godin and Lee Alan Dugaktin
https://www.d.umn.edu/~jetterso/documents/Endler1980.pdf John A. Endler
http://dpc.uba.uva.nl/ctz/vol70/nr04/art05 Contributions to Zoology, 70 ( 4 ), 2002 Fred N. Poeser
http://www.bio.utexas.edu/courses/bio354l/projects/1998/Angelica_Delgado/Poecilia_formosa.html Student project report - Ichthyology ZOO334C University of Texas at Austin
http://www.eeob.iastate.edu/faculty/BronikoA/annespdfs/Ecology.pdf Ecology, 83(8), 2002, pp. 2194–2204. Anne M. Bronikowski, Mark E. Clark, F. Helen Rodd and David N. Reznick
http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/363/1505/2901.full.pdf+html Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2008) 363, 2901–2909 K. P. Lampert and M. Schartl
http://www.sulfide-life.info/mtobler/images/pdf/33_Tobler&Schlupp_2009_EBF.pdf Environ Biol Fish ( 2009 ) 85:31–32 Michael Tobler & Ingo Schlupp
http://www.sulfide-life.info/mtobler/images/pdf/23_Tobler_etal_2008_JFB.pdf Journal of Fish Biology ( 2008 ) 72, 523–533 Tobler, M., R. Riesch, F. J. Garcia de Léon, I. Schlupp & M. Plath
http://www.clemson.edu/biosci/faculty/ptacek/downloads/wildcaughthybrid.pdf Hidrobiológica 2005, 15 ( 2 Especial ): 131-137 Michele M. Kittell, Megan N. Harvey, Salvador Contreras-Balderas and Margaret B. Ptacek
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